Chapter 150

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Wickingham summoned them to talk to understand the situation of that section of waterway. This is also the reason why Wei Jinghan sent Fang Lingfeng to Fangchuan County later.

The Pingjiang River basin is very wide, mainly running from east to west, but the tributary in Fangchuan is running from north to south, and the narrowest point is only a few dozen miles away from another big river that can go north to the capital directly. If the two rivers can be connected, it can save a lot of time and cost of shipping northward. In this way, not only can business and trade be able to obtain great economic benefits on weekdays, but if Dacheng goes to war with the Hu people, the war preparation materials can be continuously transported from the south to the capital and transported to the front line. The benefits of this are far from being measurable in money.

But now Dacheng needs to accumulate national power on the one hand, and on the other hand, the domestic struggle between imperial power and royal power has not yet ended, so it cannot spare time to complete the huge project of opening up the two major water systems. But Wei Jingham had already taken a step forward, so he acted in this case.

While speaking, Wei Jinghan had already taken out two maps. One is a map of the waters of the Pingjiang River, and the other is a map of the Dacheng area, and we will discuss it with you.

Hearing Wei Jinghan's inquiry and looking at the map on the case table, Yu He looked around anxiously: "My lord, I'm a commoner who doesn't know the secrets of the yamen." Wei Jinghan smiled and said: "

You Going with Xiaoyun, I also know something about the water area. Besides, this matter is also related to the case. If you find out the identity of the corpse at the first time, you should treat it as a case. You can also give me some opinions. Listen to it It doesn't matter."

Yu He stayed behind.

Chu Xiaoyun described the scenes in the waterway one by one, and pointed to a location on the map of the Pingjiang water area: "According to this map, the big mountain should be at this location, climb over this big mountain, and go for more than ten miles , is another tributary of water washing. According to the picture, it is indeed very close. It's just that no one knows where this waterway flows after it enters the mountain and becomes a hidden river."

Wei Jinghan frowned and looked at the mountain range Chu Xiaoyun pointed at, and couldn't help sighing: "It's too close. If this waterway can be opened up, it will be a great help to the north-south freight." He gestured on Dacheng's

map Looking at the distance between the Fangchuan Waterway and the capital, and the distance between the capital and the border gates, his eyes were full of excitement that could not be concealed.

Chu Xiaoyun nodded and shook his head: "In addition to this mountain, there is also that reed marsh. The water area here is extremely wide, no less than a lake, because the small continents formed by reeds divide it, and the water potential in it is extremely complicated. In addition, for some reason, the compass is completely useless when the boat goes there, forming a maze, and it is impossible to pass through."

Chu Xiaoyun frowned. Naturally, he didn't believe in such nonsense as ghosts hitting walls, or else he couldn't find a way out by relying on Fang Lingfeng's method of using fire to lead the way. There must be some secret hidden in it, which they haven't thought of yet.

When they talked about this, Fang Lingfeng interjected: "The subordinates have already left manpower to detect the situation of the waterways around the Reed Marsh and find out the cause of the failure of the compass."

Wei Jinghan nodded. Suddenly Chu Xiaoyun remembered the physical principles learned in his

previous life: "Could it be that a large amount of magnetite is buried under the water or on the shore around the reed marsh, forming a strong magnetic field, which makes the compass unable to point around the reed marsh?" Looking at Chu Xiaoyun and looking at Wei Jinghan: "My lord, is it possible that the maze pattern in the reed marsh was artificially made, or

was it arranged by someone with the help of natural forms?"

This word attracted me: "Magnetite? Magnetic field? What do you mean?"

"This..." Chu Xiaoyun didn't know how to explain it. He couldn't say that he had traveled here, so he had to make up nonsense about what strange news he had heard. I have seen such a saying in the record, so I explained the principle of magnets according to the understanding of people in this era.

The rest of the people had no idea what Chu Xiaoyun said. Only Wei Jinghan looked at Chu Xiaoyun with interest, but he didn't question anything. He just asked, "Is it the same principle as the compass?

" It suddenly dawned on me that there was a compass in ancient times, or Si Nan, and the ancients had already applied their wisdom to minerals such as magnets. It seemed a bit ridiculous to show off just now. However, in view of the cognition of magnets in this era, this aspect is not yet popular. Thinking of this, the embarrassment in Chu Xiaoyun's heart was eliminated by half.

After Chu Xiaoyun finished speaking, Fang Lingfeng reported: "I have left my manpower to find out the reason for the formation of the maze around the reed marsh, and see if there is a way to solve it. Now that Chu Butou has a new theory, I don't know if your lord can come up with it. Da Tian listened, asking the imperial court to look for capable people in this area and find a way to crack it? Needless to say, man-made reasons, natural reasons should also have a way to crack it." Wei Jinghan looked at Chu Xiaoyun: "I don't know what Xiaoyun saw in the "

Different Is there a way to decipher it in Wen Lu?"

Chu Xiaoyun calmed down and considered his words: "If it is artificial, just find the magnets buried in the ground. To make the compass fail, how many magnets must be buried? This possibility is relatively weak; if it is a natural ground factor, it is necessary to find out the distribution of magnetite or iron ore. Iron ore is pig iron. If the reason is the latter, it will be another great fortune for my success. But from the other side Feel free to come and see, personally, I tend to combine natural causes and man-made causes."

Wei Jinghan nodded: "Since it is related to pig iron, it is not so complicated. Since my Dacheng can find a huge pig iron ore in Yunling, It is not surprising that it can also be found in Fangchuan."

Chu Xiaoyun belatedly remembered that the nearby Yunling County is where pig iron mines are frequently found, and the Hu people are rampant in this area, just for the sake of Pig iron from Yunling.

After talking about the waterway, let's talk about the dead body of the bun shop peddler. After all, Chu Xiaoyun went to Fangchuan County on business this time for the peddler's corpse.

"What do you two think about the corpse of the peddler at the bun shop?" These words were naturally addressed to Chu Xiaoyun and Yu He.

Chu Xiaoyun glanced at Yu He: "We both agree that although we can't be completely sure where the steamed stuffed bun hawker was killed, the scene where the body was first dumped must be in the reeds, and then it was taken to the fisherman's salvage place through the water."

"So we have an idea that the water in that channel is not completely static as the rumors or what we have seen. It should also be flowing, and the place where it meets the Pingjiang River is the downstream, the mountains, That is to say, the direction of the dark river is upstream. It's just that the water flow is hidden under the water, and the depth of the water channel gives people such an illusion. The peddler's body was under the water, and was brought out of the reeds by the water and floated to The fisherman's salvage place."

Yu He also said: "I think the peddler had a conflict with the person who helped him escape, and the other party killed him and threw the body away."

Chu Xiaoyun said: "In this way, there is a problem here. The interests of the bun shop peddler and the person who helped him escape should not be exactly the same. In such a tight organization, there is no situation where the interests are not completely consistent. Unless the bun shop peddler rebelled, but if the peddler rebelled, he would not have escaped at the beginning Just report it directly to the Yamen. Then what is the source of their conflict? Is it possible that this problem was the reason why they blamed Yu He in the first place?"

Wei Jinghan smiled and said: "Xiaoyun's thinking is always so quick. You You are right, their interests are indeed not exactly the same, because the bun shop vendor is from Xitian."

Everyone present was shocked, and Chu Xiaoyun was surprised: "How did you know?"

Wei Jinghan said: "Of course it was before Princess Dongling told me during the secret conversation with Princess Dongling. The peddler at the steamed stuffed bun shop was originally from his Dongling tribe. It's not surprising that there are divisions among the Dongling tribe."

Wei Jinghan said, his eyes shifted to Yu He : "Dongling Princess came to Dacheng with you precisely because of the slander case you were previously involved in, which involved the matter of Xianleguo."

"I didn't expect to find out the whereabouts of their Tangling royal family's Xianleguo expert when I came here. It's a pity that they are already dead. The Dongling princess has repeatedly assured me that their Dongling clan will never do anything in my Dacheng. This guarantee Just listen to it. There are factional disputes in one country, not to mention two countries. But one thing should be believed, this steamed stuffed bun vendor is cooperating with the Hu people without authorization, and has nothing to do with the Dongling tribe. After all, the Dongling tribe is in Xitian Their position is also very embarrassing. They want to get rid of the control of the Xitian King Quan on them, and they mainly border on Dacheng, the center of the royal city is far away from the barbarians, and turning to the barbarians will do them more harm than good." "Well, in this way,

help The person he escaped is undoubtedly a barbarian?" Chu Xiaoyun asked.

"This should still be believable." Wei Jinghan said, "Dongling County Lord thinks that the peddler at the steamed stuffed bun shop was silenced only after he discovered a major secret. This secret must involve the entire deployment of the barbarians in my Dacheng. At least some important person is involved."

"Why?" Chu Xiaoyun was surprised. He didn't expect that Wei Jinghan had already done so much work in places he didn't understand.

"Because that bun shop peddler has a high status in Dongling, in other words, she is also a member of her Tangling royal family. Xitian and Dongling are the places where my Dacheng competed with the barbarians. Inside Dongling, my Dacheng has already occupied Under the favorable circumstances, if the fact that the Hu people killed a Tangling royal family is publicized, as the organizers of the Hu people, they are fully aware of the consequences it will have on bilateral relations. Their actions will undoubtedly bring closer Their influence pushed me towards Dacheng. Even so, they killed the member of the Tangling royal family without considering the consequences at that time, which must have involved a major secret inside the Hu people. This secret is even bigger than the relationship between Dongling and the Hu people. Wei Jinghan's tone was slow, and what he was talking about was all about the core competition between countries.

"That's why after they killed the peddler, they were particularly afraid that his death would be known by the world, so they tied such a heavy stone slab and sank it in the reeds, just to make his death a secret forever." Chu Xiaoyun suddenly realized. .

"Yeah, it's just that the sky didn't fulfill their wishes. The stone slab that bound the peddler broke for some reason and fell off from the man's body, allowing his body to float downstream and be picked up by my Dacheng fishermen. This is also God's blessing to me. In this case, those pro-Hu forces in the Dongling clan will be hit hard, and even affect Xitian's pro-Hu forces. This will be of great benefit to me." When Wei Jinghan said this, his tone was quite Excited, "Just now I have reached a preliminary agreement with Princess Dongling. She is willing to go to the Imperial Hospital in the capital to help Dacheng eliminate the pain caused by Xian Leguo to the people of Dacheng." After a short pause, Chu Xiaoyun listened to Wei Jinghan again

. : "This is also a sin made by their clan."

It seems that Wei Jinghan has a grudge against the cooperation between the Xitian people and the Hu people to use Xianleguo on the people of Dacheng.

After drinking two sips of tea, Wei Jinghan said again: "Xiao Yun, after two days of rest, you will escort Princess Dongling to the capital. Aren't Su Wen and Xiao Shuyu also in the capital? You can go and see them."

Yu He heard that Wei Jinghan asked Chu Xiaoyun to escort Dongling Hanyue to the capital, he was a little anxious: "What about me?"

Wei Jinghan said with a smile: "You are free, so naturally you want to go Where. But as an official, we must send someone to escort us to show our demeanor as a state of great etiquette."

Yu He understood.

If he wants to go, he can just go along with him, and the government can't control where he goes now.

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