Chapter 79.

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New trailer!!^ Slightly darker than the other.

"Rick's not goin' to be to happy about this." I commented as we lead Aaron to the barn. 

"We gotta let Rick here him out, Pipe, it's only fair." Maggie told me. 

"I know, but with our recent run-ins with new people, something tells me he might not be that willing to listen." I explained, letting out a sigh as we reached the barn. Not that I trusted him, but there was something good about him, I could feel that he wasn't bad. Maggie let out a sigh before pushing open the doors. 

"Hey. Everyone..." She called out. "This is Aaron." She introduced, causing everyone to jump to their feet, most holding up their weapons to him. Daryl rushed over, checking out side too. 

"We met him outside. He's by himself." I explained. "We took his weapons and we took his gear. " I added as Daryl began to frisk Aaron. 

"Hi." Aaron said, as Judith began to cry. Rick handed her over to Carl. "It's nice to meet you." He added, stepping forward to hold out his hand but immediately stopping when everyone flinch, Daryl more than others. I placed my hand on his arm, trying to calm him.  

"You said he had a weapon?" Rick asked. Maggie nodded and walked over to him, handing over Aaron's gun which he checked out before tucking into the back of his pants. "There's something you need?" Rick sneered at Aaron. 

"He has a camp, nearby." Sasha answered for him. "He wants us to audition for membership." She added, reciting all the information Aaron had given us. 

"I wish there was another word. Audition makes it sound like we're some kind of a dance troupe. That's only on Friday nights." Aaron tried to joke though no-one found it funny, well apart from me, I did smile slightly. "Um, and it's not a camp. It's a community. I think you all would make valuable additions. But it's not my call. My job is to convince you all to follow me back home." He then explained. Everyone looked at him wearily as he continued. "I know. If I were you, I wouldn't go either. Not until I knew exactly what I was getting into." Aaron then looked back at me. "Piper, can you hand Rick my pack?" He asked. I nodded slowly before walking over to Rick, pulling the backpack off and handing it to him before walking back to Daryl. "Front pocket, there's an envelope. There's no way I could convince you to come with me just by talking about our community. That's why I brought those. I apologize in advance for the picture quality. We just found an old camera store last..." 

"Nobody gives a shit." Daryl sneered, cutting Aaron off. I pushed his arm lightly and glared at him. 

"You're absolutely 100% right." Aaron agreed, looking back at Daryl then turning back to Rick. "That's the first picture I wanted to show you because nothing I say about our community will matter unless you know you'll be safe. If you join us, you will be. Each panel in that wall is a 15-foot-high, 12-foot-wide slab of solid steel framed by cold-rolled steel beams and square tubing. Nothing alive or dead gets through that without our say-so." He explained to Rick, who was looking at the pictures. "Like I said, security is obviously important. In fact, there's only one resource more critical to our community's survival. The people. Together we're strong. You can make us even stronger." Aaron continued as we all shared weary looks. "The next picture, you'll see inside the gates. Our community was first construc..." Before Aaron could finish, Rick stormed over and punched him, right in the face, knocking him out cold. I let out an exasperated sigh and shook my head.

"We got to secure him. Dump his pack. Let's see what this guy really is." Rick commanded, as everyone began to follow his ordered.  

"Rick." I warned. 

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