Chapter 1

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  Chu Xiaoyun gradually woke up. He felt something flowing over his face and head. The feeling was very similar to water.

Thinking of water, Chu Xiaoyun sat up in a jerk, his heart beating violently in his heart cavity. He remembered that as a criminal policeman, he was chasing a criminal suspect. The man jumped over the wall in a hurry, resisted arrest and even attacked the police. He and he fought on a bridge across the river, and one accidentally fell under the bridge. The river that passed away in the east.

The bridge deck is more than 20 meters away from the river, and the river below the bridge is as deep as 20 to 30 meters. It is bitterly cold in winter, and even if the water quality is excellent, there is no possibility of survival. The moment he fell off the bridge, Chu Xiaoyun thought that his whole life was fixed at that time. It was a miracle that he didn't die by God's blessing.

Chu Xiaoyun reached out for the walkie-talkie in his pocket, which integrated waterproof, shockproof, and fireproof functions, and asked his teammates for support. He felt something was wrong when he touched his waist. He looked down and saw that what he was wearing was not the uniform he was wearing during the mission, but ancient clothes.

He looked around in disbelief, and found that he was not in that terrible deep river, but by a small river with gurgling water. At this moment, he was sitting on the pebbles on the river beach, his upper body clothes were dripping wet, his lower body clothes were dry, and there were water drops on his head and down his face. Chu Xiaoyun touched it, his hair was also wet, and found another thing, it seemed that there was a bun made of hair on his head.

He lowered his head and glanced into the water, making sure that his hairstyle was the same as that of ancient men, with a bun on his head. Fortunately, that face hadn't changed, it was still him, but his demeanor looked like a rascal, not himself at all. The temperament you should have in your daily life.

Where did this come from? Chu Xiaoyun was even more confused.

This time he looked around carefully, and found that he was under a stone bridge. There were pedestrians passing by on the bridge at this time, and they were all dressed in the style of ancient people.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he looked over, the people on the bridge quickly looked away from him, and their pace was obviously accelerated.

Chu Xiaoyun's head was full of question marks. I have always been gentle with others, and I don't look scary, so why would anyone see him as if they were seeing the King of Hades. At this time, there was a feeling of being shocked by an electric shock in my mind, and many things came one after another.

These successive things are the memory of the original owner, Chu Xiaoyun finally figured out what was going on, he had traveled through time, to a Dacheng Dynasty that was not recorded in history.

The original owner was a hooligan and rascal during his lifetime. Not only was he idle and competitive, he was also a well-known gambler. Folks from all over the world will take a detour when they see him, which can be regarded as another form of fame in the village.

Chu Xiaoyun understood why the people passing by on the stone bridge just now looked like they had seen the King of Hades when they saw him. If he put the character of the original owner on himself, he would respect such a person at a distance.

Although Chu Xiaoyun is a criminal police officer, those who travel through time often hear it from the little girls who work in the office, so they probably know what's going on. After figuring out his current situation, he took a breath. It is better to live than to die. Anyway, he was alone in the original world, but now he lives in another place. It's just that after traveling through one life, how could he still be the master who feeds the whole family by himself, and doesn't leave a family for himself, not only that, but also dressed as a rogue, which really damaged his reputation in his previous life.

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