Chapter 96.

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That's a pic of what Piper's stomach looks like currently. She is almost 2 months pregnant. 

Piper's Point of View.

"Care to tell me what happened out there?" I asked, as Daryl went back to work. He didn't reply, only glance up at me. "Daryl." I warned. 

"Nothin' Pipe." Daryl grumbled in reply 

"No, don't you 'nothing' me Dixon, I wanna know what happened? What trucks?" I snapped, standing in front of where he was working. Sighing, Daryl stood up and looked at me. 

"I told you, it don't matter, I'm here now." He snapped back. 

"Fine, whatever." I muttered before turning and heading up to the house, ignoring Daryl's call after me. I entered and slammed the door shut, letting out a loud sigh. Slowly, I trudged into the living room. 

"Piper? Are you okay?" Carl's deep voice asked, shocking me slightly. I think this was the first time I'd noticed his voice had actually changed. 

"I'm okay. Just had a small spat with Daryl." I told him as I sat on the couch. 

"Why?" Carl questioned, sitting down beside me. 

"He's keeping things from me, won't tell me what happened out there before they found Morgan, or Morgan found them, I dunno. I'm just bein' paranoid." I spoke with a sigh. "How are you Carl?" I then asked, turning to him. 

"I'm okay." He muttered. 

"How are things with Enid?" I teased, pushing his arm. Carl frowned before letting out a light chuckle. "Okay, don't tell, but I will find out." I warned him with a smirk. My smirk fell before I looked down at my feet. 

"Hey!" Glenn's voice rang through the house, followed by the sound of the front door closing. I looked up to see him enter the room. "More of Deanna's runners are back, wanna go a meet them?" He asked. I nodded and stood up before following Glenn outside. Daryl was still out there, working on his bike. He glanced up and his eyes landed on me and Glenn and I began to walk away. 

"Pipe, hold up." He called. 

"Give me a minute." I told Glenn before turning and walking back over to Daryl. 

"Look, I'm sorry, I'll tell you everythin' that happened out there after you finished up with Glenn, okay?" Daryl spoke, placing a hand on my waist. With a sigh, I nodded. 

"Okay." I said, smiling. Daryl nodded before kissing my forehead and letting me go. Turning away, I walked back over to Glenn who smiled at me. "Let's go." I beamed as we continued to walk away. The two of us headed over to the armoury, where the runners were returning their guns. 

"Hey." Glenn called to the two men and one woman. 

"Hi." I smiled. 

"Hey, you must be the new runners, we-um heard about Aiden." One of the men spoke. 

"Yeah, we lost him and one of our guys that day." Glenn explained. 

"Well, I'm Heath." The guy said. "And this is Annie and Scott." Heath introduced. 

"Hey." Annie smiled. Scott nodded. 

"I'm Piper."

"Glenn." Glenn smiled. 

"Well, it's good to meet y'all, hope we can work together sometime." Heath smiled back. 

"We'd like that." I agreed. 


Later that day, I was stood in front of the full length mirror in my room, in only my jeans and bra. Standing to the side, I stared down at my slightly swollen lower abdomen. My hand carefully caressed it, as a warm feeling rose inside me. The bump wasn't too big yet, which meant I could still go out on runs and help out. Although, I knew that deep down inside, Daryl really didn't want to stick to our deal. If he could have it his way, I know he'd put me under lockdown until the baby is born. 

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