Chapter 52.

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Piper's Point of View.

So Andrea set up a meeting between Rick and the Governor. It was a couple miles out, away from the prison, and Woodbury. Knowing the Governor would probably have some henchmen with him, Rick asked Daryl and I along, as well as Hershel. He'd asked the others to prepare in case of another attack. I grabbed my gun from my cell and placed it in my holster, before grabbing my knife and, too, placing it in it's holster. Honestly, I was dreading seeing him again, after what he did, I don't think I could bare to see him. Also, I knew Daryl was not happy, he told me that he'd kill the Governor if he ever saw him, and this meeting was to talk about peace, which did not please Daryl at all. I exited the cell block and headed over to Rick and Daryl, who were stood by the car. 

"You ready for this?" Rick asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied with a sigh. 

"Look, I-I know that this is gonna be difficult for you but-"

"Difficult? Rick, difficult is an understatement, this man beat me half to death, he almost raped my cousin, and now I have sit back and watch as you make peace with him!" I exclaimed before walking over to Daryl's bike. I leant against it and huffed. 

"Hey Pipe." Daryl called, walking over to me.  I sighed again and looked up at him. He placed his hand on my cheek and stared down at me. "Trust me, I know how you feel Pipe, I wanna beat the shit outta this guy for what he did to you but he's dangerous, and he's got a whole army on his side and if makin' this deal's gonna keep you safe, keep e'ryone here safe, then I'm willin' to do whatever it takes." He explained. I nodded and placed my hand over his. 

"I'm still not happy about it." I said before climbing onto the bike. Daryl climbed on in front of me before he started up the bike and began to lead the way to the meet up point.


We'd just arrived at the run down building where we were to meet The Governor. It was old, surrounded with rusted industrial water tanks. Daryl parked up beside the building, as he shut off the engine I climbed off the bike, walking over to Rick who was now getting out of the car. He signalled me to follow him, before we began to walk down the side of the building.  I un-holstered my gun and held it out in front of me as Daryl lead the way around the tanks. He soon stopped us, pointing over at another run down building. Rick nodded before we all rushed over to it, weaving through more of the water tanks to keep cover. Once we reached the building, Daryl noticed a freshly killed walker on the floor, as he bent down to check it, Rick and I slowly approached the entrance. Rick signalled back to Daryl, telling him to look round the outside, to check for any other walkers or people. 

"You sure you wanna come in?" Rick whispered. 

"Yeah, I got your back Rick." I told him. He smiled before we both slowly entered the dimly lit building. I slowly looked around, with my gun raised slightly, whilst Rick's sat firmly by his side. We grew more wary as we walked further into the building and into a room revealing a table with two chairs. Rick glanced back at me with a frown. Suddenly the sound of rustling caught our attention. I lifted my gun up towards the direction of the noise, while Rick just turned to look. The sound of footsteps were heard, before a dark figure appeared. The figure stepped into the light revealing The Governor, who now had an eye patch, I didn't drop my aim as he walked over to the table. When he stopped he looked at me a raised his hands before laughing slightly. I glared at him, my finger resting on the trigger. The Governor then dropped his hands and his smile.

"We've got a lot to talk about, but first, I'm gonna need your girl here to step outside." He said. 

"I don't think so." I snapped. 

RE-WRITING! Guardian Angel. (A Walking Dead/Daryl Dixon Fan Fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora