Chapter 41.

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Piper's Point of View.

 We rushed through the corridors, trying to get back to the cell block. T was getting weaker with each step. I was forcing my tears back, not wanting to breakdown. T-dog sped ahead, clutching his wounded shoulders. 

"There's a set of double doors that will lead to a corridor that will lead you back to your cell block!" T explained, panting. 

"No, you should stop!" Carol protested. 

"I'm getting you there!" T argued. 

"No T, you should stop!" I told him. 

"Why? Sit here, and wait to die?" He asked. 

"I'll do what I have to, you're not becoming one of those things!" Carol told him. 

"I can't ask that!" T denied. 

"It's the pact, remember?" Carol said. 

"This is God's plan... He'll take care of me, always has. He's gonna help me lead you out of these tunnels." T told her before continuing through the corridor. We walked for another couple of minutes, before Carol and I began to support T as we ran, holding him up as we weaved through the corridors. The light began to flicker on and off as we rounded another corner. 

"We're almost there." T-Dog groaned. Suddenly, groans sounded from in front of us. Carol tried to shoot, but she'd ran out of bullet, I then tried to shoot but I was out too. We began to back up, but T wouldn't move. 

"Go back!" Carol yelled. 

"No! We're close." T yelled before running towards the walkers, pushing them up against the wall. 

"No! No!" I gasped, as the walkers began to bite into him. 

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" T yelled. Carol and I ran past him. Carol opened the door but I stopped, looking back at T, tears in my eyes. "Go, I'm dead!" T yelled, as Carol grabbed my hand and we rushed through the door. We ran down the hallway, trying to make our way back to the cell block. Carol was ahead of me, weaving through the corridors. Suddenly I was cut off by a pack of walkers. Carol stopped and looked back at me as I began to back up. 

"Carol keep going!" I yelled to her. 

"No! What will I tell Daryl?" She called. 

"Tell him, I love him!" I called back as I backed round the corners. I ran back the way we came, killing walkers, in front and behind me, throwing my knives at them. I rounded the corner, coming face to face with a geek which lunged at me. I quickly stabbed it in the head as it's weight knocked me to the floor. My head collided with the ground and my vision went blurry. My eyes slowly drooped shut and everything went black. 


Daryl's Point of View.

  We'd finally reached the generator room, Rick shot one of the walkers behind us before we rushed inside. "Daryl, get the door!" Rick called, as we raced inside. Oscar and I held the door shut as, Rick headed over to the generator. 

"How do you shut these down?" Rick yelled at Oscar. 

"Go help him! I got it!" I snapped at Oscar rushed away, over to Rick. The door became increasingly harder to hold shut, as the walker pushed against it. I pressed all my weight against my hands which were on the door. My feet slid on the floor, as I held the door shut. Suddenly, Rick yells rang through the air. I glanced over my shoulder to see Andrew attacking Rick. The walkers were pushing too hard against the door so I yanked it open, grabbing my crossbow off the floor and shooting the first walker. I then pulled out my knife and stabbed the second walker in the head, as a gunshot sounded. I slammed the door shut and turned to Rick. I saw Oscar aiming a gun at Rick, so I slowly crept over, holding my knife up. Oscar dropped his aim before handing Rick his gun and heading over to the generator. 

"Let's go." Rick ordered before we left the generator room. We walked down the corridor and were joined by Glenn and Axel. There were walkers scattered over the floor, one of which a knife was sticking out of it head. I stop in my tracks, immediately recognizing the knife. I bent down and pulled it from the walkers head. 

"That's Piper's." Glenn stated. I looked up at him and nodded. I looked back down at the knife before standing up. 

"Come on, let's get back." I mumbled. We continued through the corridor, stopping at a corner. We swiftly rounded it, seeing a walker feeding on a body. We walked over, Rick killing the walker, to see T-Dog. I looked away and down at the floor. I then noticed Carol's head scarf on the floor. I picked it up and my worry increased. 

"Come on." Rick said before walked away, heading back outside. 

"Hershel!" Rick yelled as we ran over to them. 

"You didn't find 'em?" Hershel asked. 

"We thought maybe they came back out here." Glenn said, hopefully. Beth shook her head. 

"What about T, Carol?" Hershel asked. 

"They didn't make it." I said. 

"Piper?" Beth asked. I looked down and pulled out Piper's knife, showing it to Beth who let out a sob. 

"That doesn't mean the others didn't. We're going back! Daryl and Glenn, you come with me..." Rick was cut off by the sound of a baby crying. We all turned to see Maggie and Carl entering the courtyard, minus Lori. Maggie was holding a small baby in her arms. She was also crying. Rick slowly shuffled over to Maggie, who's sobs grew louder as he came closer. 

"Where is... where is she?" He asked, before attempting to push past her. 

"No, Rick, don't!" Maggie protested, crying even more. Rick walked over to Carl, who was staring at the ground. Rick began to cry. 

"Oh no.... No! No!" He cried out as he moved away from Carl. He fell to the floor, sobbing loudly. I looked down, feeling sorry for him. "No..." He cried out again.

Short, I know, but I still hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please vote and Comment!!! Loves Ya!!!

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