Chapter 74.

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We'd been on the road a couple of days now, occasionally stopping to look for supplies, we were making our way to Virginia, taking Noah home. I hadn't spoken to anyone, not even Maggie. I couldn't bare to talk about it, I didn't want too. I just shut everyone out, not even Daryl tried to talk to me anymore. I just sat in the car, travelled along with them and helped kill walkers. In the passed few days I've barely said three words. It's not like I had anything to say anyway. When we'd stop, I'd sometimes hear Maggie sobbing, or Sasha. After burying Beth, I found out Bob had died and that the men from Terminus came back, but they were definitely dead now. Also, turns out Eugene was lying there is no way of ending this. I guess I always knew that, it seemed to good to be true anyway.

We'd currently stopped off some miles away from where Noah said he'd come from. They were all talking about who was going with Rick. So far it was Tyreese, Glenn and Michonne. Deciding I needed some time away from the group I stepped forward.

"I'm coming too." I announced, looking up at Rick.

"Piper, you don't need to..."

"But I want to, I need to." I told him. He glanced behind me, obviously looking at Daryl.

"Fine" Rick told me. I nodded before heading round to the trunk of the car. I opened and took the rifle out of it. "Are you gonna be okay? With your leg?" Rick then asked, walking over to me.

"I'll be fine." I mumbled before slamming the trunk down and walking away, pulling on my white bandanna. I walked over to the rest of the group who were sat around the trucks. I bent down and grabbed Daryl's bag before looking through it.

"What you lookin' for?" He asked.

"Cigarettes." I said, not looking up at him. He held the box of cigarettes out in front of my face. I grabbed it from him before taking a couple out of it and handing it back to him. I went to walk away but he stopped me. "You need a light?" He mumbled.

No, I got one." I told him before walking over to Rick.

"Alright, we go from here now, you stay here, look for water, more food, Carol had a radio, we'll keep in touch." He explained to the group. "We're about ten miles away now, should get there in a couple of hours." He added. "Right, let's go." Rick called to us. I climbed into the back of the van with Glenn, sitting in silence as we drove off. I pulled out one of my cigarettes and popped it into my mouth. Pulling out my lighter, I quickly lit it, breathing in its fumes. I took it out, between my fingers and blew out the smoke.

"You okay Pipe?" Glenn's voice caught my attention. I looked over at him, putting the cigarette back into my mouth and nodded. "You haven't spoken to any of us in days." He said quietly. Blowing out more smoke I shook my head.

"Because I don't want to talk about it, talking about me makes me upset, and honestly Glenn, I don't want to cry anymore, I've cried too much and I just don't want to do it anymore." I told him, my voice emotionless. Ignoring my explanation, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. It didn't hug back, only sit there with my cigarette in mouth and arms by my side. He let go and held my head in his hands. "I'm here, whenever you're ready to talk sis', I'm here." He whispered before turning away. I blew out one last puff of smoke as I tried to calm the emotions Glenn's mini speech had brought to my head.

I looked down at my hands, I took the cigarette and pushed it onto my arm. I sucked in a breath when it burnt my flesh. Closing my eyes, I took in the pain, letting it consume me. Once I was done I threw the cigarette bud out the window before sitting back in my seat, staring down at the freshly made burn in my arm.

"How far out?" Rick's voice sounded, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Five miles." Noah replied. Rick picked up the walkie and spoke into it.

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