Chapter 93.

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Okayy people, I'm gonna be skipping out quite a bit and I'm gonna be merge episode 15 and 16 of season five together, just cause I wanna get right onto season 6!!

That night I was sat out on the porch with Glenn. He was sat on the steps whilst I was sitting up on the fence ledge with my knees pulled up to my chest. We sat in silence, just thinking. Think about what we witnessed. Thinking about Noah and we were going to tell Tara. Thinking about how much we wanted to kill Nicholas for what he did. Well, at least, I was thinking that. Tara was now at the infirmary, the doc thinks she'll be okay. He also stitched up my wound, which still hurt like a bitch but it's not that deep. My shoulder was also bandaged up to prevent it becoming infected. 

Daryl still wasn't back yet either. It looked like him and Aaron were going to be staying out all night, which sucked for me. All I wanted to do tonight was cuddle up to Daryl and sob to him about my day. His presence would always make me feel better. I just needed to be in his arms right now. 

Rick stepped out of the house, he was just checking on Judith before wanting to talk to Glenn and I about what happened. Telling Deanna about what happened was one of the worst things I've had to do during our time here, although I'm sure Nicholas managed to twist the truth round to make it look like Glenn and I were the bad ones. 

"So tell me, what exactly happened?" Rick asked.

"We saw the grenades." I spoke, glancing up at Rick. 

"I tried to stop him." Glenn added. "Both of us, we tried to tell him to stop shooting but--but he just wouldn't" He explained. 

"I think he panicked, he just panicked." I spoke. "Then Nicholas, he got scared too, he only thought of himself."

"He was gonna run." Glenn piped in. "But we made him stay, we couldn't get Aiden out of there without help." I looked down, holding back more tears. 

"Then we were in the revolving door." I told Rick. "All he had to do was hold the door." I whimpered.  

"But he panicked and he pushed the door, we tried to stop him, tried to fight back but the walkers grabbed Noah, we had to help him, but Nicholas kept pushing." Glenn explained. "Noah, I had him. I had his hand, I tried. We tried." Glenn's voice cracked. 

"We watched him die." I spat out.Rick looked at us, sadness in his eyes. He walked over and placed his hand, carefully on my shoulder. I jumped down off the fence and walked over to Glenn, sitting down next to him on the steps. 

"I almost left him out there. Could have told a story." Glenn pondered, Rick sent him as look. "What, you think I should have?" He asked, slightly shocked. 

"They don't know what they're doing, any of them." Rick began. 

"We'll show them." Glenn argued. 

"I don't know if they can see it. How things really are. I don't know if they can yet." They haven't caught up." Rick continued. 

"But We have to be here, we have to." I stepped in.

"Yeah, we do but their rules, we don't answer to them." Rick tried to retort. 

"We are them, Rick. We are now." Glenn snapped. "Noah, he believed in this place. I'm telling you, we gotta make this work." He finished, sending a look my way. I nodded in agreement, before looking up at Rick. Letting out a sigh, he stood up and walked away from Glenn and I. I looked down again before placing my head on Glenn's shoulder. 

"One day. One day we'll all be together, not worrying about anything. Safe behind our walls. No walkers. No death. Just all of us, sat outside eating dinner together, I'll be with Daryl, with our daughter, you'll be with Maggie and she'll be pregnant." I reminisced. "We'll be good. We'll be a family." Glenn hummed. After another moment of sitting there, I decided to head inside. Lifting my head up, I leant over and kissed Glenn's cheek. 

"Night bro." I whispered before standing up.

"See ya, sis." Glenn muttered as I began to walked back to my house. 


 The next day I spent most of in bed. I wasn't feeling too good, probably because of the pregnancy, or because of what happened yesterday. Daryl still wasn't back, which kinda made me feel worse. Damn hormones making me feel so needy. Rick had stopped by to tell me what he and Carol had found out about Pete. I couldn't believe he was beating Jesse, and I thought he was a good man, guess people surprise you. 

"Oh shit." I whispered to myself before jumping out of bed and rushing over to the bathroom. Throwing myself over the toilet, I threw up this morning's breakfast. Groaning, I sunk into the floor of the bathroom, with my head still hanging over the toilet bowl as I flushed it.

"Piper? You here?" Maggie's voice sounded from the bedroom.

"In here." I called back, groggily.  Her footsteps grew closer,  followed by the sound of her light chuckle.

"How you feeling?" She asked,  leaning against the door frame.

"How do I look like I'm feeling?" I asked her, lifting my head up. "I'm a hormonal mess, Maggie.  I'm pining after Daryl,  every time I think about Noah I wanna cry my heart out. I'm worried about Tara." I blabbered on. "And I'm so scared that Daryl isn't going to walk back through those gates today, after yesterday, after everything we've been through I know it's possible that he might not come back to me." I sobbed,  feeling hot tears run down my cheeks.

"Hey, Piper, don't think like that." Maggie spoke, sitting down in front of me. She pulled me into her embrace as I continued to cry. "Daryl is gonna come back and you know it, this is just the hormones okay? He's gonna be fine." She soothed, running her hands through my hair.

"God, this time round I sure am and emotional wreck." I commented, hugging Maggie back tightly. "Thank you, Maggie." I then whispered, gripping tightly to my cousin.

"It's okay, Pipe,  just payin' you back for all the times you were there for me." Maggie smiled, pulling back and using her thumbs to wipe away the stray tears from my cheeks. "Now, get yourself cleaned up and get dressed, you gotta get out and get some fresh air." Maggie ordered.

"Yes sir." I saluted her. Maggie chuckled before turning and leaving my bathroom. Letting out a sigh, I pulled myself to my feet and walked over to the sink.

After brushing my teeth I got dressed before doing as Maggie said and going for a walk. My walk was actually very soothing and I really got to clear my head. Although my gloomy thoughts still lingered in the back of my mind, I just desperately hoped to see Daryl again soon.

As I was heading back to the house, the sounds of yelling and fighting caught my attention. Without hesitation, I began to rush in the direction of the noise. I found my way to a circled crowd. Pushing my way though, I found Rick knelt in the middle of the gathering, his face covered in blood; waving a gun around like he was a mad man. Rick was in the middle of his rant, still holding up his gun, when Michonne swooped in, sending a blow to the back of Rick's head, knocking him unconscious.  A silence fell over the crowd as Michonne huffed angrily. With the help of Glenn,  she was able to take Rick's lifeless body away as the crowd began to disperse, whispering lowly to each other. 

Great, I thought, this is really going to help our chances of staying here.

Sorryyy!! This is a really shitty chapter, I know! It's kind of a filler, still I hope you enjoyed!!

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