Chapter 73

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At that moment, Zhou Ying felt that the sky was about to collapse. She wanted to die, but she couldn't die; after trying to die several times but failed, she calmed down and told her rationally that she had to live. Only if she was alive could the devil Zhuang Di be punished.

It's just that since then, Zhuang Di's supervision of her has become stricter. In order to punish her so-called "stubbornness", every time Zhuang Di went out, he would put her in a box and take her in and out to show humiliation. She had no way of contacting anyone other than the maid who brought him food, but for some reason, that maid had always harbored malice towards Zhou Ying, which made Zhou Ying's situation even worse.

But that maid is someone Zhuang Di trusts very much, otherwise she wouldn't be sent by Zhou Ying's side. If it wasn't for Zhuang Di's relationship, Zhou Ying felt that the maid was probably the person in the world who most wanted her to die.

During that time, Zhou Ying was so emaciated that she lost her shape. But Zhuang Di's devilish voice rang in his ears: "Unless you die, don't think about getting rid of it!"

No one could feel Zhou Ying's despair at that time.

Until a very occasional opportunity, the maid took Zhou Ying out for a walk, Zhou Ying overheard Zhuang Di getting angry in the flower hall, and asked Gu Qingyun, the person in charge, why he was not dead yet? The servant replied tremblingly, the county government reported Gu Qingyun's death sentence, but was sent back for retrial many times by the government government.

Zhuang Di didn't expect that this case would be stuck at the government office. He asked someone to contact him about his relationship with Jing County. He must find ways to prove Gu Qingyun's crimes and get rid of them!

Knowing that her husband is not dead, Zhou Ying felt like she was alive again. Parents are gone, brother is in such a situation, for the current plan, I can only hope that my husband will clear up the grievances.

At first she didn't reject Zhuang Di so much in exchange for Zhuang Di's trust, but because of this, she saw deeper malice in the maidservant's eyes and was treated even worse by the maidservant.

As a woman, from these changes, Zhou Ying suddenly realized that this maid fell in love with Zhuang Di, but due to the gap in status, she was destined to be an unrequited love. Seeing the relationship between them clearly, Zhou Ying began to look for the relationship that could be used by herself.

A stiff plan for Li to replace Tao gradually formed in Zhou Ying's mind.

Zhou Ying began to take the initiative to get close to the maid, to curry favor with her, and to show that she had someone in her heart. The current situation was just being coerced by Zhuang Di. If the maid wanted to be promoted, she could help her. The servant girl definitely didn't believe it at first, but Zhou Ying believed that her words would definitely plant a seed in the maidservant's heart to realize the superiority.

In the end, as Zhou Ying thought, the servant girl finally came to ask her how to help her.

Zhou Ying said his plan: "You find a disguise master who can transform you into my appearance. Make two masks of your appearance at the same time, and give me one to pretend to be you; one of yours will be used before your transformation is completed. Use. Make another one of my masks for you to use before your appearance transformation is completed. We can exchange identities, so that you can gradually adapt to my identity and get along with your son." "Wait until your appearance changes to match mine

. It's almost there, so I will leave in your image, so that you can be with the person you admire forever?"

With the person you love forever, this is the dream of many Huaichun girls. The servant girl was moved, but asked her in a cold voice: "Where can I find such a master of disguise who is good at medicine?"

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