Chapter 115

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I knelt there. I felt numb. He was gone, forever. I'll never get to see him again. 

My head rushed with all these thoughts as I stared at Glenn's body. I still couldn't believe it. Tears still streamed down my face, and I could hear my whimpers escape my mouth. I heard Negan's laughs and one liners as I zoned in and out of my surroundings. My eyes then fluttered to Rick, who was now glaring up at Negan. 

"I'm gonna kill you." He threatened. Negan kneeled down, holding Lucille in front of him, showing off the blood to Rick. 

"What?" Negan asked. "I didn't quite catch that, you're gonna have to speak up." He mocked

"Not today, not tomorrow, but I'm gonna kill you." Rick repeated. Negan remained silent, staring down at Rick. 

"Jesus." Negan barely mumbled before chuckling. "Simon, do we have a knife?" He then asked, glancing at Simon.

"He had a hatchet." Simon reponded. 

"A hatchet?" Negan asked, smirking again. 

"He had an axe." Simon corrected himself.

"Simon is my right hand man, having one of those is important." Negan told Rick. ""I mean, what would you have without one? Whole lot of work." Negan answered his own question. "Do you have one? Maybe one of these fine people still breathing?" Negan asked, Rick glanced around. "Oh, or did i..?" Negan then mocked killing one of our friends as if this was all a big joke. Rick stayed silenyt, only glaring up at Negan. "Sure, Yeah." Negan spoke with a sigh. "Give me his axe!" He then demanded, Simon handed the axe over to Negan. He then stood to he feet, tucking the axe in his belt. He then grabbed Rick. "I'll be right back, maybe Rick will be with me, if not? Well we can turn these people inside out." He spoke, throwing Rick onto the RV. "Well, the ones that are left." He joked. Before stepping onto it himself, he turned to me and used his pointer finger to gesture me to follow. I stared, reluctant before a savior nudged my back with his gun. Looking back at the remainder of my friends, I still felt reluctant to leave them.

"Do not make me ask twice." Negans voice made my gaze turn to him and I finally pulled myself to my feet. I slowly trudged over to Negan, sending him a glare as I climbed onto the RV. Negan climbed on behind us, slamming the hatchet into the table. 

"Why is she-"

"Nope!" Negan cut Rick off. "Piper sit!" He then demanded me. I glanced back at Rick who had a confused look on his face, probably wondering how Negan new my name. Negan, who had taken a seat in the drivers side, turned the rearview mirror so he could see Rick and I. "Let's go for a ride." He spoke with a sigh, before trying to turn on the RV engine, it sputtered, causing him to scoff. "Wow, what a piece of shit." He commented, glancing in the rearview mirror at Rick. "I'm gonna kill you." He mocked. "Are you shittin' me? Did you see what just happened, what I just did?" He then asked Rick. "Your best chance is to grab that axe, and drive it into the back of my head." Negan began to provoke. "See how you do, keep acting tough, go ahead." He continued. I glanced back at Rick, shaking my head but he continued to glare at Negan. "Grab the damn axe-" As he spoke, Rick jumped to his feet grabbing the axe and rushing at Negan, who was quick to stand up, aiming a gun a Rick. I gasped, fearing he was going to kill Rick now. Negan chuckled. "Drop it." His low voice caused Rick to quickly drop the axe, making Negan chuckle before punching Rick in the gut. I cried out a 'no', as Rick wheezed on the floor. Negan picked up the hatchet, and slammed it back into the table in front of me, making both Rick and I jump. "Don't make me get up again." Negan then warned "Well look at that,  dawn is breaking, its a brand new day Rick." Negan sang before sitting back in the drivers seat. "I want you to think about what happened, what could have happened, what can still happen." Negan spoke, glancing in the rearview mirror. He then started up the RV and began driving.

"What-what about Piper?" Rick asked, shakily. 

"She and I need to have a little chat, but that is none of your business." Negan explained, as Rick slid onto the seat across from me.He glanced at me but didn't speak. After a little while of driving, we hit a cloud of smoke, the sound of walkers also grew close as one was hit by the RV, it's head smashing on the window. 

"Whoa, the remind you of anyone?" Negan asked, glancing back at us while laughing. Rick glanced at me, tears in his eyes. The RV came to a hault, and Negan stood up, walking over and sitting down next to Rick, holding the hatchet. "You are mine, the people back there, they are mine, Piper here, well she's more mine than you'd even think." Negan glanced at me as he spoke, smirking. He then held the hatchet up in Rick's face. "This, is mine." Negan then stood up, and opened the RV door, killing a walker who got close. He then threw the hatchet out the door. "Hey Rick, go get my axe." He ordered. I let out a whimper, shaking my head. "Let's be friends." Negan added, ignoring me. Another walker got close, but once again, Negan killed it. When Rick didn't move, Negan got angry, holding Lucille up to Rick. "Get my axe!" He snapped, Rick looked up at me, before standing and heading to the door, only to have Negan push him out. 

"Rick!" I cried, as Negan slammed the door behind him. Negan then turned to me, and I glared up at him. 

"Piper." He spoke, taking a seat beside me, placing Lucille against the table. "Long time no see." He smirked. I continued to glare. "Bet you got a lot of questions." He assumed, but again I was silent. "About my comment earlier -" 

"You're not my dad!" I finally snapped. "My Father was Grady Greene." I explained, my glare still strong. 

"So, where's your mom, she back home?" Negan asked, ignoring me. 

"Dead." I spat, Negan's smirk fell slightly, and a hint of hurt flashed in his eyes.  I frowned slightly, an odd feeling overcoming me.

"So you aren't even gonna listen to my story?" He asked. 

"You think I'd listen to anything you say after what just happened?" I snapped. "What, did you think I was gonna run into your arms, join you and start calling you dad!" I began to yell, he continued looking at me amused. "You're just some guy, who knew me as a kid, whose tunred into a massive asshole." I continued. "You, and you always will, mean nothing to me." I spat the words at him. 

"You don't wanna believe, that fine, but you will, soon." Negan spoke, confidently. "You'll see, even after what just happened, you'll know." He added. I shook my head. 

"You're just tryna get inside me head, I guarantee, this is all part of this sick plan you've created." I told him. 

"You'll see." He spoke, another coy smirk on his face. 

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