Chapter 16

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    In modern society, simulated portrait is a means of criminal investigation. A person who draws such a simulated portrait is called a simulated portraitist.

In the sub-bureau where Chu Xiaoyun works, there is a simulated portrait artist who is well-known throughout the country. He can draw a portrait of the suspect based on one or two descriptions of the facial features of witnesses, which has played a great role in the detection work. impetus. Chu Xiaoyun was curious and had studied with him for a while. The pencil sketch is also very good, although it is definitely far from other professional ones, but the artist also praised him, it is already very good to be able to draw like that as a hobby.

Now that the two of them have seen each other, it must be much easier to draw them.

However, there was no sketch paper or pencil and pen in ancient times, so the effect of drawing is destined to be greatly reduced. Chu Xiaoyun was a little nervous when he saw the brush and paper, but he felt a little relieved when he thought about the meticulous painting skills.

This kind of criminal investigation method also existed in ancient times, but it is not so vivid. In the costume dramas I usually watch, there are many plots where yamen servants can catch suspects with some abstract paintings drawn casually. Chu Xiaoyun felt that no matter how badly he drew, the effect would not be worse than that, right?

When Chu Xiaoyun was idle and bored in his previous life, he would also practice brush calligraphy to meditate, and this brush can still be held steadily. He recalled the two people he met that day and wrote. Soon, two figures with the characteristics described by the coachman appeared on the drawing paper.

The characteristics are there, but the person looks so abstract no matter how you look at it. Chu Xiaoyun looked at his abstract painting, his facial expression twitched a little. My painting seems to be almost the same as the abstract painting in the TV series. This pencil sketch is very different from traditional Chinese painting.

If only there were pencil sketch paper in this day and age.

Now that he was hesitating whether to tell the county magistrate, he should hire another skilled painter to paint. Seeing that he stopped writing, the yamen servant at the side walked over and picked up his abstract painting and showed it to the county magistrate, and then showed it to the coachman for identification.

Chu Xiaoyun was on the verge of committing cancer from embarrassment, but the county magistrate nodded approvingly when he saw it.

Chu Xiaoyun:? ? ? ?

When it was identified by the coachman, the people watching outside the court could also see the painting.

The onlookers started talking again.

"I never heard that the King of Hell of Chu can still paint."

"That man still looks good in his paintings." "

The King of Hell of Chu has been sued so much that he looks like a different person." "

You said he used this skill It's better than being idle all day with your right hand."

"That bit of craftsmanship is useless, would you buy his paintings?"

"I, a commoner who can eat enough, don't think about such elegant things. It's over. I'm talking about those rich men."

"The rich men don't buy it either, everyone else buys landscape paintings."

"Maybe this King of Chu and Hell will do it twice."


Chu Xiaoyun was so embarrassed that he couldn't wait to find it. I went into the hole in a certain place, but I didn't expect the coachman to nod and say yes: "Yes, yes, yes, these two people. I will recognize them when I see them again."

Chu Xiaoyun:? ? ? ?

Can such an abstract painting be recognized? He looked at his graffiti held by the yamen servant, and then at the coachman, not as if he was joking. He looked at the county magistrate again, but he didn't mean to laugh at himself. Even the members of Zhang's family didn't show that his painting was ridiculous, they just looked at the painting thoughtfully, not knowing what they were thinking.

Is it possible that all the performances in modern costume dramas are true? In ancient times, as long as the portrait of the suspect was drawn like this, the criminal could be caught?

Chu Xiaoyun was immersed in the shock of the effectiveness of his graffiti, and the voice of Pei Jin, the Zhang family's litigant, brought him back to reality.

"Do you recognize it?" Pei Jin forced to look at the coachman and said, "These two people are very strange, and they are not me and people from Jing County. My son has no grievances with them, why do they want to kill my son?"

The coachman was perplexed by Pei Jin's eyes and words. He didn't know whether it was fear or self-doubt: "This, I don't know. It should be like this, I can't remember." "My lord, is this

coachman Didn't you get someone's benefit, and you deliberately want to divert your attention here?" Pei Jin spoke to the county magistrate.

Su Wen, who was watching outside the hall, couldn't stand anymore when he heard this. He had heard the rouge peddler describe the appearance of the two strong men, they were clearly the same as those in the paintings of the coachman and Chu Xiaoyun, why did the people in the Zhang family not believe it.

He walked out of the crowd and saluted the county magistrate in the hall: "My lord, I have a clue to report."

The eyes of people inside and outside the hall all focused on Su Wen.

It is unheard of for an unmarried couple to show up in public and testify in court. Moreover, the person he wants to protect is a well-known gangster in Hejing County, which is an anecdote through the ages.

The onlookers suddenly exploded. If it was originally a whisper, it is now an unavoidable discussion.

It is probably the first time that the county magistrate under the bright mirror has seen such a situation, and he is very surprised. He looked through the courtroom, looked at Su Wen who was still standing respectfully below the courtroom, and said, "In that case, come in and answer."

Su Wen raised his foot to go in, while Wang Sanqiang looked at him anxiously. He smiled lightly and walked in.

"What clues do you have? Tell me carefully." Facing the thin Shuang'er, the county magistrate also felt compassion, and his voice became much gentler.

"Xiaomin found the vendor in Yanliu Lane in the morning who was selling the rouge and gouache left in Mr. Zhang's nails. He once told Xiaomin that he saw Mr. Zhang and those two big men at the gate of Yichun Courtyard the day before yesterday. He described the The people mentioned by the two big men and the coachman are exactly the same as...the people drawn by the servant of the family, so they should be the same two people." As soon as

Su Wen finished speaking, the discussion outside the courtroom became clear to every sentence I can hear you clearly. An unmarried couple went to places like Yanliu Lane without showing their faces, mentioned the Yichun Courtyard, and called the fiancé a husband-in-law without shame. This is simply too bold.

"Oh, what a bold Shuang'er."

"Oh, Shuang'er is really amazing now. He dares to say anything!" "

God, who will dare to go after this kind of Shuang'er who doesn't obey women's morals and runs around all over the street?" Marry!"


The people onlookers shook their heads while discussing.

"Ah, Master Zhang bought a small house and returned home. So he went to Yichun Courtyard." "

Isn't that so, no wonder their family only said that King Chu Yan killed people. They definitely don't want people to know about such scandals." "

Listen Said that his original wife was very powerful, and she couldn't have children and didn't let him marry a concubine. I heard that this time he finally let go and let him buy a pair of children who were pregnant and able to give birth. The King of Hades rescued him, and he was frivolous in public."

"Without their innocence, surely this kind of twins can't be bought back to carry on the family line?"

"No wonder the Zhang family thinks that King Chu Hades murdered him."

"Oh, it's always a disaster for women. This pair is really a goblin, and they have harmed the two families before they even got through the door." The

discussion outside the door said that there were Su Wen's, and there were also Zhang's. But for Chu Xiaoyun, it was good news.

"Silence! Silence! Silence!"

This time, the county magistrate yelled "Silence" three times in succession, and slapped the gavel three times before suppressing the people's discussion.

The county magistrate ordered the guard at the side: "Go to Yanliu Lane and

send someone to see you." The guard waved to Su Wen, and Su Wen followed him out. Out of the gate of the court, Wang Sanqiang immediately followed: "Master, let the younger one follow. After all, my sister-in-law is very inconvenient."

Seeing Wang Sanqiang nodding and bowing like a bear, the officer did not seem to be able to use any bad tricks. look, nodded in agreement.

After the guard took people to pass on the hawker, the courtroom was quiet for a while.

Pei Jin looked at Chu Xiaoyun sharply: "Did you make an appointment with that Shuang'er to fool my son together? How could Shuang'er be as bold and shameless as him? You are a fraud, a fraud! "

Chu Xiaoyun: "Boss Pei, what nonsense are you talking about. Su Wen is bold, so where do you start? I think he is very thoughtful and independent in doing things, which is good. Why is it just because he is a double Son, you have to look down on him with prejudice? What's wrong with Shuang'er? Shuang'er is also a human being. Why can't Shuang'er do what you and I can do? What kind of fraud is not fraud? You can't slander people casually."

Pei Jin was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that there would be a man in the world who wouldn't mind showing his son in public, and would go in and out of Yanliu Lane.

Among the people watching outside the door, there are also some women and married Shuang'er. Hearing Chu Xiaoyun's rebuttal, although he felt shocking, he also sincerely felt that the image of King Chu Yan had become taller.

Presumably, the world had misunderstood him a lot in the past, but it was unexpected that King Chu Yan was still a man who valued love and righteousness and treated Shuang'er as a human being. Especially some Shuang'er who had a bad life after marriage, they would be envious of Su Wen, and Chu Xiaoyun's eyes became affectionate when looking at the court.

After a while, the rouge gouache peddler was brought to court. Although he was annoyed that Su Wen involved him, he was even more afraid that he would have something to do with the murder case. Like pouring beans into a bamboo tube, he narrated the events of that day again. Including words like "Shuang'er" and "house prostitute" that he vaguely heard.

At this time, the coachman saw the peddler's bamboo tube arrived with beans, and said what he had concealed before: "My lord, I remember what that old master Zhang said in my car." The county magistrate patted the gavel

, Signaled the driver to say.

"When he got into the car, he said, 'Beauty, my little beauty. I'm coming'. Then just after crossing the Red River, one of the two strong men said, 'It's already passed, why don't you just stay here'... . "

The coachman recalled the words of the two strong men.

Another person said: "Have you passed that house?"

The person who spoke earlier

said: "Passed.

" The old man stuck his head out of the car window and looked around: "There is no shop in front of this place, and there is no shop behind the village. How can there be a house?"

One of the strong men said: "Master, you also know, how can we let the neighbors know about this kind of thing. We It's too ostentatious to go by car, it's better to walk a few steps."

Old man Zhang asked: "How far is it? I don't like to walk." "

Not far, not far. Did you see that, the house in front is it. It won't be so good if the car gets closer.

" Far away, old man Zhang smiled wretchedly: "Okay, for the beauty, let's take a few more steps." "

That's all the villain knows. They gave me money and urged me to leave quickly. I was thinking about whether they were It's not good to disturb other people's interest if they are looking for some fun, and they also pay a lot of money, so I hurried away." The coachman replied.

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