Chapter 103.

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"Piper, Piper wake up!!"  I was shook from my slumber by an extremely worried Carl. With a groan I sat up, rubbing my tired eyes. 

"Hey bud, what's the matter?" I asked, frowning up at him. 

"It's happening." He spoke. 

"What is?" My frown grew deeper as I stood up. 

"The run through went wrong, the walkers got out of the quarry and now the plan is going on right now." Carl explained. 

"No." I whispered before taking off out of the room. My feet bounded down the stairs and out the front door, passing Carol as I left the house. I rushed to the armory, grabbing my shotgun and a few shells. 

"You have to sign that out." Olivia spoke. 

"That's what I'm doing!" I rushed out, loading my gun before leaving the armory. 

"Piper you can't go out there." Carol called as I rushed to the gate. 

"I have to, open up!!" I yelled to whoever was on gate duty. "Now please!" I snapped. 

"Piper you can't leave, you know you can't." Carol tried to reason. 

"I need to leave, Daryl is out there, I've gotta help-"

"Piper!" Deanna's voice sounded. I turned to her with a sad look. "You're not leaving those gates. Out there, right now, is no place for a pregnant woman." She explained. Nonchalantly, my hand drifted to my stomach. 

"But Daryl-"

"Is a big boy, he can take care of himself." Deanna piped in. "You two have come this far, from what you've told me, been separated many times and you've still managed to find your way back to each other, right?" Slowly I nodded. "This time will be no different, take the gun back to Olivia and come to me, we'll give you some tasks to do whilst they're out, okay? To keep you distracted." She explained. 

"Okay." I mumbled before slowly heading back to the armory. "Sorry, Olivia, my hormones got the best of me." I apologised. 

"No worries." She smiled in reply. With a smile back, I left the armory and headed over to Deanna's house. She was sat out on her porch steps and smiled at me as I approached. I smiled back at her but it was forced. 

"Please, sit down Piper." Deanna ordered. I nodded and slowly sat down beside her. "Now I know you're worried about Daryl, about what's going to happen to him out there but out there is no place for a person in your condition." She explained. "I wanted you to stay here after I heard the news, I was not about to let a pregnant woman out of those gates." With a sigh I nodded. "But that wasn't the only reason." She added. 


"No it wasn't." Deanna spoke, a smile forming." Daryl came to me last night with a simple request, to not let you leave today." She told me. 

"He did?" I frowned. 

"Yes Piper. Daryl loves you so much, and all he wants is for you and your baby to be safe, and inside the walls is the safest place for you right now, not out there." Deanna said, softly. 

"I love him too." I whispered, more to myself. "I didn't even tell him before he left. I was being such a bitch, what if something happens to him out there-"

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