Chapter 31.

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"Dale could-- could get under your skin." Rick started. We were now having a burial service for Dale. I was stood with Daryl, staring down at his grave. He was buried next to my brother. "He sure got under mine, because he wasn't afraid to say exactly what he thought, how he felt. That kind of honesty is rare and brave." Rick praised. "Whenever I'd make a decision, I'd look at Dale. He'd be looking back at me with that look he had. We've all seen it one time or another. I couldn't always read him, but he could read us. He saw people for who they were. He knew things about us--" he paused and looked don. "The truth... Who we really are. In the end, he was talking about losing our humanity. He said this group was broken. The best way to honor him is to unbreak it. Set aside our differences and pull together, stop feeling sorry for ourselves and take control of our lives... Our safety... ...our future." Rick spoke. "We're not broken. We're gonna prove him wrong. From now on... We're gonna do it his way. That is how we honor Dale." He finished, kneeling down and placing his hand on Dale's grave. 

After the ceremony, Daryl, Shane, Andrea and T-Dog went out and looked for the breach in the fence. Once they got back, Hershel came out to talk to Rick. He said it was important. So now we were stood round the blue truck, with Hershel and Maggie. 

"We want you and your group to move into the house." Hershel told us. I looked up at Daryl as he walked over. "Jimmy and Beth are already helping your friends move in."

"It'll be tight, 14 people in one house." Rick commented. 

"Don't worry about that. With the swamp hardening, the creek drying up..."

"With 50 head of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell." Maggie finished for Hershel. 

"She's right. We should've moved you in a while ago." Hershel said. 

"All right, let's move the vehicles near each of the doors facing out toward the road. Just leave it there. We'll build a lookout in the windmill, another in the barn loft. That should give us sightlines both sides of the property." Rick explained. I took Daryl's hand and pulled him towards me. 

"You can stay up in my room." I told him. He nodded and kissed my nose. I smiled up at him. 

"T-Dog, you take the perimeter around the house. Keep track of everyone coming and going." Rick then said. 

"What about standing guard?" Dog asked.

"I need you and Daryl on double duty." Rick told him. 

"I'll stock the basement with food and water, enough that we can all survive there a few days if need be." Hershel explained. 

"I'm gonna go get my stuff." Daryl mumbled. I nodded before letting go of his hand. 

"What about patrols?" I asked Rick. 

"Let's get this area locked down first. After that, Shane'll assign shifts while me and Daryl take Randall offsite and cut him loose." Rick explained. 

"We're back to that now?" Shane asked. 

"It was the right plan first time around. Poor execution." Rick explained. 

"That's a slight understatement." Shane scoffed. 

"You don't agree, but this what's happening. Swallow it-- Move on." Rick ordered. 

"You know that Dale's death and the prisoner-- that's two separate things, right?" Shane asked. "You wanna take Daryl as your wingman, be my guest." He said. 

"Thank you." Rick smirked before walking away. I looked down with a smirk on my face. The group hen pack the last of the stuff onto the trucks before driving them up to the house. Daryl  rode his motorcycle up. He got up and  walked over to me, with his bag over his shoulder. 

"Let me show you to my room Mr Dixon." I told him with a smirk. He smirked down at me and nodded. I took his hand and lead him inside and up to my room. I sat on the bed as he dropped his bag on the floor and looked around.  He then sat down beside me. 

"How are you doin'?" He asked me. I looked down at my hands and sighed. 

"I'm sad, but I guess everybody is." I told him. 

"You--Um, you don't see me any different, for what I did, do you?" He asked. I looked up at him and frowned. 

"Of course not." I told him, taking his head in my hands. "Daryl, Dale was sufferin', you stopped his pain, I, and the rest of the group, respect you highly for what you did." I explained. "I love you for what you did for Dale, and I will never view you any different because of it." Daryl smiled and me before pushing his lips against mine. I kissed back, smiling into it. Daryl grabbed my leg and pulled me over so I was straddling him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he began kissing down my neck and chest. He then placed his lips on mine again, whilst lifting me up and laying me down on the bed. 

"Hey Pipe-Whoa." I pushed Daryl off me and sat up quickly as Rick stood there smirking at us. "Sorry, Maggie told me you two were up here, I should have knocked." He said. 

"No problem Rick." I panted, still slightly out of breath. Rick smirked again and nodded. "What's up?" I asked. 

"Well, actually I want you both to come with me to take Randall out, if we're gonna be takin' him further out we may need more people, just in case of a larger number of walkers." Rick explained. 

"What about Shane?" I asked. 

"Let's just say he's not all for the plan of letting him go, so I need you, you're quick, good with both a gun and knives, and you actually agree with my idea." He said. 

"Okay sure, we'll meet you out on the porch, I just gotta grab my stuff." I told him. 

"Okay." Rick nodded before leaving. I turned to Daryl who had an extremely amused look on his face. I pushed his shoulder and laughed before getting up. I grabbed my leg holster and put my gun in it before sliding my knife in the other one. 

"Let's go." I said to Daryl before we both headed downstairs and out onto the porch where Rick was sat. He stood up and gestured for us to look at the map he had lay out. 

"Take him out to Senoia-- hour there, hour back, give or take. We may lose the light, but we'll be halfway home by then." Rick explained. 

"This little pain in the ass will be a distant memory." Daryl said, sitting down. 

"Good riddance." I added. 

"Carol's putting together some provisions for him, enough to last a few days." Rick told us. Daryl looked back at Shane, who was speeding down the dirt road. "That thing you did last night--" Rick started. 

"Ain't no reason you should do all the heavy lifting." Daryl shrugged. 

"So are you good with all this?" Rick asked. 

"I don't see you and I trading haymakers on the side of the road. Nobody'd win that fight." Daryl explained. He then looked up at Shane who was now walking over to us. "I'm gonna take a piss." Daryl excused before walking away. I patted Rick shoulder before, too, walking away. 


It's been about half an hour since our talk with Rick and Daryl and I were setting up the truck ready to head out. I walked over to him and handed him the crate of food and water that Carol had prepared for Randall. Daryl placed it in the back of the truck, before rummaging through it. 

"Only got so many arrows." T-Dog said, walking over to Daryl and handing a gun to him. 

"Is that Dale's gun?" I asked as Daryl examined it. 

"Yeah." T-Dog said, a sad tone in his voice. 

"Wish I knew where the hell mine is." Daryl snapped, I frowned up at him before Rick walked over. 

"Ready?" He asked us. I nodded and smiled.

"Yeah. I'll get the package." T-Dog said before walking over to the barn. We continued to pack the thing into the truck when T-Dog came rushing back over, a worried look on his face. 

"Randall's gone!" 

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