Chapter 89.

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The two of us walked down the dark street hand in hand. We were in no rush to actually get home, I think we were enjoying the time we're sharing. By this point, I was shivering and Daryl had wrapped his arm round me, sharing his body heat. Sighing contently, I leaned into him with a smile. Suddenly, a porch light switched on and the sound of a front door opening stopped us in out tracks. 

"Piper. Daryl, hey." Aaron spoke, stepping out of his house. 

"Thought you were going to that party over there." Daryl asked, frowning. 

"Oh, I was never going to go 'cause of Eric's ankle, thank God." Aaron spoke with a chuckle, making me smile.

"Why the hell did you tell me to go, then?" Daryl snapped slightly, dropping his arm. 

"I said try. You did. It's a thought that counts thing." Aaron shrugged, smiling. 

"All right." Daryl grumbled before he and I went to walk away. 

"Hey, come in. Have some dinner." Aaron called, stopping us. I was all for the idea, Daryl, however, was wary. "Come on, man. It's some pretty serious spaghetti." Aaron smirked before turning and heading into his house. I began to walk up the steps, only to stop and turn back to Daryl, who hadn't moved. 

"Are you comin', or are you gonna stand me up again?" I asked with a smirk. Letting out a sigh, Daryl reluctantly followed me up the steps and into Aaron's house, where we were greeted by Eric, who hobbled over and pulled me into a hug. "Hey Eric, how's the ankle?" I asked, smiling at him as we pulled apart. 

"It's healing, come on, join us at the table." He ordered with a happy smile. The three of us sat down at the wooden table as Aaron served up some spaghetti. He sat down beside me as Eric sat down next to Daryl. 

"Dig in." Aaron ordered. I began to eat slowly, Daryl, however, literally dug in. Slurping and chomping down on the spaghetti. I glanced up at Eric, who was sat by Daryl, and sent a smirk which Eric returned. Once he'd finished his plate, Daryl mumbled a 'thanks' before wiping the his mouth on the sleeve of his jacket. 

"Mmm, when you're out there, if you happen to be in a store or something, Mrs. Neudermyer is really looking for a pasta maker and we're all really trying to get her to shut up about it." Eric began to ramble on, confusing Daryl and I. "I mean, we have crates of dried pasta in here, but she wants to make her own or something. I really think she just wants something to talk about, so... if you see one out on your travels, it would go a long way to..." Eric trailer as he noticed Daryl's frown. "I thought it was done. You didn't ask him already?" He turned to Aaron, who shook his head. 

 "Ask me what?" Daryl asked, looking over at Aaron. 

"Come with me." Aaron spoke to Daryl, standing up from his seat. Daryl slowly stood up, glancing down at me. "Piper can come too." Aaron added. Smiling, I stood up and followed after Aaron and Daryl. Aaron lead us to a garage, he allowed Daryl and I to step in first before following us. 

"When I got the place, there was that frame and some parts and equipment. Whoever lived here built them." Aaron explained, as Daryl looked round at all the motorcycle parts. 

"It's a lot of parts for one bike." Daryl grumbled, glancing up at me. 

"Whenever I came across any parts out there, I brought them back. I didn't know what I'd need. I always thought I'd learn how to do it, but I get the feeling you already know what to do with it." Aaron explained, walking over to Daryl, who was stood by the table of parts. "And the thing is, you're going to need a bike." Aaron added, as Daryl began to scope of the motorcycle frame, which was currently under a sheet. 

"Why?" Daryl asked, glancing up at me. 

"I told Deanna not to give you a job because I think I have one for you. I'd like you to be Alexandria's other recruiter. I don't want Eric risking his life anymore." Aaron spoke. 

"You want me risking mine, right?" Daryl asked, smirking slightly. 

"Yeah, because you know what you're doing. You're good out there but you don't belong out there. I know it's hard getting used to people getting used to you and I understand right now you need to be out there sometimes. So do I." Aaron furthered as Daryl looked under that Sheet. "But the main reason why I want you to help me recruit is because you do know the difference between a good person and a bad person." He finished, making Daryl looked up again. He then looked at me and I smiled, nodding slightly. 

"I got nothing else to do. Thanks." Daryl spoke, walking back over to us. Aaron smile and nodded. "I'll get you some rabbits." Aaron chuckled at the remark. 

"Great." He spoke. "I'll leave you two alone or a minute." Aaron added before exiting the garage. I smiled over at Daryl as I slowly walked over to him. 

"So, you got a bike again?" I asked, taking hold over the collar of his jacket. He nodded slowly, placing his hands on my hips. "Maybe you can take me for a ride when you've fixed it up?" I then asked, suggestively. Smirking, Daryl nodded before dipping his head down and capturing my lips with his own. "I'm really starting to like this place." I whispered as we pulled away. 

"Yeah, me too." Daryl whispered back, kissing my lips again. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled Daryl into a hug, burying my face into his neck. His arms wrapped around me and he held me tightly. 

"I think I might be pregnant." I whispered, causing Daryl to pull away and look down at me, shocked. "I'm not certain, but I'm going to infirmary tomorrow morning to see if they have any pregnancy tests." I explained, looking down at my feet. 

"Either way, I'm gonna be here for you Pipe, always." Daryl told me, placing his hands on my cheeks and lifting my head up to look at him. "We'll go through it together." He added. 

"I love you Daryl." I told him with a smile. 

"I love you more, Piper." He retorted, smiling too. 

"Not even possible." I laughed, kissing him once again.

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