Chapter 25.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Daryl's Point of View.

I was sat on a pile of bricks next to my tent, sharpening a stick I'd found on the floor. I hadn't seen Piper in hours, I figured she was in the house. I think she needs some time on her own. In all honesty, I think I needed some time on my own. Finding out that the little girl was in the barn, as a walker, this whole time has kinda put me down. I wanted to find that little girl so badly. I worked so hard, finding her trail, finding her doll. But it was all for nothin'.

"Moving to the suburbs?" Lori's voice sounded. I looked up at her before back down at my stick. "Listen, Beth's in some kind of catatonic shock, we need Hershel." She explained.

"Yeah. So what?" I grumbled.

"So I need you to run into town real quick and bring him and Rick back." She said, crouching down beside me. I rolled my eyes and continued to sharpen the stick. "Daryl?" She urged. I looked up at her again.

"Your bitch went window-shopping. You want him? Go fetch him yourself." I snapped. "I got better things to do."

"What's the matter with you? Why would you be so selfish?" She snapped back. I stood up and glared at her.

"Selfish? Listen to me, Olive Oyl. I was out there looking for that little girl every single day. I took a bullet and an arrow in the process. Don't you tell me about me getting my hands dirty!" I yelled angrily. "You want those two idiots? Have a nice ride, I'm done looking for people." I told her, sitting back down. She sighed and walked away.


Maggie's Point of view.

"Have you told Piper about Beth?" Andrea asked me as I sat on the bed with Beth. I shook my head and looked up at her. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen her since the ceremony." She commented. I looked up at Andrea with a frown.

"Stay with her." I told her before rushing out of the room. I headed up to Pipe's room to find it empty. I headed over to the window and pulled it open before sticking my head out of it. She wasn't sat on the roof either. I rushed out of her room and headed downstairs, I looked through the house before hurrying outside. I went over to the graves but she wasn't there. Panic began to set over as I continued to look round. I rushed over to the RV where I found Lori.

"Have you seen Piper?" I asked her.

"No, sorry, have you checked up with Daryl, he's up on the edge of the farm, he moved up there a few hours ago." Lori told me. I nodded before leaving the RV and running up to Daryl.

"Daryl!" I called. He climbed out of his tent and glared at me.

"What do you want?" He snapped.

"Piper's missing." I said.

Daryl's Point of View.

"Piper's missing." As soon as the words left Maggie's lips, my heart dropped.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"Well, Andrea hasn't seen her since the ceremony, so I checked in her room and she wasn't there, then I thought she was in the RV but she wasn't so Lori told me to check with you." Maggie explained.

"Well she ain't with me, I haven't seen her since she ran off, at the ceremony, I thought she went into the house." I told her. Maggie shook her head. I then realized something. I rushed back inside my tent and looked through our stuff. It wasn't there. "Shit." I cursed.

"What's wrong?" Maggie called. I grabbed my crossbow and exited the tent.

"Her gun's not in there." I told her. She let out a cry and covered her mouth. As if on cue, a line of gunshots echoed through the air. Without saying another word I rushed off into the direction of the shots, trying desperately to find a trail.


Piper's Point of View.

I sat there, in the middle of the forest, tears streaming down my face and my, now empty, gun in my hand. I looked over at the pile of dead walkers. Then at the two bullet holes in the tree. But I wanted to do it. I wanted to kill myself. I just wanted it all to end. Wanted it all to go away. I felt like I couldn't do this anymore. I let out an angry yell before throwing my gun across the floor. I then pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. I continued to sob, my eyes beginning to sting. I squeezed them shut as another cry left my lips.

"Piper?" A concerned voice sounded. I behind me to see Daryl slowly approaching me. I dropped my legs back down and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand. "You're not very good at covering you tracks." He commented.

"That's because I wanted you to find me." I told him.

"We heard gunshots." He said.

"I took down six walkers." I mumbled, pointing at the pile of corpses.  

"We heard eight shots." He told me. 

"I shot the last two at the tree." I explained, pointing up at the two holes in the tree. 

"Why?" Daryl asked, crouching down beside me.               

"Because otherwise, one would be in my head." I told him. 

"That's what you came out here to do?"  He asked, placing his hand on my cheek and turning my head towards him. Tears filled my eyes and I nodded.

"I told you Daryl, I can't live anymore if I lose anyone so I came out here, but when I got in here I couldn't do it." I explained, Daryl looked down and let go of my face. 

"What changed your mind?" Daryl asked, sitting down beside me.      

"I thought of you, and Glenn, and Maggie, Beth and Hershel." I told him. "I thought of how much it would hurt Glenn, if he found out I was dead, I thought about how Maggie and Beth have already lost so much, I thought about how much I love you and how it would tear you apart if I'd left without saying goodbye. I felt like it would be selfish to kill myself, because I know that I would be hurting so many people." I said as tears filled my eyes.   

"If I'd have found you dead, I would have took that gun and used the last bullet on myself." He explained, I looked over at him. "Because I can't imagine a life worth livin' without you Pipe." He told me. I leant over and crashed my lips on his, he kissed back, placing his hand on my leg. I pulled back as he placed his hand on my cheek, wiping away a tear with his thumb. 

"How is everyone?" I asked. 

"Beth's gone into shock, she's not movin'." Daryl told me. 

"Oh god, can Hershel help her?" I asked. 

"We don't know where he is, Rick and Glenn have gone out to find him." He explained. I stood up, as did Daryl. 

"I need to go back, make sure  Maggie is okay!" I told him before we rushed back to the farm.              

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please vote and comment!! Loves Ya                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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