Chapter 72.

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We made it to the bridge and were now walking across it to the van. Daryl and I hadn't spoken either, he was storming ahead of me. I walked with a tight grip on my hand gun as walkers slowly followed us. Apart from their snarls, all was pretty quiet, peaceful. Looking at it now, the van looked like it had crashed into the barricade, Daryl slowed down as he reached the van, glancing back at me as he did. I pushed my gun back into its holster as Daryl pulled the doors open. He glanced at the walkers before speaking

"All right, let's get this done." He mumbled, about to climb in.

"It's not stable. I'm lighter." I told him, grabbing his arm. He pulled it away from me before climbing into the van. It wobbled slightly, making me feel slightly worried. I looked at the walkers who were getting closer, before climbing in. It shook a lot, making my stomach drop, I began to look through the hatches, trying to find any leads as to where Beth was. I glanced up out the window, seeing more walkers coming from the other side. "There's more coming." I warned. "We're gonna have to fight through."

"Yeah, I see 'em." Daryl grumbled, climbing out the drivers seat. He began looking through the back of the van.

"Daryl, we have to go." I told him, hearing the walkers snarls getting closer.

"GMH, what's that?" He asked, ignoring me. "A hospital?"

"I don't know. Grady Memorial, maybe?" I told him, climbing out the van.

"Grady, the white crosses-- it might be where they're holing up." Daryl called climbing out too. I pulled my gun out and began shooting the walkers as Daryl started stabbing them.

"Daryl!" I exclaimed as more came closer. Daryl pulled me back and motioned me onto the van.

"Go, go, go, go!" He yelled as I climbed on. I watched in panic as he took down more walkers before climbing back on and closing the doors.

"Anything we can use?" I asked, looking round the van. The walkers began shaking it and banging against the sides.

"Nothin' but what we got." Daryl snapped. He then stood up and climbed into the drivers seat. I slowly followed, getting into the passengers side. "All right, buckle up." He ordered. I nodded and shakily pulled on my seat belt as the walkers began pushing the truck forward. Daryl was holding onto the dashboard as I panted heavily, I reached over and grabbed his hand. He looked at me. "You hold on." He ordered. The truck fell forward and came crashing to the floor, my body lurched forward slightly, hitting against the dashboard. I groaned before sitting up straight. I glanced at Daryl who let out a groan too. He looked over at me.

"We're okay." I whispered. Before Daryl could say anything, body crashed onto the front widow, making me flinch. More bodies thumped against the van, and blood poured down the window. Once the bodies stopped falling, I climbed out the van. Feeling slightly light headed, I held onto the van for support. I then held onto my shoulder and walked round to Daryl who immediately wrapped his arm around my waist, allowing me to put all my weight onto him.

We walked back up into the city, hiding in a back alley, where Daryl sat me down on a wall. I grabbed my shoulder again, rubbing it slightly. Daryl then held out thr canister of water to me.

"Here." He grumbled.

"I'm fine." I told him, shaking my head.

"Prove it." He challenged. I dropped my hand and took the water. I slowly took a sip from it. My body ached as I slowly held out the flask to Daryl. He gently took it from me. "How bad is it?" He asked.

"I've had worse." I told him, looking down at my leg. He leant towards me so I pulled down my shirt slightly, showing him my bruised collar bone.

"Damn, that was stupid." He cussed himself.

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