Chapter 104

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Chu Xiaoyun ignored Yi's father, just looked straight at Wen Tao and asked, "Why is the clerk so familiar with Yi, a farmer?"

Wen Tao showed a smile when he heard this: "I didn't say that the people in the yamen You can't make friends with farmers, right? Besides, I'm just a small official in a district or county government office. I don't have any grades or grades. What's so strange about knowing a few farmers?" "It's one thing to know each other, but it's another thing to be acquainted with them

. "Chu Xiaoyun said as he took two steps forward, "Why are you so enthusiastic about Yi Ruzhen's case? Is it really enthusiastic or does it have another purpose?" "I do

n't understand Chu's meaning." Wen Tao held back With a smile on his face, "Isn't it natural to help someone I know is in distress? What purpose can I have?"

Chu Xiaoyun smiled slightly when he heard the words: "I remember when the Zhihe Bookstore case was made, the clerk once said I've heard of Xiong Zhu's death, the way that barbarians pinch off the throat but can't see the scars on the outside."

Wen Tao calmly replied: "Yes, I did say it that day, and I also said the reason."

Chu Xiaoyun nodded Head: "You said that your father took the whole family across the country to do business and lived in the border for a period of time. When Liangzhou Governor Yu was killed, your family happened to be making a living in Liangzhou Prefecture." Wen Tao's chest heaved, but he said

calmly "Yes."

Chu Xiaoyun said: "The interesting part is this 'just making a living in Liangzhou Prefecture'."

Wen Tao asked back: "What's so interesting about this?"

"This sentence can be interpreted in two ways. One is that your family happened to be making a living in the boundary of Liangzhou Prefecture at that time, that is, making a living in the prefecture and county under the jurisdiction of Liangzhou Prefecture; Doing business. The former is of course not interesting, but the latter is." Chu Xiaoyun looked at Wen Tao and said.

Wen Tao smirked: "Chu catcher has such a broad mind, just being a catcher has wronged you, I think the position of master may be more suitable for you."

Chu Xiaoyun nodded: "Thank you for the clerk's praise. I passed the "Frontier Fortress" "Records" learned that Liangzhou Prefecture was negotiating with a grain merchant about our army's transfer of military rations when Mr. Yu was killed. The Liangzhou Prefecture was killed that day not only Mr. Yu, the prefect, but also the grain merchant." Chu Xiaoyun

said Stop here and look straight at Wen Tao.

"So?" Wen Tao's expression changed rapidly at the moment, emotions such as sadness, pain, anger and so on finally merged together, and finally he asked while clenching his fists.

"The grain merchant is also surnamed Wen. He took his six-year-old son to the banquet that day, and the six-year-old child saw his father die tragically afterwards." Chu Xiaoyun said.

Wen Tao smiled instead of anger: "So? Shouldn't that child hate him? He lost his father when he was young, and he is lonely as a teenager. Anyone who colludes with the barbarians will die! The court did nothing, so what's wrong with taking revenge on your own? "

Chu Xiaoyun looked at him sadly: "Then what's wrong with Yi Ruzhen? She's just a country girl, and she got lucky for a while because of her kindness." "

Yi Ruzhen... Yi Ruzhen... I didn't I thought about killing her, but I didn't do anything to her, and I didn't expect the result to be like this! I have already planned, as soon as that bitch makes a move, I will ventilate Wang Yu. Who knows, who knows halfway A lowly girl ran out and killed people for no reason... Yi Ruzhen, Yi Ruzhen was not killed by me. How could she have died if she hadn't married into a family of King Yan's party feathers colluding with the Hu people? Yes, it's Wang Yu, it's Wang Yu. Yu, it was Wang Yu who killed her..." Wen Tao had lost his usual personable manner and became a little crazy.

"What kind of thing is Wang Yu? He relies on the Wang family, and their Wang family relies on Wang Jian, the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, to be King Yan's minion, to run rampant in Hejing County, to corrupt the law, oppress the people, and exclude his colleagues, not to mention that what King Yan wants to do has already been Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone knows that I am eliminating harm for the people! However, what is unexpected is that Wang Yu is so cunning, leaving behind all the way, and now he can still save a dog's life, really the court has no eyes!"

When Wen Tao said this, Yi's father opened his eyes wide in disbelief, staring straight at Wen Tao, and didn't respond for a while.

"It turns out that you are really the child recorded in the Liangzhou chapter of "Frontier Fortress Records." Chu Xiaoyun was silent for a while, then shook his head sadly, "You didn't intend to kill her, and of course you didn't do anything to her, you She just revealed to Wang Yu's regular wife that she shared with her natal family that Wang Yu wanted to promote her to be a common wife.

" What else do you need to do? You don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of you. Yi Ruzhen's death, the Wang family will try their best to hide it, and Wang Yu has a deep affection for Yi Ruzhen, and the Wang family's father and son turned against each other. The situation is inevitable. The county magistrate and other human resources to protect the Wang family must be involved in it, and it is a foregone conclusion. You think that Yan Wang's party's intention to conspire against the crime is unforgivable, and I don't know until the end, do you still remember your original intention?" Wen Tao lost his strength

. Leaning against the dilapidated wooden wall of Yi's house, he murmured for a long time: "I didn't intend to harm anyone, I just wanted revenge. I didn't break the law. I'm different from King Yan, Wang Yu and the others..." "Are

you You haven't broken the law, but what about your conscience?" Chu Xiaoyun asked, "You feel that you will be rewarded for your great revenge and eliminate harm for the people, but when you face the little baby in the swaddle and the gray-haired old man in front of you Can you still feel calm in your heart?"

Wen Tao looked at Yi's father, the rural farmer who had believed in him at the beginning, now faced with him, one of the planners of his daughter's death, besides being unbelievable, he was more incredulous. expect. Expect him to utter denials, expect him to rebut.

The more this is the case, the more difficult it is for those refuting words to come out. That dimpled face and the baby crying from the room behind him broke Wen Tao's emotions. With a howl, he ran out of Yi's simple courtyard.

"...Chu, catch the head of Chu..." After Wen Tao ran away, Yi's father looked at Chu Xiaoyun and shouted, spreading the money bag in his hand with trembling hands and said to Chu Xiaoyun, "This, this is, this is It's the money that the clerk gave me earlier..."

Chu Xiaoyun put the money bag back together and put it in Yi's father's hand: "Here it is, you take it. This is what he should do, and it's what you should take. Take it well Bring up the child."

Yi's father held the money bag and wept bitterly: "Zhen'er, my Zhen'er..."

Saying goodbye to Yi's father, Chu Xiaoyun embarked on the road back to the Yamen with a heavy heart. After verifying the confusion in my heart, my heart was not relieved at all, but became more and more heavy. As a law enforcement officer, his mission has already been completed, but in the face of such an ending, he doesn't know who to blame.

It's just that he didn't expect that there were even more unexpected things waiting for him.

In a field that was about to enter the city, Chu Xiaoyun found Wen Tao lying in a pool of blood from a distance.

"The clerk—" Chu Xiaoyun was startled, he ran towards Wen Tao desperately while holding his saber.

Running to Wen Tao's side, he pulled out his saber, turned around, and after confirming that there was no danger, he picked up Wen Tao, leaned against his arms, and asked in a panic: "Scribe, clerk, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" What? Where are you injured? Tell me, I will help you stop the bleeding... Ah, here, here too... Clerk, don't be afraid, I will take you to Master Yu, he has superb medical skills and will definitely heal you... "

Wen Tao's mouth was full of blood, but after seeing Chu Xiaoyun, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, grinning with a bloody mouth: "...I, I'm going to pay Yi Ruzhen, pay, pay for my life... This... this is... my, my best end..."

Chu Xiaoyun shook his head: "No, you won't die, tell me, who hit you so cruelly! Who is it?"

Wen Tao looked at him, speechless, with a pair of eyes that were originally in good spirits. Eyes gradually began to astigmatism. The poisoned teacup in his small room flashed across Chu Xiaoyun's mind. He hugged Wen Tao tightly and asked anxiously, "Then tell me, is the person who harmed you an insider or an outsider?"

"" With a voice as thin as a mosquito, Wen Tao revealed the last smile in his life and closed his eyes.

"The clerk—" Chu Xiaoyun shouted. But the person in his arms could no longer respond to him.

Chu Xiaoyun hugged Wen Tao's body covered in blood, and walked back to the county step by step, his body was also covered in blood. Along the way, the common people do not fail to retreat. When he entered the city gate, he was stopped by the officers and soldiers guarding the city, but he didn't say a word, and the two sides were in a stalemate at the city gate. Soon a team of patrolling policemen passed by and were shocked to see this scene.

The leading arrester stepped forward to talk to him, but Chu Xiaoyun didn't answer. The arrester had no choice but to communicate with the generals defending the city and let him enter the city. It's not that the generals guarding the city didn't know Chu Xiaoyun's name. Seeing Chu Xiaoyun hugging a dead blood man covered in blood and looking like he was wandering, after being shocked, he didn't know what the situation was, so he consciously let him block him. There is no way to scare the people there. After asking the patrol captain to sign a document requiring that team of police officers to accompany him throughout the journey, he let Chu Xiaoyun enter the city and sent a team of people to follow him.

Chu Xiaoyun carried Wen Tao's body and walked towards the county government step by step. Going back this time, he took a different path than when he left the city, and he had to pass Zhihe Bookstore. In the past, this time was the time when Zhihe Academy finished school. The students at the gate were bustling with each other, but today the gate is deserted. The gate is still locked, and the plaque of Zhihe Bookstore has long since disappeared.

The captain of the police who was following Chu Xiaoyun saw that Chu Xiaoyun's gaze fell on the place where the door plaque of Zhihe Bookstore used to hang, and hurried forward to report: "Captain, shopkeeper Duan's family has moved out today."

Chu Xiaoyun withdrew his gaze from the door plaque, stood there for a while and continued walking. The captain of the police waved his hand to let his men follow.

Chu Xiaoyun carried Wen Tao's gradually stiff corpse and continued walking, but he couldn't help but think of a song he learned in his childhood class in his previous life: [The grass is green, the water is green, how about Nanpu injury?

Life is rarely a happy gathering, but there are many separations.

There are thousands of strands of love, a glass of wine, and the sound of the flute.

Ask you when to come here, don't linger when you come...] (Note 1)

The author has something to say: [Note 1]: The song at the end of this article is "Farewell Song" written by artist Li Shutong, "Chengnan "Old Things" theme song excerpt.

Well, this case has come to an end, let us look forward to the next case tomorrow.

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