Chapter 33 Bookstore Hu Wen Case (1)

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 When Chu Xiaoyun was sent back by the people in the arrest room, Su Wen saw Chu Xiaoyun covered in blood and was so frightened that he lost his mind. Seeing this, Yu He comforted him and said, "Brother Chu's husband, right? Don't worry, the medical officer has already dealt with it in the yamen. The incision is a bit deep, but it didn't hurt the vitals. The medical officer said that it will take a few days to recover." It's alright. Brother Chu looks pale now, it's caused by blood loss, don't think too much about it."

After hearing Yu He's comfort, Su Wen not only didn't feel relieved, but became more nervous. The incision was so deep, and there was a lot of blood loss. Su Wen was taken aback. Or is Wang Sanqiang on the side busily receiving people from the yamen and sending them away.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, everyone in the yamen has said that brother is fine." Wang Sanqiang sent the man back to comfort him.

Chu Xiaoyun also took Su Wen's hand and comforted him: "I'm fine, why are you crying?"

Su Wen swallowed hard while wiping his tears and said, "I've been cut so big, I'm bleeding. It's bloody, and he still said it's okay."

Although Wang Sanqiang was not smart, he knew that it was not suitable for him to stay as an oil lamp after seeing the situation, so he told Chu Xiaoyun that he had something to do at home and went home.

Seeing that Wang Sanqiang had left, Chu Xiaoyun hugged Su Wen with his uninjured hand and sat on his lap: "One hand can also hold our Wenwen."

Su Wen blushed, and finally burst into tears laugh.

Chu Xiaoyun put his chin in the socket of Su Wen's shoulder, and lightly bit his slender neck: "Wenwen, it's inevitable to be injured as a policeman. Every profession has its own risks. You can't deny it just because of the risks." Is it right? You are not allowed to think about this kind of thing, and don't believe what other people say to you. This is the first time, I have no experience, and things are not handled properly, which makes you worry. I will definitely pay attention to safety in the future Yes."

Su Wen put his arms around Chu Xiaoyun's neck and nodded: "I only listen to my husband."

Chu Xiaoyun rubbed his face: "That's right."

Then he said: "I don't have those weird rules here, it doesn't mean that Shuang'er has to get married before going out, if you want Go out to play, if you want to go to the market or something, just go. Just pay attention to safety."

Su Wen shook his head: "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to stay in the yard. I like our home so much. Where do I go? I don't want to go either."

Chu Xiaoyun pinched his nose: "It's not that you can't come back after leaving. I mean you can go out to have fun and make friends, so you won't be bored at home all day. "

Su Wen leaned on Chu Xiaoyun's chest, listening to her husband's strong heartbeat, the heart that had been suspended before finally slowly fell back into his stomach: "Let's just let it take its course, I'm not very good at talking to people. Make friends with each other. Besides, I think it's good to do handicrafts at home alone, and it's not boring at all." "

Then, as long as you're happy." Chu Xiaoyun didn't force Su Wenfei to do things he didn't want , Thinking about getting married, he said again, "I have asked Aunt Wang to be our matchmaker, and I am asking her to find the person who will watch the day, and pick a good day for us two, and we will get married when the time comes."

"Yeah. I'll listen to my husband." Su Wen said with a blushing face. Husband is going to get married seriously, Su Wen thought sweetly. Although they live together now, but they haven't experienced the ceremony of getting married, they always lack something.

This time he was injured on duty, according to regulations, the arrest house gave him ten days off to go home and recuperate. Chu Xiaoyun took advantage of the rest of the time to ask Wang Sanqiang to find a craftsman to help strengthen the courtyard wall, change the gate of the courtyard, clean the outer wall of the main house, and pave a cobblestone path in the courtyard with the wound. Stone slabs were purchased for the vacant areas other than growing vegetables, so that when it rains, walking in the yard will no longer be afraid of muddy feet.

Looking at the completely new yard, Su Wen was very happy. Encouraged by Chu Xiaoyun, he went to the market with Chu Xiaoyun on a market day in the village to buy some flowers, plants and fruit seedlings. This time around the market, Su Wen was in charge of everything, and Chu Xiaoyun was only the grass protector.

After returning, Su Wen planted flowers and plants on both sides of the cobblestone path and the stone slabs, and planted fruit seedlings near the courtyard wall. The yard looks more warm with the decoration of plants.

"Husband, is our house better?" Su Wen asked excitedly after finishing everything.

Chu Xiaoyun looked at Su Wen's excited face: "Of course, Wen Wen took care of it, how can it be bad."

When changing the dressing that day, Su Wen touched the scar that was gradually scabbing on Chu Xiaoyun's shoulder and asked distressedly. "Husband, does it still hurt?"

Chu Xiaoyun said, "It doesn't hurt, it's itching now."

As a result, Su Wen gently pushed him, and pretended to reprimand with a blushing face: "What nonsense!"

Chu Xiaoyun thought My daughter-in-law really loves red faces, so cute. He couldn't help rubbing Su Wen's red cheeks again: "Hahaha, what I said is true. When the wound scabs, it is when the new flesh is growing. At this time, the wound will be really special. Itchy. The bigger the wound, the more itchy it is, so itchy that

I want to scratch it." Su Wencai realized that he had made a mistake, and his little face turned redder. Chu Xiaoyun laughed even louder.

Ten days passed in a flash, and it was time for Chu Xiaoyun to return to the yamen to respond. The first thing to do when you return to the Yamen is to go to the Yamen to sell the holidays there. The person who received him was still Zheng Xing, who signed and escorted him last time.

A piece of paper stained with pen and ink fell from Zheng Xing's office desk and landed at Chu Xiaoyun's feet. Chu Xiaoyun saw it and helped to pick it up. When I put it back on Zheng Xing's desk, I found that in addition to the name, date of birth, and other information on the paper, there was a portrait of a person. The person in the portrait looks familiar.

Chu Xiaoyun looked at the portrait and asked, "Who is this person?"

Zheng Xing, who was recording, stopped writing, looked up at the piece of paper in Chu Xiaoyun's hand, lowered his head and continued to work on himself: "It was the last time The manager of the Zhang family came to report the missing servant of their family."

"The missing servant of the Zhang family?" Chu Xiaoyun remembered what happened last time, "Have you found it?"

Zheng Xing was busy with the work in hand, while Ying said: "I don't know. People are free to go wherever they like. The county government doesn't care about it. As for whether the Zhang family has found anyone, it's not clear. It is said that there should be no one. If they find it, they will not pass it on." It's everywhere."

Chu Xiaoyun nodded, looking at the painting, he felt that the person looked more and more familiar. Scenes of the past flashed through his mind like a movie, and he finally remembered where he had seen it before. Isn't this the first time when I took Su Wen to the county town to play, I bumped into the man Su Wen. Thinking of that man, Chu Xiaoyun recalled that at that time he was accompanied by a woman of similar age and a child, who seemed to be his wife and child.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiaoyun asked: "Will there be a registration for the servant's marriage at the master's house?

" , If the master's family does not give a certificate of slavery, the slave cannot get married. Not only the master's family must know, but also come to the yamen to receive the marriage contract."

Chu Xiaoyun understood, and asked again: "I wonder if this servant is married?"

Zheng Xing kept one copy of the completed counterfeit sales form at the signing office, and handed two copies to Chu Xiaoyun, asking him to keep one for himself and the other to the arresting room. Then he joked: "Why do you care about a servant? Judging from the information we have on file, he is not married. Anyway, I haven't seen his marriage contract document." Chu Xiaoyun laughed:

" It's okay, I just read it and asked casually. Thinking about the person leaving without saying goodbye, is it possible that someone has a good friend and left with him. "

Zheng Xing thought for a while: "What you said makes sense. If you have someone you like, wouldn't it be normal to follow them away from home. But these have nothing to do with me." Zheng Xing took the servant's

information Put it into another pile of documents next to it: "These people who can't find their whereabouts other than slaves, the documents must be archived."

Chu Xiaoyun took the fake slip and went back to give a copy to the arresting room, and put his own share. Go back to the cabinet in the residence, and return to the arresting room.

This day it was Chu Xiaoyun's team's turn to guard the county government. Chu Xiaoyun patrolled the yamen for a few times, but he didn't see Yu He until lunch. During the meal, he asked a teammate sitting next to him: "Why didn't I see Yu He today? Has he taken a rest?"

The man replied: "No, I've been busy recently. There's no time to rest because day and night are busy. Mu. Yu He and the errand escorted the gang of thieves to the next county. Isn't Yu He from the next county? Just set off yesterday, so it should take a few days before I can return."

"Oh." Chu Xiaoyun nodded, but then he didn't understand again, "Isn't he the one we arrested? Why did he go to the next county for interrogation?"

" Huh?" The man was a little puzzled, "No, it's not that he was sent to the next county for trial, our lord has already been tried and sentenced, but he was just sent to the next county to serve his sentence. A new iron mine has been developed in the next county. Mountains need people to work. Do you understand?"

"Oh." Chu Xiaoyun nodded repeatedly. Now it is completely understood.

When he was on duty in the afternoon, he sorted out those old files that had been sorted out countless times. Chu Xiaoyun felt that his eyes were going to go blind. Chu Xiaoyun hated this kind of mechanical work of sorting out documents, especially the work of repeated sorting, which completely wastes manpower and material resources, in his previous life, and it is the same now.

In his previous life, he liked to go out to work, and he didn't like to stay in the bureau to do internal affairs; but many people like to do internal work, so they don't have to worry about the wind and the sun. It was so in the previous life, and it is the same now.

In the yamen, the other policemen basically like to be on duty at the county yamen, and those who are on duty are very happy when it is their turn. One day is to sort out those documents that have been sorted out and sorted out. It is easy to fish in troubled waters; but Chu Xiaoyun doesn't like to do these things that are purely a waste of time. He prefers to go out to patrol the streets, which is not so boring. Second, it can actually solve some practical difficulties encountered by the people.

Of course, it could also be due to the fact that he spent ten days taking a bath before.

He walked around the arresting room a few times impetuously, and went to the door to look at the sky outside: "It's such a boring day, when will there be another case?" The team members looked at him in shock

. He: "Didn't you just come back today? The injury on your arm hasn't healed yet? Do you still want to go out to fight and kill?

" Feeling the call of fun, I hurriedly followed the sound. Other people in the arresting room also followed out curiously to watch the excitement.

From a distance, Chu Xiaoyun saw another team of arresters escorting a person into the county government office, followed by some people who were crying. After the policemen escorted people into the county government office, the crying people who followed were stopped outside the county government office by the guards of the government office, and could only cry and cry for grievances outside the gate.

The yamen guards were unmoved, while the arresting gate escorted the people to the county yamen jail.

I have to ask how Chu Xiaoyun is so familiar with it, because he has walked that road countless times.

Seeing him, Chu Xiaoyun asked, "What's going on? Where did the crime happen?"

His face was full of excitement.

The colleagues around him gave him a speechless look, and told him: "Zhihe Bookstore sells Hu Wen books that are collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. When the police were investigating, they found that the informant who reported this bookstore was missing. When investigating the bookstore, It was found that there was blood on the carriage that transported books to the bookstore. So today, people from the second team went to arrest the coachman." "Did

you find the body of the informant?" Chu Xiaoyun asked.

"This doesn't seem to be there yet."

"The driver was arrested just for this? Why didn't the owner be arrested?" Chu Xiaoyun asked. This logic doesn't make sense.

"The owner is already in prison." The colleague said, "You don't expect such a big thing, so the boss can stay out of it, right?" Isn't it normal for the boss to be in prison

, but it would be abnormal if only the driver was arrested. However, the person who reported the crime was only missing and no body was found, so how could it be assumed that he was dead? Just because there were bloodstains on the carriage transporting books to the bookstore?

Thinking of this, Chu Xiaoyun asked again: "Does the carriage belong to Zhihe Bookstore?"

The colleague thought for a while: "No, but as long as Zhihe Bookstore uses a carriage, it asks this driver to help pull the goods."

None of the carriages belong to Zhihe Bookstore. , Just based on the blood stains on the carriage, it is concluded that the informant is dead, and the blood stains on the carriage belong to the informant, or was it done by the Zhihe Bookstore? This logic is too far-fetched.

The author has something to say: Finally, the second case, everyone has been waiting for a long time! ^_^

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