RE-WRITTEN - Chapter 2.

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The couple walked back over to the camp, Daryl's arm was slung lazily over her shoulders, and she intertwined her fingers with his. Smirks were thrown their way as the two made their way to the campfire, Piper looked down in an attempt to avoid the knowing looks coming from a few of the adults. It had grown cold, with a dark cloud moving in over the sun, so the fire was lit and the group huddled around it. Piper lifted her glance, her eyes landing on Lori whose smirk was still lingering on her face. Piper blushed but sent a small smile. She sat down on an empty log by the fire, with Daryl taking the spot next to her. She placed her head onto his shoulder, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment.

"You okay?" Daryl asked, placing his chin on my head.

"I'm fine." Piper mumbled, hooking her arm through his, and huddling closer to him.

"Good." Daryl whispered and placed a small kiss on her hair.


The night quickly swept over the camp; most had resided to their tents. Piper entered her tent, one which she shared with Daryl, and began to get ready for bed. She placed her boots next to the entrance before changing out of her clothes and into something comfier. Daryl entered too, kicking his shoes off and taking a seat on the air mattress on the floor. 

"You okay?"  He asked, pulling off his shirt. 

Piper smirked, turning to him. "How many more times are you gonna ask me that?" She retorted. 

"Until  you tell the truth, I know you Pipe, somethings on your mind." Daryl spoke, now standing he stood in front of Piper, brushing her hair behind her ear and cupping her cheek. 

"I've just been worried about the group in Atlanta, that's all." She quietly explained. 

"Well don't be, you know Merle, he's a tough son of a bitch." 

Piper chuckled. "Yeah, he's a bit of an asshole too." She joked. 

Daryl laughed. "Okay, he's a tough asshole." Piper smiled before placing a light kiss on his lips. Daryl wrapped his free arm around her waist and pulled her close.  He enjoyed the closeness, having someone to hold, and he felt safe with her. Daryl pulled her into a hug, placing light kisses on her shoulder. 

Piper smiled, pulling back from the hug. "We should get some sleep." Daryl nodded, kissing her cheek once more before stepping aside. Piper climbed into her sleeping bag then watched as Daryl undressed to his boxers. He climbed in beside her, pulling her close. She smiled widely, huddling into him and welcoming sleep. 


She woke, alone once more, and the smell of the fire burning instantly filled her nostrils. With a sigh, she got out of bed; she stretched out her muscles before changing out of her pyjamas. Once her weapons were holstered, she left the tent, the sun was bright as ever, and a groan escaped her lips as she quickly lifted her arm to shade her aching eyes. She made her way to the RV, where Amy and Dale sat in their usual seats. 

Piper when to speak when a voice sounded over the radio. "Hello? Hello? Can anybody hear my voice?" Her eyes snapped to the radio as Amy grabbed the speaker. 

"Hey? Hello?" Amy called, her voice frantic.

"Can you hear my voice?" The male voice asked,  obviously not hearing Amy's response.

"Yes, I can hear you. You're coming through. Over." Amy spoke, louder this time. The next sentence from the voice came through unclear, it was mostly static. "We're just outside the city. Damnit. Hello?" Silence. "Hello?" Amy called again but only more silence followed. "He couldn't hear me. I couldn't warn him." Amy sighed, a sad look on her face, Piper frowned too and let out a loud sigh. 

Dale walked over to the radio. "Try to raise him again." He suggested, Amy only put the speaker down, clearly having given up. Dale turned to Shane. "Come on, son. You know best how to work this thing." Shane nodded, climbing up the RV ladder, and picking up the speaker. 

"Hello, hello, is the person who calls still on the air? This is officer Shane Walsh, broadcasting a person unknown, please respond." Shane spoke clearly, but it was once again followed by silence.  Shane shook his head and put the radio down. "He's gone." He sighed as Lori walked over with Carl. 

"There are others. It's not just us." She spoke, looking up at him. 

"Yeah, We knew there would be, right, that's why we leave the CB on." Shane stated. 

"Lots of good it's been doing. And I've been saying for a week, we ought to put signs up on 85 to warn people away from the city." Lori snapped. 

"Folks got no idea what they're getting into." Amy added. 

"We don't have enough time." Shane snapped back. 

"I think we need to make time."Piper cut in, frowning at their group leader.  

"Yeah, that, uh... That's a luxury we can't afford. We are surviving here. We are day to day." Shane said, glaring back at Piper, she rolled her eyes and looked away.  

"And who the hell would you propose to send?" Dale piped in.

Piper turned to him. "I'll go. Give me a vehicle." She said, raising an eyebrow. 

"Nobody goes anywhere alone, you know that." Shane snapped at her as he climbed down off the RV. 

"Yes, sir." Piper mumbled, walking away and sitting by the campfire. Lori scoffed before walking away too; Carl went to follow but Shane stopped him. 

"Hey, hey, hey, come on, take a seat, buddy. You're alright, go on, you're alright." He ordered Carl, who sat down next to Amy. Piper's eyes were fixated on the radio, hoping for a response from the mystery person. 


The day rolled on and evening set in, Piper was sat atop the RV, she'd been waiting by the radio all day, hoping to hear something, but so far, nothing. Daryl hadn't returned, she assumed he was tracking something, and he wouldn't be back til the morning. Her mind continued to race until a voice came over the CB. 

"Hello, base camp! Can anybody out there hear me? Base camp, this is T-Dog. Anybody hear me?" T-Dog's voice sounded. Piper shot up from her seat, her eyes quickly find Dale, who was rushing up the RV ladder. 

He grabbed the radio. "Hello? Hello? Reception's bad on this end. Repeat. Repeat." He called but the next part came through fuzzy as the reception became lost again. 

"Is that them?" Piper asked, staring down at the radio. 

"We're...some..shit. We're trapped...the department store." T-Dog's voice came through again, but less clear than before. 

"He said they're trapped?" Shane asked. 

"There...geeks all Hundreds...We're surrounded."  

"T-Dog, repeat that last. Repeat." Dale called, but there was nothing again. Piper sighed, lifting her hands to her head. 

"He said the department store." Lori said to Shane. 

"I heard it too." Dale agreed. Shane didn't acknowledge them, Piper glared at him.

"Shane?" She snapped. 

"No way. We do not go after them. We do not risk the rest of the group. Y'all know that." He said, shaking his head; Piper scoffed at him, slumping down into her seat. 

"So we're just gonna leave her there?" Amy asked, talking about her sister, Andrea. 

"Look, Amy, I know that this is not easy..."

"She volunteered to go, to help the rest of us." Amy argued, cutting Shane off. 

"I know, and she knew the risks, right? See, if she's trapped, she's gone. So we just have to deal with that. There's nothing we can do." Shane said sternly. 

"She's my sister, you son of a bitch." Amy cried before running off. Lori glared at Shane before following Amy. Piper leant back in her chair, closing her eyes. Back to waiting, she felt more impatient than ever.  

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