Chapter 28

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 Su Wen took small bites of the malt candy that Chu Xiaoyun gave him, his heart was as sweet as his mouth. He saw that Chu Xiaoyun was patronizing and told him to eat, but he didn't eat it. He rolled his eyes, and while Chu Xiaoyun was not paying attention, he picked up a malt candy and threw it into Chu Xiaoyun's mouth.

Chu Xiaoyun rolled his tongue around the malt candy that Su Wen put in his mouth and chewed: "It's so sweet."

Su Wen didn't know what to think of, and his little face turned red. Chu Xiaoyun rubbed his blushing face: "Wenwen is shy."

While being funny, he told him some interesting things during the day. Then, taking advantage of Su Wen's inattention, he snatched away half of the candy that Su Wen was holding in his hand.

Su Wen looked at his empty hands, the feeling of being licked by the tongue on his fingers was still there, and his little face blushed again. But Chu Xiaoyun deliberately teased him: "This one is sweeter."

Su Wen was so embarrassed that he wanted to get under the stone table.

Chu Xiaoyun picked up Su Wen: "I'm not teasing you anymore. Wenwen, you can make clothes, and I'll see where I can build a nest for these little guys." "Okay." Su Wen who turned out to be facing the gate of the

courtyard Turned around and sat facing the house. While sewing clothes, he watched the busyness in front and back of Chu Xiaoyun's house.

Chu Xiaoyun found some incomplete earthen bricks from the front and back of the house, together with the big stones from the side of the well that were brought from the river last time, and prepared to build nests for chickens and ducks.

Just when I was about to start, I realized that building a nest is not so easy. Chickens and ducks will always grow into big chickens and ducks, and the place where animals live needs to be spacious to grow well. If you want to build a larger nest, you have to lay a foundation, and you can't build it directly on the ground, which is easy to fall. The existing materials at home are definitely not enough. The loess bricks needed for the ground can be bought, but it takes a little effort to lay the stones for the foundation and save some money. After all, we are not well-off now, and the family still needs a lot of expenses, and we have to prepare for the wedding. Chu Xiaoyun said to Su Wen, "Wenwen, there are not enough stones for the foundation, and it's still early. I'll go to the river to pick some stones and come back."

Su Wen looked up at the sky: "Okay. Then you go early and come back early."

After Chu Xiaoyun went out with a basket, Su Wen turned around and sat facing Caimen. While waiting for Chu Xiaoyun to come home, he was sewing clothes. Chu Xiaoyun ran back and forth, I don't know how many times, Su Wen saw that it was getting late, so he put down his sewing work and started cooking.

When Chu Xiaoyun came back with another rock, Su Wen called him to eat.

Hearing that it was time to eat, Chu Xiaoyun put down the basket: "Okay, let's do this for today. If it is not enough, we will talk about it tomorrow."

The nest has not been built yet, and now we can only lock the little ones in the firewood room. Fortunately, the woodshed is also empty now. When I think about it this way, I feel a little bit like a blessing in disguise.

It began to rain patter in the sky, Chu Xiaoyun quickly fed the chickens and ducklings while the rain was not heavy, and then drove them into the woodshed.

Chu Xiaoyun was sweating a lot from work today, so after dinner, he went to the well to take a shower. The weather in April was still quite cool, Su Wen said he would boil hot water for a bath, but he said he was used to taking a cold bath, Su Wen couldn't stand him, so he had to let him go.

If possible, it would be comfortable to take a hot bath, but seeing that there was only a bundle of dry firewood left in the firewood room, Chu Xiaoyun realized that he hadn't thought carefully and hadn't planned for a rainy day. Fortunately, he hadn't run out of ammunition and food. The remaining firewood had to be saved for cooking. I have to go to Yingmao tomorrow, so I have to trouble Wang Sanqiang again to buy firewood. Chu Xiaoyun thought it would be good to do so, since he asked him to do some work from time to time, he also had a reason to help him. After getting along for so many days, Chu Xiaoyun knew in his heart that Wang Sanqiang was a nice person and had quite a bit of self-respect. I used to hang out with the original owner, probably because I really didn't have any skills, I couldn't find a way to make a living, and I had an old lady to support.

Chu Xiaoyun rubbed his body, and when he rubbed his shoulders, he found a dull pain in his shoulders. I have never done such a coolie before, and my body is still a bit overwhelmed. He moved his shoulder joints, dried himself, put on his trousers and entered the room.

When Su Wen saw that his upper body was naked, his little face blushed instantly. But thinking of his own craftsmanship, he still picked up the clothes and walked in front of Chu Xiaoyun: "Husband, try the clothes I made to see if they fit." When he looked up, he saw

a purple blush on Chu Xiaoyun's shoulders, and he was so frightened that the clothes in his hands The clothes almost fell to the ground. Su Wen stabilized his figure, stood on tiptoe and reached out to touch Chu Xiaoyun's shoulder: "What's the matter?"

His words were full of distress, and his voice was a little hard to swallow.

Chu Xiaoyun looked sideways over his shoulder. He didn't see anything because of the bad light in the courtyard just now, but he felt a little pain in his shoulders, but now he noticed a large area of ​​purple on his shoulders with the help of the oil lamp in the room. He stretched out his hand and pressed the Zihong area, accidentally, he applied too much force, the pain made him grin his teeth.

"It's okay, I haven't worked for a long time. I think it was just picking stones to press it down." Chu Xiaoyun touched Su Wen's face, "Don't be afraid."

He was afraid of Su Wen's wild thoughts, and thought he had gone out to mess with people and fight.

Su Wen obviously felt relieved, but his heart ached even more. He touched the purple red spot on Chu Xiaoyun's shoulder again, and Chu Xiaoyun bent down cooperatively.

"It must be so painful. I'll rub it for you." Su Wen said as he put the clothes on the side cabinet, and pulled Chu Xiaoyun towards the bed. He let Chu Xiaoyun sit on the edge of the bed, took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed, knelt behind Chu Xiaoyun and massaged his shoulders.

Massaging is already very comfortable, not to mention Su Wen's hands, with slender fingers and round fingers, it is even more enjoyable to press on his body. But Chu Xiaoyun couldn't bear to enjoy it more, so Su Wen pressed him for about a quarter of an hour, and he pulled down the pair of pale hands on his shoulders and clenched them in his palms: "Okay, it doesn't hurt anymore." "Really?" Su

Wen Looking at Chu Xiaoyun's reddened shoulders, he was very suspicious and felt even more distressed.

"Really. It's just that I'm not used to it. It'll be fine if you get used to it a few more times." Chu Xiaoyun said.

Su Wen was still very distressed: "Tomorrow I will find some purse grass and apply it to you.

" "What is purse grass?" "Chu Xiaoyun asked.

"It's a kind of weed that can reduce swelling and blood stasis. Rural villagers usually find this kind of herbal medicine to apply on themselves when they are injured by bruises. " Su Wen said.

"Good. Waiting for you to apply medicine to me tomorrow. "Chu Xiaoyun didn't want Su Wen to worry, so he followed his words, "Go to rest early, it seems to be raining heavily." "

Su Wen said as he got off the bed, "Wait a minute, try on the clothes first." "

He said and hugged the clothes on the cabinet: "Try it on and see if it fits. "

Chu Xiaoyun didn't expect Su Wen to make clothes so quickly, let alone that the clothes were made for himself.

"Didn't I agree to make clothes for you?" How did it become done for me? "Chu Xiaoyun was very helpless.

While shaking off the clothes for Chu Xiaoyun to try on, Su Wen said: "You often have to go out, so of course it's more important than me. Done for you, tomorrow I will make my own. "

Chu Xiaoyun asked: "It's too fast for you to make such a large piece of clothing in one day."

Su Wen was a little proud.

Chu Xiaoyun suddenly remembered that when he was half asleep and half awake last night, he saw Su Wen climbing into bed, and asked, where are you going? He remembered that Su Wen replied that he had gone to a latrine.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiaoyun pinched Su Wen's little nose and pulled him into his arms: "Be honest, did you get up to work last night? How do you know my size?" He remembered Su Wen's last

night To measure himself, he took the ruler away.

Su Wen bit his lip and laughed softly: "I measured your old clothes. You idiot!"

Su Wen boldly stretched out his hand, and tapped a finger on Chu Xiaoyun's forehead. Looking down, he saw Chu Xiaoyun's serious face, and shrank back a little scared.

But Chu Xiaoyun suddenly burst out laughing: "I'm just kidding you, little troublemaker."

He found that Su Wen got along with him more and more lively, which is a good thing.

Su Wen found that he was threatening himself, and punched him in the chest angrily. Chu Xiaoyun inexplicably remembered the catchphrase in modern society, "Small fist hits your chest." He

couldn't help laughing again, feeling a little uncontrollable.

Su Wen was puzzled by his smile and looked at him stupidly. Chu Xiaoyun picked up Su Wen and put him back on the bed: "My Wenwen is so cute."

Chu Xiaoyun lay on the bed with his arms around Su Wen, listening to the sound of raindrops falling on the tiles, he said happily: "Fortunately, we put the tiles in time. The film was changed. Fortunately, it didn't rain a few days ago."

Su Wen knew that Chu Xiaoyun was worried that he was at home alone during the few days in the county government prison. If it really rained at that time and the house leaked again, he really didn't know what to do. Su Wen arched into Chu Xiaoyun's arms: "My husband is the most powerful."

Su Wen who fell asleep leaning against Chu Xiaoyun felt full of security.

Early the next morning, Chu Xiaoyun packed up the documents and documents, and was about to go out to respond. Today he put on the new clothes Su Wen made for him, which fit him well. Su Wen was also very satisfied when he saw his own craftsmanship put on her husband's body.

"Wenwen's craftsmanship is nothing to say, I feel that I have become handsome." Chu Xiaoyun praised, "But don't be so tired in the future. How tiring it is to rush out one piece of clothing a day. My eyes can't stand it."

Su Wen pouted and scolded him "smelly", and nodded. I don't go out by myself, so of course I'm not in a hurry. Husband is going to the yamen for the first day today, so of course he has to dress smarter.

Before going out, Chu Xiaoyun remembered that last time, he bought tiles, mortar, cloth, needlework, tools, and added some rice, flour, grain and oil, and gave Wang Sanqiang two hundred mosquitoes last time, which was almost enough. Now there are only more than 20 taels of silver left on him, which is definitely not enough to buy bricks and firewood, so he has to ask Su Wen for another tael of silver.

"I'll let the three strong ones buy some firewood. When the adobes come back, there are still some tiles left from last time, but I guess it's not enough. I'll buy some too. Do you have anything you want to buy? I'll buy it for you." Su Wen shook his head

. : "The house has everything to eat and drink now, so what else do you need to buy? Go ahead and come back early in the evening."

These words were very heartwarming. When Chu Xiaoyun walked to the fast turning place, he could still see Su Wen when he turned around. Standing in front of the chai gate and looking at his back. Chu Xiaoyun waved to Su Wen. Su Wen also waved to him.

Turn around the corner, and within a few steps is Wang Sanqiang's house. Chu Xiaoyun called Wang Sanqiang out, asked him to do something, and then gave him the money. When Wang Sanqiang saw a tael of silver falling into his hands, he felt like he was on fire: "Brother, that's so much. Can't you give me less?" Chu

Xiaoyun clenched his open hand into a fist: "There is no change. You Just take it, and it's not that you don't want to pay back the unspent ones."

Hearing what Chu Xiaoyun said, Wang Sanqiang laughed: "Okay. I'll definitely take care of things for my brother." It

rained a little last night, and the roads were less It was slippery and the road took about a quarter of an hour longer than usual. Chu Xiaoyun was glad that he had the foresight. According to the procedures of the yamen, first go to the place where the signing is carried out to go through the entry procedures. The signer who made fun of Chu Xiaoyun last time saw Chu Xiaoyun and smiled awkwardly: "Brother Chu, haha, welcome, welcome, we will be colleagues from now on." He is no longer

called Mr. Chu.

Chu Xiaoyun didn't remember the last time he laughed at himself: "Thank you, Brother Lu, Chu is new here, and I have to learn a lot of things, please give me more advice in the future." "Where is it. Brother Chu is serious." Lu signed and

smiled He said, "Everyone, each other."

After going through the entry formalities at the signatory, it was time to find the warehouse steward for the policeman's uniform and saber. The county government allocated a bed and a cabinet to each of the newly recruited police officers, which was convenient for shift duty or a short break on weekdays. After everything was over, an old policeman came to inform, and the newly recruited policemen gathered at the school grounds of the county government office, and Chieftain Yang gave a lecture.

The author has something to say: The second update today, and the third update later, probably in the afternoon or evening.

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