Chapter 3

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    Wang Sanqiang devoured the pancakes, freed one hand to pick up the prescription left by the old doctor on the stone table, and said vaguely: "Brother Yun, I'll get you the medicine, why don't you go back to your room to rest first? "

Chu Xiaoyun agreed with a "yes, yes", but after Wang Sanqiang left, he did not go back to the original owner's room to rest, but leaned on the stone table to rest. The original world was in the midst of cold winter at this time, but the world we traveled to was in the season of warm spring and flowers blooming. While the warm wind was blowing outside, it was not early in the morning, but it was also in the morning, and at the same time, it was basking in the warm sun. comfortable.

He didn't want to sleep in the original owner's kennel.

About half an hour later, Wang Sanqiang came back with a few medicine bags. Without Chu Xiaoyun's order, he went to find the medicine pot for decocting medicine. After cleaning it, he poured the medicine and water in proportion according to the doctor's instructions, and raised it to the top. fire.

"Why do you cook this medicine?" Chu Xiaoyun looked at Wang Sanqiang who was more familiar with this courtyard than he was, and swallowed the words before he could say them.

After finishing all this, Wang Sanqiang asked Chu Xiaoyun: "Brother Yun, if there is anything else, just tell me. I, Wang Sanqiang, will never say a word when I go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire."

Chu Xiaoyun couldn't help laughing. But thinking of the doghouse-like room and bed of the original owner, and the fact that I would have a headache, I was afraid that I would not be able to take care of myself, so I said to Wang Sanqiang: "I don't want you to go up the mountain of swords, and I don't want you to go into the sea of ​​fire. But there is still something troublesome right now. Brother Sanqiang."

Wang Sanqiang was so frightened that he waved his hands again and again: "Brother Yun, just tell me, don't call me brother. Don't dare to be called brother."

Chu Xiaoyun said: "It's not convenient for me, can you help me change the bedding? ?"

"Huh?" Wang Sanqiang didn't understand.

Chu Xiaoyun guessed that he didn't know anything about household items, so he explained with hands and feet: "It's just to help me change the bed sheet and quilt cover. It's not suitable for me to bow my head now, lest the blood flow back."

"Oh, that's it. It's easy to talk about." Wang Sanqiang didn't know when his Brother Yun learned to be so polite. What kind of backflow of blood, he had never heard of it before. But Brother Yun has always been more capable than himself, so he must be right.

After tidying up Chu Xiaoyun's room, Wang San came over and returned to Chu Xiaoyun the twenty Wen that was left over after buying pancakes, calling a doctor, and getting medicine. Seeing that the money was running out, Chu Xiaoyun took out the thirty-five copper coins from his pocket and handed it to Wang Sanqiang: "You take the money first, buy some food and go back, and take good care of your mother. I will also take care of the Gu family in the future. Aunt Wang will rely on you for the rest of her life, so don't hang around outside."

Wang Sanqin was so touched that he didn't know what to do: "Brother Yun, I won't hang out outside, I will hang out with you from now on, you let me do it. What am I doing?"

Chu Xiaoyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he couldn't speak clearly. Thinking that if he was willing to listen to him, it would be a good thing for him to lead him on the right path, so he agreed.

The glutton in the stomach was solved, Wang Sanqiang was sent away, and the traditional Chinese medicine in the medicine pot was boiled. After drinking the amount for one serving, Chu Xiaoyun planned to recharge his energy, take a rest, and go to see the two acres of Susukida left by the original owner in the afternoon.

The room Wang Sanqiang cleaned up could barely be seen, and the bed didn't smell bad, so Chu Xiaoyun lay down on the bed to rest.

When I woke up, it was noon. Since breakfast is eaten late, pancakes with more oil are more resistant to hunger, so Chu Xiaoyun will not be very hungry. He took a pancake left over from earlier to the kitchen. The kitchen is really dirty, and I don't know how long the original owner hasn't cooked. Chu Xiaoyun cleaned two large bowls, put the lotus leaf-wrapped cake into one bowl, and put the other cleaned bowl on top of the cake bowl. After doing this, he followed his memory to look at the field left by the original owner.

The original owner's field was very close to the dilapidated yard, and it took about ten minutes to walk there. In the ancient timekeeping unit, a quarter of an hour cannot be invited.

Seeing the crops in the original owner's field, Chu Xiaoyun couldn't help shaking his head. This guy is really a jerk. In ancient times, farming was the most important thing, but the original owner's land was so poorly planted that he would not be able to harvest a few grains in a year. From now on, I will have to take care of these pieces of land by myself. If you work harder, you should be able to make ends meet.

Although the original owner left him some money, which is enough for him to live in this world for a long time, but he has to plan ahead, and when there is no hope of going back, he has to figure out how to gain a foothold in this world, survive, live, and live well.

Chu Yunxiao has always been a very planned person.

Thinking of the money left to him by the original owner, Chu Xiaoyun couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat. The original owner is a bastard. If he has wine today, he is drunk today. Who cares about the owner who has nothing to eat tomorrow? Where did he get so much money?

Chu Xiaoyun's damaged memory started to work, and he remembered that yesterday he, no, the original owner, met a servant of a wealthy businessman and said that he wanted to buy his unmarried daughter-in-law.

Chu Xiaoyun thought about it, the original owner's parents knew that the original owner was a jerk, and probably they were afraid that he would lose all his family property, and that he would not even be able to marry a wife in the end, so they had to hastily arrange a child adoption marriage for him not long before his death. They first found the girl's family, but the girl's family was unwilling to adopt a child in marriage. The original owner's parents couldn't afford the time, so they had to settle for the next best thing, and found him a couple who were willing to adopt a child in marriage.

After paying the engagement money, the government issued a marriage contract document, and the twin became the original owner's unmarried daughter-in-law. Because both of them were young at that time, Shuang'er was ten years old, and the original owner was fourteen years old, so the little Shuang'er was still raised by her natal family. Strictly speaking, it was his uncle's house.

Shuang'er is also a miserable person. His parents died early, and his uncle took all the property of his family, and then took on the responsibility of raising him. But it's not his own child, how can he be so caring, at that time the original owner's parents gave a lot of money, so the uncle's family promised both children to the original owner as child support.

With the passage of time, that twin gradually grew up and became more and more beautiful. She is a well-known beauty in ten miles and eight villages. Even the pregnancy mole between the eyebrows is deep and red, and it looks fertile. The young people nearby, no matter they are married or not, are envious to death. It is said that the parents of the original owner had accumulated blessings, and spent such a small amount of money to settle for a good-looking twin son who is not inferior to a woman in childbirth.

In fact, the original owner's parents spent a lot of deposits, and also a lot of dowry when they agreed to marry in the future. Marrying a girl is very generous. After all, after the contents of the marriage contract signed by the two families got out, some girls regretted it.

The two parties cannot see each other before marriage. The original owner heard rumors from the villagers that his unmarried daughter-in-law was beautiful, and even went to the uncle's house to climb over the wall to see her. The original owner who came back was very pleased, his unmarried wife was really pretty. He thought in his heart that he might as well welcome him back.

I am already eighteen years old, and I have reached the age to get married; Shuanger is fourteen years old, which is not too young. The reason why he didn't go to meet people after his parents died was because he didn't want to be dragged down. Anyway, his wife is there, and he can't run away, so he can still go out to sing and sing every night. Now that this daughter-in-law is missed by so many people even though she didn't get married, he doesn't want to put it in someone else's house anymore.

Unexpectedly, before he came to talk about welcoming the bride, Uncle Shuang'er came to the door first.

Shuang'er's uncle's family heard what the villagers said about Shuang'er, and they regretted that they had booked Shuang'er out early, and they went to the original owner to ask for a bonus. The bastard of the original owner, not to mention whether he has money or not. It's okay for him to take some money from other people's pockets, and there is no reason to take the money out of his pockets.

The two parties broke up because of this, and Shuang'er's uncle's family clamored to withdraw the engagement. The original owner was happy when he heard it: "You try to withdraw the engagement. Is it because I can't beat you to death, or can't I sue you? Shame on you. Get out!"

On the one hand, the bastards of the original owner cannot be entangled with Uncle Shuang'er's family. They just thought that the original owner's parents had a good family background and should have left him a lot of property. On the other hand, the original owner has a marriage contract in hand, and if he really goes to court, the uncle's family is the one who will sue.

This matter will be over.

The original owner originally planned to welcome Shuang'er back after the trouble, so as not to have long nights and dreams. Unexpectedly, Grandma Shuang'er passed away at this juncture.

When the elders in the family passed away, the descendants had to observe filial piety for three years. This is also stipulated by the law. Although the original owner was a jerk, he didn't want to fight against the government, so the matter was dragged on like this.

The original owner was still playing and singing every night as usual, hanging out with friends, poor and generous, and going out to gamble, but he was dumbfounded when the bill came.

He owed a whole fifteen taels of silver! It's his kind, the kind who can't afford to take his life back.

The original owner was in the village, but the wealthy businessmen and gangs in the county town could kill him as easily as an ant. The original owner was worried and didn't dare to go out for a few days. After being honest at home for a few days, I couldn't bear it any longer, and went out to gamble secretly again. As a result, I lost another four taels of silver a day, and now owed a total of nineteen taels of silver.

Without money, the other party threatened to break his legs. At this time, a well-dressed man stopped the people from the casino from attacking the original owner, saying that he would discuss a business with the original owner. The man called the original owner to a secret room in the casino and told him that his son had heard about the reputation of his unmarried daughter-in-law Su Wen, and if he wanted, his son would pay a large price for the marriage contract in his hand.

Shuang'er's filial piety had just passed a few days ago, and the original owner still wanted to take Shuang'er back to enjoy the blessings of fish and water, but he couldn't make up the dowry gift of five taels of silver agreed in the marriage contract, so he didn't take action. Thinking of the beauty of his daughter-in-law who climbed over the wall to peep a few days ago, the original owner was very reluctant.

The person who invited him smiled and said: "Brother, when is it? Do you think it is the beauty that is more important, or the little life? Life is gone, so you can't enjoy the beauty, right?" The original owner thought about it, and felt

that That's the case, how much can the other party pay? If the other party can pay back his debts and get back the ten tael deposit that his parents gave to Uncle Shuang'er, he will sell it. No, as long as the debt can be settled, he will sell it.

The opponent extended a slap.

The original owner was stunned immediately, and this amount of money was not enough to pay off the gambling debt: "Five taels of silver? You sent a beggar. Back then, the deposit given by my parents was ten taels." The man smiled and shook his head: "It's fifty taels.


The original owner's heart stopped beating for a second. The other

party smiled and asked: "How about it, Mr. Chu, do you want to sell it or not? With this money, you can buy a house in the county after paying off the debt, and really live the life of a son and brother."

When Mr. Chu called out, the original owner immediately floated away. He imagined his upcoming life of rich clothes and fine food, and he was very happy, and immediately wrote the marriage contract transfer letter.

The man helped him pay off all the debts, and gave him another thirty-one taels of silver. Among them, thirty taels of silver bills and one tael of silver.

The original owner then took the other party to the house to take the marriage contract.

That person walked forward, and the original owner followed him back to the county town, and went to Chunmantang to hang out. He originally wanted to call him Wang Sanqiang, but thinking that Wang Sanqiang's wife had been ill for the past few days, Wang Sanqiang was crying all day long, which was bad luck. I gave up the idea of ​​calling him.

In Chunmantang, he ordered several kiln sisters in one go, and tipped each of them. It cost nearly three taels of silver in one night, which is the annual expenses of many common people. I didn't go home until dawn, because I was too drunk and I hadn't fully woken up from the wine. When I crossed the stone bridge, I was so sick that I wanted to vomit, so I threw up on the railing, and fell down with an unsteady center of gravity, and my life was just gone. . I haven't had time to enjoy the money I got from selling my daughter-in-law.

Walking all the way back, thinking about what the original owner left him. Remembering these past events, Chu Xiaoyun said "Fuck" in his heart, and stopped in his tracks.

Wait, it seems that the unmarried daughter-in-law gave it to me yesterday, no, the original owner sold it...

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