Chapter 34.

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Piper's Point of View.

We hid behind the car as a walker stalked past it. We had nothing but guns. so our only way to avoid them was to hide. There was still no sign of anyone. I was starting to loose faith.

"Okay. Come come come come." Rick ordered as the walker walked away. We followed him to the back of the car.

"I don't know how much longer we can stay here." Hershel commented.

"I... I'm not leaving without mom." Carl whispered.

"So we're just gonna walk away? Not knowing if my wife, your girls are still out there? How do we live with that?" Rick snapped, quietly.

"You've only got one concern now... Just one... Keeping him alive. Nature may be throwing us a curveball, but that law is still true." Hershel explained. Rick sighed and looked down.

"Carl. It's not safe here. I'm sorry. We'll..." Before Rick could continue, the sound of a motorbike engine sounded. A smile fell on my face as Daryl bike, and the other cars came into view. Daryl pulled up with Carol on the back of his bike. I ran over to him and jumped into his arms, wrapping my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked up as Maggie ran past to see Glenn. I let go of Daryl and rushed over to Glenn. I engulfed him into a hug, laughing. He hugged back, smiling.

"Piper." Beth's voice sounded. I pulled back from Glenn, to be pushed back as Beth rushed into my arms. I hugged her back before we both walked over to Hershel and Maggie, who smiled at me before we all engulfed into a group hug.

"Where'd you find everyone?" Rick asked Daryl. I pulled back from Hershel and walked back over to Daryl, wrapping my arms round his waist, he wrapped one

arm around me before talking.

"Well, those guys' tail lights zigzagging all over the road... figured he had to be Asian, driving like that." Daryl joked, referring to Glenn who laughed and nodded.

"Good one." He smirked.

"Where's the rest of us?" Daryl asked, before placing a kiss on the side of my head.

"We're the only ones who made it so far." Rick explained.

"Shane?" Lori asked. Rick sighed and shook his head, no.

"Andrea?" Glenn asked.

"She saved me, then I lost her." Carol shrugged.

"We saw her go down." T-Dog added.

"Patricia?" Hershel then asked.

"They got her, too. Took her right in front of me. I was... I was holdin' onto her, daddy." Beth said, starting to cry. "She just... what about Jimmy? Did you see Jimmy?" Beth then asked.

"He was in the RV. It got overrun." Rick explained. Beth began to cry harder and I covered my mouth with my hand. Daryl pulled me tightly against himself.

"You definitely saw Andrea?" Carol asked.

"There were walkers everywhere." Lori shrugged.

"Did you see her?" Carol asked again. Daryl let go of me and grabbed his bike.

"I'm gonna go back." He said.

"No." Rick snapped before I could protest.

"We can't just leave her." Daryl argued.

"We don't even know if she's there."Lori told him.

"She isn't there. She isn't. She's somewhere else or she's dead. There's no way to find her." Rick explained.

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