Chapter 14.

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"Dad, what's goin' on?" I exclaimed, as the window began to give way. People, people were breaking in, but they didn't look like people. 

"I don't know honey, but take this, and go upstairs, hide in the storage cupboard, don't come down until I come get you!" My father ordered me, handing me his Remington 1911 R11. I looked down at it, not knowing what to do. "Piper go!" My dad yelled, causing me to flinch and rush upstairs. I pulled open the storage cupboard door and climbed inside. I pulled the door closed and listened. I heard the screams of my mother, there was a round of gunshots followed by the yells of my father. Then a thud. There was a silence before the sounds of groaning and snarling sounded. I shook as I backed up against the wall. I slid down it, sitting on the floor and pulling my feet up to my chest. The news reports were right. I thought to myself. I closed my eyes and let out a shaky breath. 

I don't know how long I was in there, but it felt like forever. I'd cried twice already. I knew they were dead, if they weren't my father would have come and got me, like he said. Suddenly another round of gunshots went off, followed by the yelling of two voices I didn't recognize. I tightened my grip on my gun as on of the voice neared me. Footsteps sounded as the passed the cupboard door. I tried to back into the cupboard, this resulted in me knocking over my dad's old golf clubs. 

"Shit!" I whispered to myself. The footsteps began to grow closer to the cupboard before they stopped outside the door. I gulped and raised my gun, my shaky hands making it impossible for me to aim straight. The door suddenly swung open, revealing a man with light grey hair, he wore a  black shirt with a white vest underneath. I aimed my gun up at him and he laughed.

"Well, lookie what we got here!" He said in a gruff voice. "Why hello girlie, how long you been in there?" He asked. I didn't reply, simply held the gun up, aimed at him. My hands were still shaking and my heart pounded against my rib cage. The man chuckled slightly and shook his head. 

"Hey Merle! Merle!" A voice called. I gasped as another man appeared, he was holding a cross. "Merle what are you..." The man cut himself off when he noticed me. "Who's this?"

"I dunno little brother, I found her in here, all scared." Merle smirked. The other guy nodded before crouching own in front of me. I held my gun up to his head. 

"We're not gonna hurt you, okay?" He said, raising his hands up. "Plus, that thing ain't gonna work with the safety on." He smirked. I glanced down at my gun before lowering it, sighing deeply. I looked back up at the two brothers. 

"What're your names?" I asked. 

"Daryl, this is Merle, my brother." The guy with the crossbow introduced. I nodded. "What's yours?" 

"Um..Piper..Deleware."  I told them. 

"You wanna come with us girlie? Don't look like you got much here, come with us?" Merle suggested. I looked up at the two of them before nodding. "Good." He said with a grin. 

"You go pack essentials, we'll keep a look out." Daryl said. I nodded as Daryl helped me up. I walked past the two and headed into my room. I grabbed my duffle bag and shoved about a weeks worth of clothes and underwear in it before pulling on my combat boots. I tossed my gun in my bag too before heading downstairs. Tears filled my eyes at the sight of my mother and father, who'd been torn to pieces. I let out a cry as Daryl entered the living room. He looked down at the corpses then back up at me. "You got everythin'?" He asked. I gave a short nod and gestured to my bag. "Come on then." 

"Wait!" I called. He looked back at me confused. I dropped my bag and ran back up stairs, into my room. I pulled the small box from underneath the bed and opened it. I smiled down at the set of knives, before closing the box and rushing downstairs. Daryl was stood in the doorway, holding my bag. 

"Got everythin' now?" He asked again. 

"Yep." I told him. He walked out of the room and I followed after him, giving one last glance at at my dead family. We walked out to a truck that was parked up outside my house. "What were you guys doing in my house?" I asked. 

"Scavengin', the houses all round here look empty, we thought we'd look around inside." Merle explained, opening the truck door. "Climb in the back girlie." He told me, nodded before climbing over the folded down chair, and sitting in the back. Merle put up the passenger seat before letting Daryl climb in. Merle then walked round and climbed into the drivers seat. 

"Let's get goin' then." Merle said before pulling off down the road. I took one last look at me house before it disappeared out of sight. I sighed and looked down before closing my eyes. 


I woke up a few hours later, we were still on the road, on the high way now. I wonder how far away I am from home now. "So girlie, tell us about yourself." Merle said, glancing in the rear view mirror. 

"There's not much to tell really." I mumbled. I watched as the two glanced at each other before Daryl turned to me. He held out a flask towards me. I looked down at it before taking it from him. "Thank you." I said, he nodded and turned back round. I took a sip from the flask, the water felt good as it moistened  my dry throat. I took one more sip before handing the flask back to Daryl. "I was born in Georgia, but we move to Virginia when I was younger, then my dad made us move just outside of Atlanta when I was 12, he got a better job in the city,  I hated school, I got bullied a lot, but stuck in at it, got good grades, my life's been pretty uneventful since then." I told them. Merle let out a chuckle, while Daryl just looked back at me. 

"We gotta find a place to set up camp, try and find like a dirt road or somethin' up into the wood, might be safer up there." Daryl said to Merle who nodded. After another ten minutes and we'd pulled up onto a side road. We parked up the car before  exiting the car. Daryl and Merle grabbed some bags before we walked a little further into the forest. 

The guys set up the tents before Daryl went out hunting and I helped Merle make a fire. I sat down on the ground next to the fire and pulled my knees to my chest. I looked down at the ground as a few stray tears fell down my cheeks. 

"You're gonna have to share a tent with Daryl girlie, is that okay?" Merle asked me. I quickly wiped my eyes and nodded. 

"That's fine." I whispered. 

"Hey Merle!" Daryl's voice sounded. I looked up and he was coming out from the trees. 

"What's wrong little brother?" Merle asked. 

"There's a camp, a whole bunch of people, just through the trees, they got everythin', supplies, food water." Daryl explained. Merle smirked. 

"You think we should ambush them?" Merle asked. I looked up at him and frowned, but did not intervene.

"Maybe, befriend 'em, then just get some supplies, stuff we need." Daryl said, Merle nodded and smirked. "But let's get some rest for now." He said before slumping down next to me. I looked away from him. "You okay?" He asked. 

"I'll be fine." I mumbled. "Why'd you bring me with you? I mean you could have just left me there, you didn't have to bring me." I asked. Daryl looked up at me a shrugged. 

"I know I didn't have to, but I did." He muttered. "Me and Merle know what it's like to lose a mom, we know how it feels, that's why we brought you with us." 

"But, I don't know how to fight, I don't know how use a gun, I'm useless." I told him.  

"Well, I'll show you then, and I'll protect you, I promise." He said, glancing at me. I smiled slightly and leant over. He flinched as I placed a light kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you." I whispered. 

Okay guys, this is a little different from  the other chapters! This is a flashback chapter!! Please vote and comment!! Loves ya!!

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