Chapter 83.

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Piper's Point of View.

I'd just arrived at our house to be greeted by a freshly shaven Rick. I smiled over at him. He looked like when we first met. He'd also gotten a haircut, which looked pretty darn good on him too.

"I like the new look Rick." I smirked, placing my hand on his smooth jawline. He smiled down at him as I dropped my hand. "So this is ours?" I asked, pointing up at the house. 

"Yep, and that one." Rick told me, pointing at the house next door. 

"Oh, wow." I mumbled.

"You wanna look inside?" Rick asked. I nodded eagerly before following him inside. The house was huge, and so clean. I t was amazing inside, well put together like when you go a visit your new home for the first time. It felt homely too, welcoming. 

"This is amazing Rick." I exclaimed, as we looked in the last bedroom, this one was my favourite. It was big, but not too big, with beige walls, a double bed and a small closet. There was also a vanity set, with four draws and an en suite bathroom. It was a small bathroom but it was still great. To me, it was perfect. "Now before the others get here, I shotgun this room." I rushed out, with a smile. Rick laughed slightly. 

"You don't even wanna check out the other house first?" He asked. 

"No, this is perfect." I smiled, gently brushing my hands over the soft, white bed sheets. 

"Alright." He smiled back. I turned to Rick, placing my hand on his cheek. 

"You've made the right decision, Rick. This place, it's gonna be our home, it's safe and we, we can make it safer." I told him. 

"I hope you're right." He smiled, placing his hand on mine. 

"Always am." I smirked, making him chuckle. The air then filled with silence, and my smile faded slightly as Rick glanced down at my lips. He slowly leaned down, as I leaned up slightly. Suddenly, the front door slammed shut, and Glenn's voice rang through the air. 

"Rick!" He yelled, causing me to abruptly pull away and look down.

"Um, the others are here." I mumbled, still not looking up at him.

"Yeah, let's-um- go down...stairs I mean." Rick coughed out. I nodded before quickly rushing out of the room and heading downstairs. Smiling, I walked over to Daryl and took his hand. 

"I've got something to show you." I whispered, trying to push what happened with Rick out of my head. Daryl frowned down at me as I grabbed his hand. "Come on!" I smiled, pulling him towards the stairs, stopping when Rick came down. I looked down slightly when he made eye contact. He then shook Daryl's hand before heading over to Carl. Continuing, I pulled Daryl up the stairs and into the room Rick and I were previously in. "Tadaa!" I called, holding my hands out, turning to face a confused Daryl.

"It's a room." He mumbled, looking round. 

"Our room." I corrected, taking his hands. "We get a room Daryl, and I picked this one." I smiled, but it faltered when his face still held a frown. "If you don't like it we can always look in the other house." I muttered, dropping his hands and turning away to look at the room again. Daryl gripped my wrist and turned me to him again.

"I like it too." He spoke, sending me a small smile. Letting out an excited squeal, I jumped up into his arms, wrapping my legs round his waist. 

"We get a room!" I exclaimed before kissing his lips. Daryl kissed back before kicking the door shut and walking closer to the bed. He dropped me down before slowly climbing on top of me. I giggled lightly as he pressed his lips on mine once again. He then pulled back, looking down at me. 

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