Chapter 107.

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Currently, I was headed to the armory where I was to meet Maggie so we could gather together some weapons to take with us out on the run. I glanced back at the wall and sighed when I saw Glenn's name scribbled across it, just under Nicholas. Huffing angrily, I stomped towards the amory, quickly passing Olivia as I headed inside. I grabbed a mag and began loading it with bullets. Suddenly, Maggie entered, looking startled when she saw me. 

"You sure you wanna do this?" She asked, doing the same thing I was doing. 

"Yep, I do." I spoke, smiling up at her. "We gotta bring them back, and even though I'm further along than you, I can still fight." I told her, looking down at my stomach. 

"And we'll have each other, so we'll be able to protect each other." Maggie smiled back. "I made the lights so that we can distract the walkers later." She added. I smiled and nodded before continuing to load my gun. 

 "You two are going out?" Aaron's voice sounded. I sighed and glanced back at him. "The flashlights, the rebar, the rope. You lower them off the wall a good distance apart, maybe spin them. That way, the walkers are drawn to each one and you open up a path." Aaron spoke, practically reciting our plan. Maggie glanced at me with a knowing look but we continued to prep ourselves. "Now you're gearing up. Just waiting for dark, right?" He asked. I sighed and began packing my backpack. "What happens when one of you twist an ankle jumping down? Hmm? Or you just get slowed down by one of them and then you have to deal with all of them?" Aaron quizzed. I noticed Maggie hesitate a few times. "I can't let you do this."He sighed, glancing at the two of us. 

"You can't stop us." I stated. 

"I'm going to help you and I know a safer way out." He retorted before beginning to pack a bag himself. I glanced up at Maggie and she nodded. 

"Let's go." Aaron spoke after filling his bag with guns and ammunition. 

"Now?" Maggie asked. 

"Yeah, my way out doesn't need to be at night." Aaron smiled. Maggie and I followed Aaron out of the amory and back outside. He lead us near a wall. 

"I thought you said we weren't going over." Maggie asked as Aaron stopped in front of a hatch. 

"We're not. We're going under." He told us, kneeling down. "This leads to a sewer that was part of the old neighborhood that was here before they built this up. It'll take us under the wall and hopefully past the walkers." Aaron explained, grunting as he pulled the hatch open.

"Thanks... but we're going on my own from here." I told him. 


"No." Maggie stepped in.

"Please." Aaron pleaded. "I can't-- I can't watch more names go up on that wall." He explained, looking down sadly. With a sigh, I looked up at Maggie. She nodded before beginning to climb down the ladder. I followed before Aaron. Once we reached the bottom, we began to make our way through the tunnel. Maggie and Aaron walked ahead whilst I held up the reer. 

"If he's alive--"

"If?" I questioned with a frown. 

"He told Michonne he would've found some way to signal us if he got out." Maggie explained, glancing back at me. "If he's alive or he's hurt or trapped, maybe taken. If he's alive, he needs my help--"

"Our." I countered. 

"--Our help, that's why we're doing this." Maggie finished. "And if he's dead, I don't want to be waiting on him." She spoke, making me glare at her then shake my head. "None of this is your fault. You don't need to do this." Maggie added, turning to Aaron. 

"People are dead. I was a part of that and I have to live with that." Aaron retorted before walking ahead. Maggie glanced at me before following. "I haven't been down here since the beginning." Aaron spoke, stopping in front of a rusted ladder. "This ladder must've fallen a long time ago." 

"Let's try and get it out of here." Maggie suggested, Aaron nodded before grabbing one side of the ladder, letting Maggie take the other. "On three, ready? One, two, three." Their first attempt did nothing so they tried again. "One, two, three." This time the ladder swung back, hitting Aaron in the face. 

"Aaron!" I exclaimed. 

"Ah. I'm okay. The ladder caught me." Aaron spoke, touching the gash on his head. Snarls sounded, as a walker emerged from the murk water. Maggie stepped forward and killed it before it got closer. I knelt down beside Aaron and examined his head. Before I knew it another walker emerged, grabbing my leg. I flipped over a held it back, trying to grab my knife at the same time. It's teeth gnashed at me, coming way to close for comfort. Still struggling, and not getting any help from Maggie who was dealing with another walker, I began to panic. My mind went to Daryl, then the baby and with a determined growl and grabbed my knife and plunged it into the walkers skull. As I pushed the walker off me, Aaron killed the one that was trying to get at Maggie.

"You okay?" He asked Maggie. 

"Yeah. Thank you." She panted. 

"Aaron... your head. This could need stitches." I spoke, holding a gauze to his head. 

"Aaron, just go back." Maggie ordered. 

"No. " He denied. 

"Yes." Maggie retorted. 

"I was just there for you." 

"I could have done it." 

"Just lead the way. Please?" Aaron ordered. 

"Wait." I called. Maggie frowned at me. "I can't do this." I spoke. "I can't go out there, just now, I thought I was gonna die and my mind instantly went to the baby." I explained. "My last pregnancy went bad because of my stupid mistakes, I can't risk another, I can't do that to Daryl." I sighed. 

"But he's out there too." Maggie spoke. 

"If he's alive, he'll come back to me, if he's not I'll know." I told her, choking up. "And even though I want him to walk through those gates more than I wanna live, I can't risk the one part of him I'll have left if he doesn't." I explained. "I'm sorry Maggie, but I gotta put the baby first, I know Glenn will understand that, and so will Daryl." With that, I turned and walked away, heading back up to Alexandria. 

RE-WRITING! Guardian Angel. (A Walking Dead/Daryl Dixon Fan Fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum