RE-WRITTEN -Chapter 1.

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She gently turned over in her sleeping bag to face him. He was sound asleep beside her, she smiled, he looked peaceful and less angry. Slowly, she raised her hand, gently pressing her palm against his cheek, lightly cupping his face. Her thumb rubbed his cheek, creating small circular motions on his skin. Her eyes danced over his features, admiring the man before her. The man that was her hero, quite literally. In the beginning, when the outbreak first began, Daryl saved her life. He, and Merle, came across her house when scavenging for supplies, they found her hiding in a closet. Daryl told her to come with him, promising he'd take care of her, to protect her. She trusts him, with her life.

Piper slowly dropped her hand, only for Daryl to grab it and place it back on his cheek. She smiled, her eyes connecting with his. Daryl smiled back, leaning down to place a small kiss on her lips, and placing his hand on her waist; his rough ringers caressed her soft skin. Piper continued to caress his cheek, smiling as she took in his tired features.

"Why're you up so early darlin'?" He questioned, his voice groggy.

"I couldn't sleep." Piper replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Why not?" Daryl asked, frowning down at her.

Piper looked down."I'm just worried."She admitted, embarrassed to let her weak side show.

Daryl smiled again. "Why are you worried?"

"I don't wanna lose this." She told him, her eyes reconnecting with his.

"I can't promise you won't lose me but you gotta stop worrying about what might be, focus on here and now, we're together, that's all that matters." Piper smiled widely as he spoke, nodding her head in agreement. He pushed his forehead against hers, tightening his grip on her waist. "Now go back to sleep, you need rest." Daryl ordered. Piper nodded, rolling back onto her side, and allowing Daryl to wrap her in his arms. She closed her eyes and allowed sleep to consume her.


Piper woke some hours later, she was alone. She climbed out of her sleeping back, neatening it up before stretching out her tired muscles. A yawn escaped her lips as she changed, opting for a comfortable, yet practical outfit. She belted her shorts, placing her weapons in the holsters. She then exited the tent, the morning Atlanta sun causing her to squint, the brightness making her tired eyes ache. Once they had refocused, she looked around the camp, noticing Dale and Amy sitting atop the RV. She walked over to them, a small smile on her lips.

"Any of the guys tryin' to get through today?" Piper asked, looking up at them, using raising her arm to block the sun from her eyes.

"Nope." Amy responded, chewing on her bottom lip, a nervous tick Piper had noticed over the past few days. "It's quiet, they've been out there for too long." Worry was written on Amy's face as she rubbed her arm impatiently. Her sister was out there, Piper understood why she'd grown so nervous. Piper climbed up the ladder leading to the roof of the RV as Dale stood from his seat. He sent a grateful to her as she passed him and took a seat in the now empty chair. She placed a hand on Amy's shoulder.

"I'm sure they're fine, don't worry too much, Merle and T-Dog will look after them." Piper comforted, earning a small smile from Amy who also placed her hand over Piper's.

"You're right." Amy spoke quietly.

Piper smiled, dropping her hand. "Hey, do you know where Daryl went?" She asked, changing the subject in hopes to take Amy's mind off of things.

"He went out hunting, he left pretty early, should be back soon." She explained, looking back at Piper. She nodded at Amy and looked down, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Amy smirked at her friend and Piper looked back up.

RE-WRITING! Guardian Angel. (A Walking Dead/Daryl Dixon Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now