Chapter 91.

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After a few days, Daryl had managed to fix up the motorbike, he worked on it non-stop. I. however, hadn't yet managed to tell anyone else yet about the pregnancy, apart from Maggie of course. She was so happy for me, a little worried that I still wanted to go out and do my job but I promised her I'd be extra careful. This morning, I woke up to find Daryl getting dressed. 

"Where are you going?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. Daryl smiled up at me. 

"I'm goin' out with Aaron on run today." He told me, buttoning up his shirt. Climbing out of bed, I walked over to him and began to button up the rest of his shirt. 

"You're gonna go out recruiting?" I asked, smirking up at him. 

"Yup, and I heard about that run you're goin' on today." Daryl spoke. Smirking slightly again, I nodded and stepped away from him. 

"Yeah, we're going to a warehouse to look for something that Eugene was talking about, apparently it's gonna help out with the power." I explained, vaguely before stepping in front of the mirror. "I should actually start getting ready." I told Daryl as I pulled my hair up into a low bun before grabbing my bandanna off the counter and tying it round my head. I then pulled off the over sized shirt I slept in before changing into some clean underwear. Then, I pulled on some fresh clothes, and strapped on my gun holster. 

"Do you really have to go out there today?" Daryl asked, wrapping his arm round my waist from behind. His hands rested on my stomach and he placed his chin on my shoulder. I looked up at him, through the mirror and smiled. 

"Yes, I promised Deanna I'd go out and Glenn already promised you he'd keep an eye on me." I spoke, placing my hands over Daryl's. Letting out a sigh, Daryl kissed my shoulder before pulling his arms from round me. 

"Alright, but be careful." He told me. 

"You too, you best come back in one piece." I spoke, smiling at Daryl as he left the room. Swiftly, I headed downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl then heading out of the house, not before saying a quick hello to Carl and Judith. I headed next door to Glenn's house, feeling pumped about going on this run, Aiden was actually gonna let us help run the show for once. Pulling open the front door, I skipped into the house and over to the living room where Glenn was located. 

"Hey bro." I chirped, sitting down beside him on the couch. 

"Hey Piper, how are you feeling?" Glenn asked, shuffling in his seat. 

"I feel well enough to go on this run if that's what you mean." I replied, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Oh okay good, that's great." Glenn mumbled, looking away. 

"Glenn, I'm barely showing right now, I can still fight off walkers like I could before I found out I was pregnant, I'm not incompetent." I told him with a sigh.

"I know, I know, I'm just worried is all, you gotta be really careful out there, Pipe." Glenn spoke, placing his hand on my shoulder. 

"I always am, Glenn." I smiled. "Now let's go." I beamed, pulling him up. The two of us headed over to Deanna's house, where Aiden's truck was parked outside of. It was there, we met up with Eugene, Noah, and Tara as well as Aiden and Nicholas. Tara handed me my gun, which I thanked her for. I holstered my gun before walking over and standing by Eugene, who sent me a nervous smile. Noah walked over to us, holding out a handgun to Eugene, who frowned. 

"Oh, no, thank you." He denied, pulling out a black box from his satchel. 

"Just take it." I told him, rolling my eyes. 

"Come on, you got to protect yourself." Noah agreed.

"Not if I don't go." Eugene spoke, shaking his head at the idea. 

"We're not driving all that way so we can just drive back with the wrong shit." Aiden spoke, as I began to help Glenn load up the van. 

"It's a dozen of these. They are consistent in appearance across manufacturers." I heard Eugene explain. "The shit will be right; I will install said shit then the grid will be fully operational again." He added, trying anyway to get out of the run. I placed a bag into the van, watching as Noah forced Eugene to take the gun. Sitting down on the edge of the van, Tara and I smirked at Noah as he walked over.  

"Heard you talking to Holly last night." I smirked, as I stood up straight. 

"Yeah, what's her story?" Tara asked, glancing at me. 

"Why do you ask?" Noah asked, walking away. Tara followed him. 

"No reason." She spoke. "It's an innocent question. Don't make me hurt you." She laughed, grabbing Noah shoulders. I smiled at the two as I walked over to Maggie, who was also smiling. 

"You be careful out there, I know you're not showin' but you gotta keep yourself alert." She ordered me.

"Yes ma'am." I saluted with a smirked. Maggie smirked back before shaking her head and walking away and over to Glenn. Tara, Noah,  and I walked over and climbed into the back of the van, whilst Nicholas and Aiden got in the front. Glenn climbed in a little while later, sitting down next to me, he sent me a weary look, earning himself only an eye roll. 

"Seriously though, what's her story?" Tara questioned. Before Noah could reply, a loud beat began to play throughout the van. 

"Great, another mix." I frowned,resting my head on Glenn's shoulder. 'Now you're going to die' the lyrics sang, making me roll my eyes, causing Glenn to laugh. 

"That'll draw them away." Glenn spoke, sarcastically as the van began to move. Closing my eyes, I fiddled with my ring, mentally trying to prepare myself for this run. However something, deep down in the pit of my stomach, was screaming at me; telling me something was going to go wrong. 

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