Chapter 28.

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Pipers Point of View.

A day had passed by since Rick had brought back Randall and it has been decided that Rick and Shane were going to take him out onto the road and leave him out there with a couple of supplies to keep him alive for a while. Daryl and I still hadn't spoken since yesterday, after our...fight. Right now I was sitting in the RV with Dale. Shane and Rick had already left, Daryl was God knows where and Maggie was off somewhere with Glenn, I think. The good thing was that Beth was awake, the bad thing is that she is really depressed. She was so devastated with what had happened. Glenn also knows what I tried to do. He was pretty upset, he actually cried, telling me what he would do if he lost me. He called me his sister and I told me that he'd always be my big brother if I ever needed a shoulder to cry on. I sighed and continued trying to read the book that Dale had given me.

"There you are." Lori's voice sounded. I looked up to see her standing in the doorway of the RV.

"What's up?" I asked with a smile. Next to Glenn, Lori's another one of the closest people to me. She's like a big sister, she's always there for me.

"Well, I was gonna make some lunch for Beth, Maggie's cooking up the chicken, do you wanna help?" She asked. I closed the book and placed it down on the table.

"Yeah, sure, I could do with having somethin' to do, I think if I stay in here any longer, I'm gonna die of boredom." I joked, standing up and heading over to Lori. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and we headed over to the house. We entered the kitchen as Maggie took the chicken out of the oven.

"Hey Pipe." She smiled, placing the chicken down and walking over to me. I pulled her into a hug and smiled back.

"Here, I'll cut up the chicken, you two do the salad." Lori told us. I nodded before grabbing the cucumber and beginning to cut it up while Maggie started on the tomatoes.

"Rick say anything to you about Glenn when they got back from town?" Maggie asked Lori. I glanced up at her.

"Just that it had gotten pretty bad." Lori replied, looking up.

"He's not the same, says he froze. Blames me. Says I got inside his head." Maggie explained. I frowned slightly.

"He came back-- that's what matters. Men have to do certain things--you know that-- And they're either gonna blame the little woman as the reason they do 'em or the reason they don't. I'll tell you somethin'-- what happens out there happens out there. And we-- we're just trying to keep it together till they get back." Lori told her.

"Things were good. Maybe I--"

"Glenn's a big boy. He makes his own choices, and then you-- do you have anything to apologize for?" Lori asked, taking a bite out of a slice of cucumber. Maggie shook her head and Lori shrugged.

"Tell him to man up and pull himself together. Just don't say "man up." It never goes well." She chuckled causing Maggie and I to laugh.

"Let me just get this to Beth." Maggie said, picking up the tray of food. Lori took it from her.

"You go on." She prompted. Maggie smiled and nodded before leaving the kitchen.

"I can take that up." I told Lori.

"No, It's okay honey." She smiled. I nodded as she left the room. I sighed and leaned back on the counter. Great. Nothing to do again. I sighed and got up, deciding to go up and see Daryl. I walked along the dirt path up to him, he was sat outside his tent, cleaning off his arrows. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. He glanced up at me before continuing to with what he was doing. I lifted my hand and pushed some on his hair back before kissing his cheek and leaning my head on his shoulder. I felt him press his lips on the top of my head. I smiled before looking up at him, now resting my chin on his shoulder.

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