Chapter 38.

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Piper's Point of View.

 "Who the hell are you?" Daryl snapped at the men, as he, T-Dog and I held our weapons up at the prisoners. 

"Who the hell are you?" One of the men retorted. 

"He's bleeding out, we gotta go back!" Rick snapped. I glanced back at Rick, who was now trying to stop the bleeding. "Come around here. Put pressure on the knee! Hard! Hard! Push, push!" Rick then ordered Maggie. 

"Come on out of here. Slow and steady." Daryl then ordered the prisoners. One by one they exited the small room they'd been residing in. The prisoners came out hesitantly. 

"What happened to him?" The prisoner with a gun asked, nodding over to Hershel. 

"He got bit." Daryl explained. 

"Bit?" The prisoner asked, pulling out his gun. I lifted mine and aimed it at him angrily. He then lifted his to me. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy now. Nobody needs to get hurt." Daryl said, rather calmly. 

"I need you to hold this. As hard as you can." Rick voice sounded again. 

"Yes..." Maggie trailed. Glenn then walked passed us towards the room the prisoners were in. 

"You got medical supplies?" He asked. 

"Whoa, where do you think you're going?" The tall colored man snapped as Glenn went into the room. 

"Who the hell are you people anyway?" The guy with the gun asked. 

"Don't look like no rescue team!" The ginger guy snapped as Glenn came back out of the room with a metal table. 

"If a rescue team's what you're waiting for, don't!" Rick snarled before he and Glenn lifted Hershel onto the table. "Come on, we gotta go! Now!" Rick then snapped. "T, the door!" He snapped. 

"Are you crazy? Don't open that!" The prisoner snapped.T-Dog walked over to the door.

"We got this." He said before opening the door. He killed the walked that entered before allowing Rick, Glenn  and Maggie to leave, wheeling Hershel out. "Let's go." T-Dog said to Daryl, who still had his aim on the prisoner with the gun. His gun was still raised as we left the room and headed back to our cell block. 

"This way! Go, go, go, go! Back, back!" Rick yelled as we weaved through the corridor, dodging walkers. 

"Come on! Go, go, go!" Daryl yelled too. We continued down the hallway, when the sound of footsteps echoed behind us. 

"Stop, stop!" Rick ordered, as we turned back the way we came. The group of prisoners were following us. 

"Go, go, go, go." Daryl snapped, ushering us down the hall. 

"Follow the flashlight, come on let's go!" One of the prisoners called. As we reached the cell block, Daryl quickly unlocked the first door, allowing us in. 

"He's losing too much blood!" Maggie called, clutching Hershel's leg. 

 "Open the door!" Rick yelled. "It's Hershel! Carl, come on!" He called. Carl opened the door, and we entered the cell block. Beth saw us and immediately began worrying. "Go, go, go, go! In there!" Rick ordered, referring to the first cell. "Get him on the bed! He got bit." Rick told the rest of the group. 

"Oh, my god, he's gonna turn!" Beth exclaimed. 

"Did you cut it off?" Lori asked. 

"Yeah." Rick replied. 

"Maybe you got it in time." She added. 

"Ready? Okay. One, two, three!" Rick counted before he, Lori, Glenn, Maggie and Lori lifted Herhsel onto the bed. 

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