Chapter 69.

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"I spent months here without stepping out the front door. If you found someone inside, well, it would have been surprising." Gabriel explained, as we exited the church after looking round it.

"Thanks for this." Carl told him, earning him a look from Rick.

"We found a short bus out back. It don't run, but I bet we could fix that in less than a day or two. Father here says he doesn't want it. Looks like we found ourselves some transport." Abraham explained to Rick who ignored him a played with the hair of Judith who was sat comfortably in Carl's arms. "You understand what's at stake here, right?" He then asked.

"Yes, I do." Rick replied, not looking back at Abraham.

"Now that we can take a breath--"

We take a breath, we slow down, shit inevitably goes down." Abraham snapped, cutting Michonne off.

"We need supplies no matter what we do next." Michonne told him.

"That's right. Water, food, ammunition." Rick agreed before heading inside.

"Short bus ain't going nowhere." Daryl said, taking my hand and leading me up the steps. "Bring you back some baked beans." He added.

"How'd you survive here for so long?" Rick asked Gabriel, once everyone was inside.

"Where did your supplies come from?" I added.

"Luck. Our annual canned food drive. Things fell apart right after we finished it. It was just me." Gabriel explained. "The food lasted a long time and then I started scavenging. I've cleaned out every place nearby, except for one." He told us.

"What kept you from it?" Rick asked.

"It's overrun." Gabriel replied.

"How many?"

"A dozen or so. Maybe more." Gabriel told him.

"We can handle a dozen." Rick confirmed.

"Bob and I will go with you. Tyreese should stay here, help keep Judith safe." Sasha smiled, looking over at her brother.

"That'll be okay?" Rick asked, looking over at Ty.

"Sure. You ever need me to watch her, need anything for her, I'm right here." Tyreese told Rick with a smile.

"I'm grateful for it and everything else." Rick told him, glancing at me.

"I'll go too." I said.

"No, you stay here, me and you'll go out and get water, I found some containers we can get a lot of it." Daryl said. I shrugged and nodded.

"Well, I'll draw you a map." Gabriel said to Rick.

"You don't need to. You're coming with us." Rick told him.

"I'm not gonna be of any help. You saw me. I'm no good around those things." Gabriel protested.

"You're coming with us." Rick said sternly before walking over to Carl. I sighed, deciding I should talk to Glenn. He was sat down in a middle row with Maggie. I took a deep breath before slowly walking over.

"Hey." I said, once I reached them. Maggie looked up at me and smiled but Glenn didn't look up. "Mind if I talk to him for a minute?" I asked Maggie. She nodded and stood up before walking away. I sat down beside Glenn who still hadn't looked at me.

"Glenn, I'm sorry." I whispered. He glanced over at me and his hard expression softened. "I didn't mean to be so horrible out there, I-"

"Piper, I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have called you that." He butted in.

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