Chapter 125

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Baojia information showed that the family had moved to a certain alley in the county, but Chu Xiaoyun checked again and found that they no longer lived there. This is after moving out of Baishui Village.

After some twists and turns, Chu Xiaoyun finally found out the Baojia information of the family that moved out of Baishui Village. The family has moved to Fangchuan County next door. After receiving this information, Chu Xiaoyun rushed to Fangchuan County with his team, and with the cooperation of the local government, he quickly found the family.

Faced with the sudden appearance of the people from the Gongmen, the elderly people in the yard seemed particularly panicked, while a group of children looked at them curiously and a little bit scared. An elderly couple in their sixties guarded a group of children behind them. The group of children ranged from fourteen or five-year-olds to five or six-year-olds. They were drying medicinal herbs in the courtyard. When they saw Chu Xiaoyun and the others come in, some older children asked, "Grandpa and grandma, what are they doing?" Who is it?"

Hearing the noise in the courtyard, a young man in his twenties and a young woman of similar age walked out of the house. Seeing Chu Xiaoyun and his party dressed in Gongmen costumes, they panicked and immediately calmed down.

After entering the door, Chu Xiaoyun looked around at the family in front of him. There was no one he was looking for here, but the young couple in front of them couldn't give birth to a boy of fourteen or fifteen.

"I don't know what you can do when you come to visit the humble house?" After the initial panic, the young man stepped forward and asked.

Chu Xiaoyun asked: "Did your family move here from Hejing County? Why did you move here?"

Facing Chu Xiaoyun's question, the young man knew that it was useless to argue, so he forced himself to calm down for a moment and said, "Yes. Our family is because of I couldn't stand the people in the village gossiping, so I moved away."

After thinking for a while, he added: "The imperial court did not restrict the people from moving."

"No one said that the imperial court forbids the common people to move, why do you think so much?" Chu Xiaoyun While talking, his eyes scanned the family's house.

This family is full of herbs from the yard to the house, and it looks like a family that collects herbs for a living. And Dunzi lived by collecting herbs before his death.

Chu Xiaoyun pointed to the old man and child next to him and asked, "What is their relationship with you?"

The young man thought for a while and said, "They are my parents and children."

Chu Xiaoyun pointed to the older ones. Child: "Looking at your age, you don't have such a big child, right?"

The young man was silent, but refused to speak any more.

Chu Xiaoyun looked at the other party: "You can think about it carefully, but you have to say it after all."

At this time, there was a sound of pushing the door open, accompanied by a clear and cheerful female voice: "Father, mother, we are back. Xiaoshan, Yu'er, did you listen to your grandpa and grandma today?"

Chu Xiaoyun and others turned their heads, and the target was a middle-aged woman in her thirties, followed by a woman older than her. Longer men. He is more than eight feet tall, which is similar to the stature of Dunzi according to the villagers' rumors.

Seeing the two of them, the young man in the yard shouted anxiously: "Brother-in-law, run, run. The people from the government are here!"

Chu Xiaoyun was ready to chase after him, and the middle-aged man's face flashed There was a hesitant look, but in the end, his feet didn't move half a bit. He looked at Chu Xiaoyun and his party, and said to the young man who was yelling at him: "Since that day seventeen years ago, I know that this day will come sooner or later; or if my former accomplice finds it, it will be worse than today .Where can I go in the whole world? Besides, there are you." The

middle-aged woman beside him hugged him and burst into tears. The elders in the courtyard were also wiping their tears, the child behind them didn't know why. Some of the older children watched all this in a daze, and some couldn't help but ask "what's the matter" with a sob in their mouth. When the younger children saw the adults crying, they were also frightened and burst into tears.

The middle-aged man took out a handkerchief to dry the tears of the woman hugging him, and then helped her stand upright. After finishing all this, he walked towards Chu Xiaoyun: "I am Dunzi."

Chu Xiaoyun nodded, "Then find a place to talk. Do you want to talk here or go to the Yamen?

" Xiaoyun and Fangchuan County's catcher welcomed them into the main room of their home, and the children and old people went to stay in other rooms. The other police officers from the two counties were guarding the yard inside and out.

Dunzi's daughter-in-law made them a cup of tea, Chu Xiaoyun took a sip of tea and said to Dunzi, "Tell me, what happened seventeen years ago." Dunzi asked, "Can I let my wife avoid it

? There were some things that hurt her a lot back then, and I don't want her to expose her scars again."

Chu Xiaoyun thought for a while: "Yes."

Seventeen years ago.

Dunzi's family is a branch of the Hu people in the north. They have a small number of people in that branch, and they have been slaves among the Hu people for generations. The nobles of the Hu people controlled their families. The men were basically recruited to become dead warriors of the Hu people or soldiers in the vanguard of the conflict with Dacheng when they reached adulthood, and most of the women were servants of the nobles.

Dunzi's father died in the border conflict with Dacheng when he was very young, and his mother died of illness shortly thereafter, leaving only one grandmother to depend on him. At the age of sixteen, he became a dead soldier of the Hu people. After several years of training, he was sent as the second prince to Dacheng as a secret sentry during the border conflict between the two countries at the age of twenty.

In several years of training, he learned the language and customs of Dacheng, and after being indoctrinated in Dacheng, he must not only be loyal to the Hu State, but also be loyal to the second prince. They are the people of the second prince. In the territory of Dacheng, not only the people of the Dacheng court, but also the people of the eldest prince should be on guard. Because his grandmother taught him some medicine, he also used this skill when he sent Dacheng to pretend to be a refugee.

On the eve of his being sent to Dacheng, his grandmother touched his face and told him: "If you are sent to Dacheng to die, you should find a way to get rid of the shackles of the nobles and find freedom like an eagle. Grandma is old, and in a few years Boss, you are still young and have a chance, you must escape. Your father died for the pleasure of the nobles, and your mother died because of the torture of the nobles. You are not worth working for them. If one day they want to use the life of your grandmother Threatening you to do something, grandma will not give them this chance. You have to remember, from now on, only think about yourself." Although the grandmother said so, it is impossible for

Dunzi to leave the grandmother who brought him up and ignore him. After he came to Dacheng, he used the Dacheng refugee status given to him by the dead Hu people, mixed with Dacheng's southward refugee team, and came to Hejing County. The task he received, in addition to passing on information when necessary, was to collect medicinal materials for treating knife wounds in Dacheng territory, which were necessary medicines when war broke out. His so-called refugee friends are all Hu people's secret sentinels to Dacheng, including the shopkeeper of the pharmacy where he picked herbs and delivered them.

That shopkeeper is consistent with his mission.

Dunzi originally thought of following the promise of the Hu nobles, working hard in Dacheng for a few years, and then returning to his hometown to spend the rest of the time with his grandmother. There is a rumor among the refugees in Dacheng that the locals look down on their refugees going south and always keep a distance from them and do not communicate with them.

When Dunzi arrived in Baishui Village, in order to conceal his mission, he deliberately kept a distance from the villagers. He didn't feel that the rumors among the refugees were anything bad, nor did he feel that way of being rejected. But one day when he returned home from collecting herbs, because the sun was shining brightly when he went out, it suddenly rained heavily on the way back.

He didn't bring an rain gear, so he ran in the rain in a mess. On the way, I met a local girl named Bailu in Baishui Village. Not only did the girl not avoid him as rumored, but she also lent him the umbrella she had given to her parents who were busy on the mountain. He didn't want the umbrella, but the girl's heart-warming behavior was imprinted in his mind.

After the first encounter, I don't know why the number of encounters became more. After going back and forth, the two finally talked. That was the age when the heart of spring was sprouting, and the two came and went, and the two of them secretly fell in love and began to communicate secretly.

Because of his status, Dunzi dared not tell Bailu the truth; because he made friends with a refugee, Bailu didn't think about how to tell his family. The two had scruples in their hearts, so they didn't think about making it public for a long time.

After Dunzi came to Dacheng, he had a lot of contact with Bailu, and found that neither the people nor the court in Dacheng were as insidious and cunning as the Hu people's leaders propagated during their training. What he sees more is that the people of Dacheng live and work in peace and contentment. Especially the imperial court's resettlement of the refugees shocked him deeply.

In the country of Hu, his people have been slaves of the nobles for generations, and the nobles never cared about their lives. Once a war breaks out, the men of his clan are the first to be sent to the battlefield. A retreat gradually emerged in his heart, at one point he thought of hiding his name and taking Bai Lu away, forgetting everything; or simply surrendering to Dacheng in exchange for the protection of the Dacheng court. But at this time, he had to think of his grandmother who was still in his hometown, and all his thoughts were just thoughts after all.

Just when Dunzi's inner struggle was the most intense, an unexpected thing happened.

The informant Anshao who contacted him brought another Anshao, disguised as a herb dealer with a new mission, and met Bai Lu at Dunzi's house. Seeing the beautiful Dacheng woman, the two secret whistles felt malicious and flirted with Bai Lu. Dunzi stopped him, and was dragged to the next room by the informant to ask, "Are you attracted to Dacheng's woman?"

In order to protect Bailu, Dunzi Qingpo calmed down and denied it: "No. She is just a neighbor, and the people of Baishui Village are very concerned about the refugees. Gu. She just came here to bring me some food."

The informant looked at Dunzi and found that he didn't seem to be lying, so he said to Dunzi: "That's easy. She must die when she sees us. But in death Before, let the brothers be happy and make the best use of everything."

Fighting against two accomplices who are also dark sentries by himself, and there is a helpless Bai Lu in the other room, Dunzi has no chance of winning. In order to win life for Bai Lu, he and his accomplice pretended to agree to the other party's request. He also said that they came from afar, and their lives are not as stable as his. They probably don't know how delicious Dacheng's food is, so they must eat and drink at home today.

After dealing with the informant, Dunzi thought about how to get Bai Lu to leave. For the present plan, we can only use the time of cooking to find an opportunity for Bai Lu to escape. During the cooking process, Dunzi wanted to find time for Bailu to leave several times on the pretext of picking vegetables and fetching water, but was stopped by two accomplices.

So he could only make false claims with the two accomplices while looking for opportunities to get rid of them.

While cooking, his eyes fell on the herbs that day. Suddenly, in a flash of inspiration, Tunzi remembered his specialty. He decided to use the toxin produced by the mutually restraining properties of the two foods to poison the two wings.

However, the informant was a picky eater and only ate one of the dishes, but did not eat the other. Dunzi saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. Suddenly he remembered the poison he had refined, and decided to take a risk.

He avoided the eyes of the two accomplices, dipped his fingers in poison, and pretended to be gracious to serve the picky accomplice with soup, and passed his finger in the soup bowl unintentionally. In order for Tongdang to drink the bowl of soul-sending soup as soon as possible, he forced Bai Lu to serve the soup to Tongdang by forcing himself to be calm.

Bai Lu gave the soup to the informant in fear, and the informant drank it, and died of poison not long after. Seeing this, the dark whistle who came with him yelled at Dunzi for treason, so he was about to step forward and show his hand to Bai. Dunzi pulled Bailu away, avoided the opponent's attack and said to her: "Go away. Get out of here, and I will come to you after I deal with them. Don't trust anyone except me!"

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