Chapter 75.

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I can do this. I can do it. Just on second and it'll be over, no more hurt. No more loss. Just the end. It's gotta be better then this, right? Anything is better then this. I sighed deeply before throwing my cigarette away. I picked up my gun and looked down at it.

"Just one shot." I mumbled before placing the barrel of my gun under my chin. "It'll be all over." I whispered as I cocked the gun. I closed my eyes as my finger hovered over the trigger. A tear rolled down my cheek as I let out a deep breath.

"Don't you dare." Rick's voice suddenly sounded, making me jump and drop my gun. I let out a sob as I stood up.

"Why not Rick?" I snapped. "I don't want to do this anymore!" I yelled. "I just want to go, I can't take anymore death it hurts too much, I want to go, right here, right now, why can't you just let me go!" I cried.

"Because I can't lose you!" Rick yelled. "After Lori, you were what kept me going, you're all Carl's got as a mother figure, he needs you, Daryl needs you, Maggie, Glenn, I need you Piper." He explained. I let tears fall from my eyes as he stared at me. He pulled me into a hug, allowing me to cry loudly into his chest.

"I'm sorry." I told him. He shushed me and played with my hair as I gripped onto his shirt.

"Don't be, I understand." He told me. I pulled back and looked up at him. "Com on." He whispered before picking up my gun. "I'm gonna keep hold of this, just until you calm down." He told me.

"Alright." I said before the two of us headed back out onto the road. "If it makes a difference, I wasn't gonna do it, I just wanted to see if I could or not." I explained as we reached the van. Rick looked at me and nodded as Glenn approached.

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Where'd you go?" I looked at the floor before at Rick.

"She needed some time away." He told Glenn before walking away.

"I'm fine, bro." I said. He pulled me into a hug.

"It's okay not to be." Glenn told me before walking away.

"They're back." Tara's voice sounded. I looked up to see Maggie, Daryl and Sasha walking back over to us. As they reached us Daryl spoke.

"Nothin'." He told us. "Not one drop." Daryl walked over to me and took my hand as Rick spoke.

"Let's keep going then, we might be able find a town or something." He explained before everyone began to pile into the back of the van. I went to join them but Daryl stopped me. I looked back at him, he looked so broken.

"Why does Rick have your gun?" He asked.

"I don't trust myself with it." I whispered before walking away and climbing onto the van.


We'd been driving for about an hour. The group had barely spoke to each other. We just sat there. I was sat with Daryl, with my head rested on his shoulder, his hand rested on my thigh. I looked up at Maggie, she was sat with Glenn staring into space. I sighed and looked down. The engine suddenly began to sputter before the van came to a halt.

"We're out, just like the other one." Abraham grumbled, looking back at us.

"So we walk." Rick told us before we all climbed out of the van. It was so hot. We hadn't eaten all that much in days and we were running low on water. If we didn't find water soon, we weren't going to make it to Washington.

After half an hour of walking, the group was beginning to lag behind. We were getting more exposed by spreading out. I was walking in front with Daryl and Rick. I looked back at the group, Maggie was still paced out, I felt horrible, I hadn't spoken to her since Beth, haven't even been there for her.

"We're not at our strongest." Rick suddenly said. "We'll get 'em when it's best. High ground, something like that. They're not going anywhere." He explained. I glanced at him before looking at Daryl who just continued to look forward, not really paying attention. "It's been three weeks since Atlanta. I know you lost something back there." Rick then said to Daryl. I looked down and sighed. Judith began fussing, and gurgling. I looked over at her, smiling slightly.

"She's hungry." Daryl mumbled.

"She's okay. She's going to be okay." Rick told him as I took his hand. Daryl glanced back at me, tightening his grip on my hand.

"We need to find water, food." Daryl then said.

"We'll hit something in the road. It's gonna rain sooner or later." Rick retorted.

"I'm gonna head out, see what I can find." Daryl sighed, letting go of my hand.

"Hey, don't be too long." Rick told him.

"I'll go with you." I piped in.

"I got it." Daryl waved me off and I frowned.

"You gonna stop me?" I asked, following him in. He looked back at me but continued to walk. I caught up to him, walking beside him. We hadn't spoken much since Beth. I still hadn't seen him cry. He seemed so desperate to find her then, nothing, it just seemed like he was bottling it up.

After walking a while, we came to a clearing in the middle of the trees. I looked around it for any signs of animals or water. I sighed and looked up at Daryl.

"Anything?" I asked, looking over at Daryl.

"No, it's too dry." He told me. "There ain't nothing here."

"Maybe we should start headin' back." I suggested. He glanced back at me.

"You go." He mumbled. I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut.

"You know, she saved my life." I said, Daryl turned to me. "She saved your life, too, right?" I asked. I pulled Beth's knifed off my belt and walked over to Daryl. "It was hers." I mumbled, placing the knife in his hand. He looked down at it. "We're not dead. That's what you said." I told him. "You're not dead. I know you. You have to let yourself feel it." I explained. "I already have, finally, I cried for the first time in three weeks, I finally let it out know it's your turn to feel, Daryl." I said, stepping and placing my hand on his cheek. I leant up and pushed my lips against his. "You will." I whispered. He pushed his forehead on mine, closing his eyes. "I love you." I told him before kissing his lips again.

"Let's go back." Daryl said before walking away. Letting out a sigh, I slowly followed Daryl back out to the road. As Daryl headed back over to Rick, I walked over to Maggie.

"Maggie." I said, quietly. "Maggie, I'm so sorry, I should have been there for you but I just shut you out, hell, I shut everyone out." I explained, she looked at me, frowning. "I really am sorry, and I am here for you Maggie, I promise I'm always gonna be here I hope you know that." Maggie pulled me into a hug, wrapping her arms tightly around my shoulders. She sobbed but it was muffled. I hugged back, just as tight.

"It's okay Piper, I understand why you did it, I'm not mad at you and of course I know you're here for me." She told before before pulling back.

"We gotta stick together now, the last Greene's left." I said, looking down.

"Yeah." She whispered before we continued to walk with the rest of the group. I was feeling slightly better now, all I wanted was to stick by Maggie now. She was the only blood family that I have left.

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