Chapter 111.

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A/N another time jump ahead, sorry if these are annoying but I think it's pointless writing about Piper being sat around Alexandria while the others head to the Savior base. I know a few people may have wanted her to go but like I said I would like to get season 6 out of the way for the sake of my mentality haha. Enjoy.

It has been almost 2 weeks since the group attacked the Saviors and won. Unfortunately I was not allowed to go, thanks to Daryl. I was super pissed, he seemed to think I was made of glass, but I was barely showing and I could still defend myself. He said it was good I didn't go as Maggie and Carol got kidnapped. They all came back safely, but he still thought he did the right thing. At the moment I was laying in bed Daryl was out once again. He was on a run with Denise and Rosita. I holed up in the house thinking. Thinking about Negan. Ever since I heard that name my head has been spinning. Was it the same guy from when I was a kid. Did he really turn into the bad guy that everyone is making him out to be. I just couldn't help but think that I know him. I was pulled from my thoughts by a knock at the door. 

"Come in." I called out sitting up in my bed. Rick entered slowly, smiling at me. 

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, I stood up and shook my head.

"Naa, Daryl's really pissing me off I know he tryna protect me but its making me feel weak and I am not weak." I admitted. "I know I'm pregnant but we had a deal and he's just completely gone against it and I don't know what to do, it's like hes rangled everyone to his side and it's not fair." I sighed and looked up at Rick, who seemed slightly surprised at my admission. 

"He's just looking out for you, outside these walls is no place for a pregnant women-"

"You say that but Maggie got to go out, Glenn was just fine with that." I cut Rick off, frustrated that even he was Sticking up for Daryl. 

"Well that was their decision." Rick retorted, rubbing the back of his head like.

"Right but these decisions are Daryl's its like since the incident at the prison no-one tursts me in this state, I'm staring to wish I wasn't even pregnant."

"Don't say that Piper, its an amazing thing what you and Daryl are doing, especially in this world." Riick piped in, frowning down at me. 

"Right but this world isn't built for settling down, having kids, maybe if everything was normal it would be better." I spoke thinking back to what Daryl said at Hilltop. 

"Right but if everything was normal, you wouldn't have met Daryl" Rick retorted again, making sense this time. I smiled and nodded. 

"I know, he is the best thing that's happened to me." I admitted, still smiling. "And I suppose he is just looking out for me, I just gotta deal with it, just gotta sit around waitin' to get fat." I joked, chuckling. 

"Hey, its worth it." Rick smiled back at me, placng his hand on my shoulder. "Now, how about you rest up, have a day to yourself, just relax and stop worrying about life beyond the walls, this is home and you can be happy." He added, before placing a kiss on my forehead and leaving. Deciding to take Ricks advice, I ran myself a bath. I always found them so relaxing before all this, let's see if it has the same effect now. 

After stripping off my clothes, I slipped into the bath, the warm water enveloped my body, instantly soothing my muscles. Damn I really did need this. Leaning my head back I closed my eyes slipping into a relaxed feeling I hadn't felt in a while. It was at this point I realised I hadn't properly calmed myself in a while and this was a good feeling. After a while I climbed out the bath, changing into one of Daryl's shirts before slippping back into bed. Deciding to use my relaxed state to get some sleep in. My sleep has been terrible so not seemed like a good a time as any to try and catch up. 


"Piper!" A voiced yelled pulling me from my sleep. I shot up, coming face to face with Maggie. "Piper come down, Daryl's back, he had a run in with Negans men, the killed Denise." She explained. 

"What, oh my god." I exclaimed before jmping out of bed and pulling my jeans on tying Daryls shirt up and rushing down the stairs. I followed Maggie towards the gate when Daryl was stood with the rest of the group which despersed as I got closer. Daryl growled in frustration, throwing his crossbow to the floor. 

"Hey, what happened?" I asked, grabbing his shoulders.

"Dwight fucken happened." He snapped. "He came back, killed Denise and shot Eugene, I should've killed him when I had the chances, FUCK!" He yelled. 

"Daryl, hey! Calm down." I snapped, grabbing his face. 

"I shoulda killed him Pipe." He whimpered slightly. 

"Daryl you couldn't have known." I whispered, staring up into his eyes. He rested his head on my shoulder, letting out another whimper. "Let's head, we can have some food and talk." I suggested. He looked up at me and nodded, picking up his crossbow and heading towards the house. I quickly followed, trying to hold back my own tears. Not Denise, she was so important to this community, and they fucking killed her. Anger bubbled up in me but I tried desparately to keep it down. 

After some dinner and a short conversation about how Daryl wanted to find Dwight and kill him, we headed upstairs. I sat on the bed as Daryl paced around, mumbling about knowing where Dwight was and how he could easily track him and kill him. 

"Daryl, calm down and come to bed, you need to relax, we'll figure something out tomorrow." I tried to convince him.

"I can't sleep Pipe, I need to go find him." Daryl said angrily. 

"You can't not right now its dark and unsafe, please come to bed." I pleaded, choking up. I was so worried he was gonna do something stupid. His pacing stopped and he looked down at me before slowly nodding and stripping off his clothes. We both lay down in bed, and I cuddled into his side allowing his arm to slip round me. "Promise me you'll wait for Rick and the others to figure out a plan." I asked. 

"I promise." Daryl spoke quietly as we fell into a slumber. 

A/N I know this is kinda shit but I wanted to focus on Piper in this chapter, and he thoughts on Negan, I also wanted to write some Daryl Piper narrative too. Its kinda a filler chapter but we're only a few chapters away from the good shit!!

RE-WRITING! Guardian Angel. (A Walking Dead/Daryl Dixon Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora