Chapter 24.

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Piper's Point of View.  

I heard Carol's sobs, I heard Beth's sobs but I didn't look up. I stared down at my brother. His lifeless body. I was angry, upset, I didn't know what to think. Carol's sobs began to fade away as I heard the sounds of footsteps. Beth's cries grew louder and closer as her legs passed me and she walked over to her mom. I recognized her when she exited the barn, and Shawn. Suddenly Beth's screams echoed through the air and I looked up to see the walker pulling on her hair. But I didn't move. I watched at the group tried to break Beth free and finally Andrea slammed a pick-axe in it's head. I looked back down at Jake as Hershel and Maggie began to take Beth away. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at my bloodied hands. 


"Leave me alone." I mumbled. 

"Piper." Daryl tried again. I looked up at him. 

"I said, leave me alone." I snarled before looking down at Jake. I heard Daryl's footsteps fade away. I maneuvered myself so I was on my knees before I lifted Jake's head onto my lap. I brushed his hair back and sighed. "We're were gonna come look for ya Jakey." I choked out. "Right after we found Sophia, but I guess, that's no longer the case." I said, looking up at Sophia. Andrea was putting a blanket over her body. I looked back down at Jake, who's faced was covered in blood. "I'm sorry Jake, I'm so sorry." I whimpered as tears streamed down my cheeks again. T-Dog and Jimmy then walked over, and began discussing what we were going to do with the bodies. Shane and Andrea came over shortly after. I looked down at my hands again as someone crouched down beside me. 

"Piper." Lori's voice sounded. I looked up at her, she held my head in her hands as I began to sob again. "I'm so sorry sweetie." She said. I looked down at my hands and lifted them up.

"He's dead, Lori, he's dead." I cried. 

"I know, and I'm sorry." She said, pulling me into a hug. I let out a sigh as she helped me up. 

"You want us to start burying?" T-Dog asked as Rick walked over. 

"We need a service. Carol would want that, so would Piper." Andrea said, looking up at me. I sent her a sad smile. 

"Yeah, we all want that." T-Dog said. 

"Let's... let's dig a grave for Sophia, and Jake, and Annette and Shawn, uh, over by those trees." Lori said. "And we'll need a truck to move the bodies." She added. 

"I'll get the keys." Jimmy said, going to walk away but he was stopped by Shane. 

"No no. I got the truck." He said, walking away. 

"And the others? That's a lot of digging." Jimmy asked. 

"We bury the ones we love and burn the rest." Andrea suggested. Rick nodded. 

"Let's get to work." Lori said, before grabbing my arm. "Why don't you go get cleaned up?" She told me. I nodded before walking away and heading over to the house, taking one last glance at Jake. I slowly entered the house to find Glenn who immediately pulled me into a hug. I broke down once again, sobbing into his chest. 

"I'm so sorry Pipe." He whispered. I clutched onto him and cried before pulling away. 

"I'm gonna go get cleaned up." I told him. He nodded and kissed my forehead before exiting the house. I walked further into the house, heading towards the stairs when I bumped into Maggie. She gave me a sorry look. 

"Piper I..."

"You could have told me." I whispered. "You could have said something but you lied! You lied to my face, you gave me false hope." I snapped. 

"Piper I'm so..." 

"No, just don't talk to me, leave me alone." I snapped before walking upstairs. I entered the bathroom and looked up at myself. My hair was straw-like and dry blood sat in it's tips. My face had splatters of blood on it and my hands were completely red. I went to to turn on the tap when Daryl walked in. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. Tears filled my eyes, once again, as I began to sob again. Daryl pulled back and held my wrists, looking down at my hands. He made me sit down on the side of the bath while he grabbed a sponge.  He soaked it under the water before grabbing my hand. Gently, he began to dab my hand, washing away the blood.  He then moved onto the next hand and washed the blood off that one. He then rinsed the sponge under the to water again before pushing my hair out of my face and dabbing the sponge on my cheeks. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. Once Daryl had finished he turned on the shower.

"Get cleaned up, okay?" He told me. I nodded before he left. I stripped off my clothes before climbing into the shower. I stood under shower head as the water hit my back. I watched as the water turned red and swirled down the plughole.

After the shower, I climbed out and wrapped a towel round my body. I left the bathroom and headed into my room. I then changed into some fresh clothes which consisted of black skinny jeans, a purple vest and my brown, worn out cowboy boots. I then headed over to the window and climbed out. I sat on the roof and looked down at the barn. By now, the group had cleared up the walkers and wrapped our loved ones in blankets. I sighed sadly and bit my lip, determined not to let the tears fall again. I shook my head and climbed back inside before heading downstairs and out the door. I saw Shane dragging my brother's body along the floor. I let out a growl before rushing over to them. I picked up my gun, which was still lying on the floor, and held it to Shane's head. 

"Whoa, Whoa!" T-Dog called. I cocked the gun as Shane let go of my brother. 

"You do NOT get to touch him!" I growled. The sound of a gun cocking behind me caught my attention. I knew it was Rick. 

"Drop the gun Piper, you know I won't hesitate." He said. I edged closer to Shane, who was now facing me. He had his arms raised. I aimed my gun right between his eyes and my finger hovered over the trigger. "We don't kill the living." Rick warned. 

"It's your fault!" I snapped at Shane. "If you had of done what Rick said, I wouldn't have seen my brother like that! It's because of you that the last memory I have of my brother, is of a monster! Of him as a walker!" I yelled, blinking back the tears. 

"Hey! What's goin' on?" Daryl's voice sounded. "Piper, come on, give me the gun." He then said, walking up beside me. He wrapped his hand round the barrel of the gun and I reluctantly let go. I turned to Rick who had dropped his aim. I sighed before looking back at Daryl. "I'll go put this in the tent, you help Andrea, take you brother over to the grave." He whispered, holding my head in his hands. I nodded, as Daryl wiped away the stray tears with his thumb. He stepped in and kissed my forehead before walking away. 


We were all stood around the freshly filled graves. I stared down at the dirt which now buried my brother. My tear rolled down my cheeks. My breathing became heavy and my breathes we short. I closed my hands into fists as my palms became sweaty. Beth then began to cry and I couldn't take it anymore. 

"I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore." I choked out before rushing away. I headed over to my tent. I searched around inside until I found what I was looking for,  I grabbed my gun and rushed off into the woods, unsure if I was coming back out. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Please vote and comment!! Loves ya!!

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