Chapter 65.

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Once the evening came around we were huddle up in one room. Lizzie and Carol were cracking Pecans while I sat on the floor with Mika. She was sitting with a doll she'd found. I smiled down at her when she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Look what I found. I'm gonna name her Griselda Gunderson." She exclaimed, showing the doll to Carol.

"Well, we got plenty of water, now all we got to do is bag one of them deer and we're all set." Ty said happily as he entered the room.

"Then we'll get one." Carol smiled.

"Yeah." Tyreese said before looking round at each of us.

"What's wrong?" Mika asked.

"I'm not used to this." Ty said.

"Used to what?" Lizzie questioned.

"We're in a living room in a house." He replied slowly.

"Yeah, so relax." Mika told him.

"Yeah Ty, relax." I repeated. Tyreese chuckled before sitting down in the armchair and pulling off his hat. I smiled up at him before looking back at the fire.

"We should live here." Mika then said, looking up at Tyreese. My smile dropped a little. I wanted to but I couldn't I knew I couldn't.


The next morning I woke up early with Carol. We were sat in the kitchen together, talking.

"Carol I told Rick." I suddenly said.

"Told Rick what?" She asked.

"About David, I told him it was me, I told him I helped you." I explained.

"Piper, I told you that I'd take the blame, you shouldn't have done that." She told.

"I couldn't, I couldn't keep it a secret, I hate keeping secrets from the people I care about, Carol, I'm sorry." I sighed. "He told me that we'd 'sort it out later' but with everything that happened I never spoke to him again. I never spoke to Daryl again, Carol I don't even know he's alive, if he got out." I explained, beginning to cry. Carol came to my side and hugged. "That's why I don't want to stay here! I want to look for him, I need to know if he got, if he's alive, I need to know." I cried.

"Shh, we will, Piper, I promise we'll find him." She cooed before pulling back. "Now, let's change the dressing on your leg okay?" She asked. I wiped away the tears and nodded.

"Okay." I said. She smiled and began peeling the bandage off my leg before replacing it with a clean one. I smiled and thanked her. "Oh, and I found some scissors upstairs, I was wondering if you could cut my hair?" I asked, looking up at her as she stood up.

"But your hair is so long." She said.

"I know, but it's just getting in the way, I want it shorter." I told her, she nodded.

"Okay, where are they?" She asked.

"Over on the counter." I said, pointing at the kitchen counter. She walked over and grabbed them before walking back over.

"Okay, how short?" She asked.

"Here." I said, lifting my hand just about my shoulder.

"Okay." She said, before cutting a large chunk off. "No turning back now." She chuckled. I laughed and sat patiently as she cut the rest. I watched as it all hit the floor. "There, all done." She smiled, placing the scissors down. I ran my fingers down my hair, loving how short it was.

"I love it, thank you." I told her. Before Carol could reply, Lizzie's voice sounded.

"Hey Carol, can I go outside and play?" She asked, entering the kitchen. Carol smiled at her and nodded.

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