Chapter 48.

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Now I know, I may skip a lot, but this is how I want the story to go. Hope you don't mind!!

Rick's Point of View.

I've been kinda off on one. I've been out of sync from the rest of the group. Ever since Lori's death. Currently, I was sat at Piper's beside, holding her hand. I couldn't bare to loose anyone else, Lori, T, Daryl. This group's growing smaller by the day, and loosing Piper, I don't know what I'd do. In a small way, she's pulled me through all sorts of situations. She's always been on my side, always stuck to my plan. She's one of the reasons I want to keep surviving. Along with Carl and Judith.

"She still not up?" Hershel's voice sounded.

"No, she's not woken up yet." I mumbled, not looking back.

"Rick, you need to know that she came back with severe head trauma, I don't have the tools to cure that, it's up to her now, whether she wants to fight, or whether she's ready to let go, we don't have control anymore." Hershel explained. I looked back at him before back at Piper. She looked peaceful, she didn't look afraid anymore.

"I don't wanna loose anyone else, Hershel, especially not her." I said.

"I'm afraid we can't do anything about that now, like I said, it's all down to her now." Hershel said. I let out a sigh before shooting to my feet and exiting the cell.


Piper's Point of View.

My eyes slowly opened. I blinked a few times, clearing my vision. I slowly sat up, a sharp pain shot through my head. I swung my legs over the bunk, placing my feet onto the ground. I shakily lifted myself to my feet, clutching to the top bunk. I slowly walked over to the cell door and peered out of it. I walked out of the cell, feeling a lot better then I did earlier.

"Piper!" A relieved voice called. I turned to see Beth, rushing over to me. She pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back and pulled away. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Apart from feeling like I've got the worst hangover ever, I think I'll be okay." I told her. She smiled and took my hand before leading me out of the cell room.

"Daddy said you need to eat once you woke up." She said, sitting me down at the table and hanging me a bowl of noodles. I dug in straight away, scoffing down the tasteless pasta. Once I was done I felt good. But my good mood vanished when I realized that there was one thing missing from my life, the one person who could make this moment complete. I looked down sadly, determined not to cry. "You want him to come back, don't you?" She asked.

"Yeah." I breathed. "But I told him it's over, he made his decision."

"I'm sorry Piper." She said.

"You know what, forget him, let's go outside, I wanna see everyone." I said, putting on a smile.

"I think you should change first." Beth said. I nodded in agreement.

After quickly changing into some cleaner clothes, Beth took my hand again and led me outside into the courtyard, where Carol stood with Axel. I smiled widely when I saw her, before I rushed over to her. She accepted me into a hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay." I exclaimed.

"I'm glad you're okay too." She smiled, pulling back.

"When we got split up, I thought they got you." I told her.

"No, I hid in one of the empty cells, Daryl found me." Carol said. I looked down sadly. She pulled me into another hug. "I'm sorry Piper." She whispered.

"No, it's fine, we're over now anyway, I've gotta move on." I smiled, pulling away. I know she could tell my smile was fake but she dropped the subject. Beth grabbed my hand again and we walked over to Carl who rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"I thought you were gonna die." He mumbled. I pulled back and placed my hands on his shoulder.

"Naa, I wouldn't leave you, and I'm not gonna, so don't you worry." I smiled. He nodded and smiled. We continued to walk through the courtyard before a gunshot sounded and Axel fell onto Carol. Beth, Carl and I ducked down, as more gunshots rung through the air. We rushed behind the turned over bench and crouched down. I went to reach for my gun but scoffed when it wasn't there. Beth quickly placed hers in my hand and I instantly began to to fire at the gunman in the guard tower. We then ran over to the gate, hiding behind the wall. I quickly turned the corner and sent shots at the gunman, before returning to my hiding spot. Suddenly, the gun fire stopped.

"Piper!" Maggie;s voice sounded, as she ran out of the cell block with two machine guns. I gave Beth her gun back before rushing over to her. I took the gun and we ran behind some old file draws. We began to shoot at the gunman, allowing Carol to rush over to Carl and Beth. The gunfire stopped again, before the sound of a car engine caught our attention. A truck came speeding down the dirt path. It crashed through the two metal gate before stopping in the middle of the field. I looked back at Maggie, who looked both scared and confused. She sent me a weary glance before a crashing noise sounded. I turned back to the van to see the metal ramp fall and a group of walkers began to pile out of it. I growled slightly before turning back to the gunman i the guard tower. I shot at him, hitting him right in the head. As the car began to retreat, Maggie, Carol and I rushed out into the field, shooting at the walkers. Michonne came out from behind the bus and helped us. Glenn then drove in, he and Michonne helper Hershel into the car. Maggie and I rushed back up to the courtyard with Carol, as the car drove in. We quickly closed the gate, as Hershel climbed out of the car. Glenn rushed over to me, engulfing me into a hug. I hugged him back before pulling away. We stood by the closed the gate to see the field now full of walkers. In the distances, just outside the fences, stood Rick with Merle and Daryl. I glared at them before turning away and heading inside.

I know it's short, sorry!! I still hope you enjoyed it!! Please vote and comment!! Loves ya!!

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