Chapter 113

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When they set off, Chu Xiaoyun was afraid of the night cold dew, so he was freezing and shaking Su Wen, so he spread a thick quilt in the carriage. Thinking that he was going to be busy next time, when he passed by Wang Sanqiang's house, he even called someone up to entrust the family affairs, and then he took Su Wen and the arrester who had come to report the news back to the county government with peace of mind.

On the way back to the county government office, Su Wenwo was in the carriage covered with a thick quilt, and Chu Xiaoyun was putting the carriage on the frame, chatting about Yu He's arrest with the policeman who had reported to him.

"Now tell me, what's going on? How could Yu He kill someone? Even if he did, there must be a reason. Did he miss while chasing the murderer? Also, who did he kill?" Chu Xiaoyun asked.

"When Vice-Ban Yu was captured and returned, everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it. But the soldiers patrolling the city insisted that Vice-Ban Yu killed someone and said he was caught on the spot. Master Wei was promoted immediately. "The policeman who reported the letter said quickly.

"What did Yu He say?" Chu Xiaoyun was anxious to hear that. Yu He is none other than his partner who has been with him since he entered the county yamen's arrest room, and now he has fallen into such a situation inexplicably, and he doesn't know the whole picture for a while, which makes him very confused.

"Deputy class Yu didn't admit that he killed someone, and said he only went to see it after hearing the noise, but the person who attracted the guard camp pointed out that deputy class Yu had already entered the house. The soldiers and centurion patrolling the city They all testified against Fuban Yu, and what they said was to tell the adults not to cover up their subordinates. Apart from denying that he killed the murder, Fuban Yu didn't say a word when asked him anything else. Before I left the court, the shift chief gave me a wink and asked me to report to you quietly."

The policeman who reported the report told him everything he knew, but the truth of the matter was still unclear. Chu Xiaoyun wished he could rush to the county government office to find out the situation, but with his pregnant husband in the carriage, he could only hurry slowly.

Arriving at the county government office, Chu Xiaoyun settled Su Wen as quickly as possible, and only slowed down when he was about to leave. Should he go to Yu He to understand the situation now, or should he go to the adults first? After weighing it up, Chu Xiaoyun decided to go to Wei Jinghan first.

Wei Jinghan seemed to know that Chu Xiaoyun was going to look for him, not only did he not go to rest after class, he didn't even change his official uniform. Seeing Chu Xiaoyun coming, he asked Chu Xiaoyun to sit down, asked the guard to find out the court trial record and handed it to Chu Xiaoyun, and asked the servant to pour two cups of tea and handed Chu Xiaoyun one cup.

While sipping tea, Wei Jinghan told Chu Xiaoyun what happened tonight. The general situation was the same as what the policeman who went to report to him said, but there were more details. For example, Chu Xiaoyun also knew the identity of the deceased, that he was a butcher.

"The soldiers patrolling the city said they found Yu He next to the dead body?" Chu Xiaoyun glanced at him and asked impatiently, "Did Yu He admit it?"

Wei Jinghan pointed to the trial record in Chu Xiaoyun's hand : "Isn't it written? Yu He admitted that he was squatting beside the deceased when the soldiers patrolling the city found him, but he denied that he killed the man himself, saying that he was just checking the situation of the deceased." "Yu He is the

county The Yamen is fast, and they often arrest murderers and investigate cases. Isn't it normal for him to appear at the scene of a murder? Why should the soldiers patrolling the city identify him as the murderer?" Chu Xiaoyun felt that this was too far-fetched.

"Look here," Wei Jinghan tapped on a passage in the court trial record, "the soldiers patrolling the city said that there was blood on his saber. The most important thing is that there are witnesses. Someone said that Yu He entered the deceased's house very early , It took a long time to come out. But Yu He said that he was just passing by and went in when he heard the noise."

After hearing Wei Jinghan's explanation, Chu Xiaoyun will read the trial record carefully, and it is indeed recorded like this.

The witness was a peddler who sold buns and steamed buns, and said he went to the deceased to order pork for making buns the next day, but it turned out that Yu He had entered the deceased's house one step ahead of him. He went to order other materials first, and when he came back, he walked to the door of the deceased's house and found that the courtyard door was ajar, so he went over to have a look in doubt, and then saw Yu He holding a blood-dripping weapon in his hand, The dead fell at his feet. The witness was so frightened that he ran away, and when he saw the soldiers patrolling the city, he called out loudly.

"But..." Chu Xiaoyun questioned with the trial record, "Didn't Yu He say that he went in only when he heard the noise, and the deceased was already lying in a pool of blood when he entered. When he went in and saw the deceased, as a As a police officer, the first reaction must be to find out how the deceased died. Isn't it normal to go to check the murder weapon and find clues? That's why he has the bloody knife in his hand." "But he was only one-

sided Does he have evidence? If not, it's just sophistry." Wei Jinghan looked at him quite interestingly, "You believe him, because you get along day and night. But the case is only about evidence. How thin his words are, you I am a headhunter, so I should know better than others. And Yu He didn't explain what he did near there, saying that it had nothing to do with the death of the deceased. Do you think this can convince people?" Chu Xiaoyun couldn't deny Wei Jinghan's words,

see After reading the trial record, he was even more confused, and he felt that he had to go to Yu He to talk to him immediately.

"And," Wei Jinghan interrupted his thoughts, "the wife-in-law of Lieutenant Renyong of the guard battalion was punished according to the law for being involved with the Xiancheng faction. And the Xiancheng faction can be dealt with by the law, but your arrest room is out of control." Vigorously. I don't need to say how Colonel Renyong treats me, the Jing County Government, and your arresting house? They won't give up testifying against Yu He unless you come up with strong evidence." Chu Xiaoyun

listened My heart was blocked, I didn't expect to hit someone else's muzzle this time.

"Where is the family of the deceased? The murderer only killed him and spared his family? Or is he single?" Chu Xiaoyun asked him the last question before he left. This question was not recorded in the trial records.

"Everyone is dead, and he can't answer. Now it's midnight, and it's not good to disturb the people. The relationship between the deceased will have to wait for you to investigate tomorrow." Wei Jinghan said, "But the people in the guard camp said, They discovered the case, and they will send someone to assist in the follow-up of this case."

Finally Wei Jinghan reminded.

Chu Xiaoyun took a deep breath and exhaled again. After crossing so many cases, none of them made him feel as aggrieved as he is now. He bid farewell to Wei Jinghan, and took the relevant information of the witness to visit Yu He in the prison of the county government.

When Chu Xiaoyun saw Yu He, Yu He had already changed into a prison uniform and was sitting on the straw in the cell. Chu Xiaoyun signaled the prison guard to open the cell door, only then did Yu He realize that someone was coming.

After the prison guard left, Chu Xiaoyun sat cross-legged on the straw in the cell like Yu He before asking Yu He: "What happened?" Yu He

glanced at the document in Chu Xiaoyun's hand: "Didn't you go to see the adults?" It's all in the trial records."

Seeing Yu He's indifferent look, Chu Xiaoyun angrily grabbed Yu He's lapel: "I want to hear from you!"

Yu He broke Chu Xiaoyun's hands: "It's just as recorded in the trial record. I didn't kill anyone." "

Then tell me, what did you do around there?" Chu Xiaoyun stared at Yu He with scarlet eyes and asked, "My lord asked you, but you didn't answer, Why is that?"

Yu He turned his head away from Chu Xiaoyun, and replied indifferently: "It's a personal matter that has nothing to do with this, so I can't tell you."

Chu Xiaoyun looked at him sadly: "Is it inconvenient for me to tell you?" ?"

Yu He lowered his head, and it took a long time before he said, "Sorry."

After this "sorry", there was a long silence in the cell. After a long time, it was Yu He who broke the deadlock: "We went to investigate the flow of people in Baishui Village in the afternoon. Since the death of Dunzi seventeen years ago, there was only one family in Baishui Village who moved with the whole family except for the married people." Yu He is

willing When he opened his mouth to speak, Chu Xiaoyun didn't ask

him why he didn't say what he was doing near the deceased's house, but instead discussed with Yu He about the case of wrongful eating, "Do you know why that family moved away?" In terms of the situation, he didn't know that the family he moved away didn't have an adult man like Dunzi before his death, and the family who didn't have a person who met the age of the bone case would be of any use to the case. But this is the only thing Yu He is willing to talk about right now, so of course he wants to keep talking with Yu He.

"I know, the village chief said that his daughter eloped with someone, and was discussed by the villagers. Later, he probably couldn't stand the comments of the villagers, so the family moved away." Yu He took out two pieces of paper from his arms and handed them For Chu Xiaoyun, it contains the investigation record about the family that was relocated. Chu Xiaoyun took a glance and found that the family had moved out of Baishui Village fifteen years ago, that is, three years after Dunzi's death.

This record seems to be useless, but it is the result of Yu He's hard work all afternoon, and because of the division of labor and cooperation with him, it is simply too fucked up to stay in this prison for some reason.

Chu Xiaoyun put away the investigation records and put them in his arms. In the end, I still couldn't help asking: "Then did you see the murderer when you entered the deceased's house? Or did you find any suspicious people?" Yu He

shook his head: "No, he was already lying in a pool of blood when we went, I didn't Found the murderer. If the murderer was the one who hit my wrist and caused my sword to fall to the ground, that person's martial arts should be quite strong, at least higher than mine. If he did that, but didn't kill me, he probably wanted to find a scapegoat. I bumped into it."

"Why do you think the murderer wanted to kill him?" Chu Xiaoyun asked.

"I have no idea."

After Yu He answered, there was another silence in the cell. Finally, I asked again: "Do you know the witness who testified against you?"

Yu He shook his head: "I don't know."

Chu Xiaoyun got up: "I know. Take care, I will find out the truth."

Yu He looked at Chu Xiaoyun smiled: "Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid."

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