Chapter 25

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 Turning around, he checked Su Wen up and down: "Is it really all right? Did you hit something?"

Su Wen said, "It's really all right, it just hurts a little bit."

Su Wen touched his pocket the last time The fifteen cents that Chu Xiaoyun gave him was still there, so he breathed a sigh of relief: "It's not a thief either." "

Huh?" Chu Xiaoyun quickly realized, "Unexpectedly, we, Wenwen, are quite security-conscious."

Su Wen Xiaoxiao smiled smugly.

Chu Xiaoyun and Su Wen returned to Honglin Village and went to Wang Sanqiang's house first. Called Sanqiang twice at the door, and an old woman answered breathlessly from inside: "Is it Chu Wazi? Sanqiang hasn't come back yet."

Wang Sanqiang is not at home, he should be still watching at Chu Xiaoyun's house Picking up tiles will work. Chu Xiaoyun and Su Wen walked in, and Wang Sanqiang's mother came out panting. Seeing Chu Xiaoyun and Su Wen, there was a little light in his eyes: "Is this your husband? Such a handsome child. San Qiang came back and told me that you are going to get married. Yes, that's great!" Su Wen

said He put his hands on Wang Sanqiang's arms and sat on the chair.

Wang He looked at Su Wen, stretched out his hand and touched it again and again: "What a good boy. I don't know when the three of us will be able to form a family. Hey."

Chu Xiaoyun felt sad when he saw this topic, so he hurriedly stepped forward and put Put the things bought for Wang He on the table next to him: "Soon, there will always be. Aunt Wang, let's come and see you. What did the doctor say this afternoon?" Seeing the

items on the table, Wang He , I was so surprised that I stood up all of a sudden: "Oh, Chuwazi, what are you doing? You just came here, why do you bring all these things? It's not easy for everyone, you take them back."

Chu Xiaoyun said: "Go up The county magistrate rewarded me with some silver for my meritorious service in solving a case. Aunt Wang, I am brothers with San Qiang, so don't be polite to me. Tell me what the doctor said."

Wang He said: "The doctor said that my lungs were infected by the cold, and I kept coughing for a long time. Then sometimes I felt a little dizzy, and it was fine to stand still. There was nothing serious about it, except that I coughed occasionally. It's great. You still hire me a doctor, what are you spending that money for?"

"It's not a big deal, it's caused by the delay. But if you don't treat it early, it will take a long time, and the lung disease will be bad. The dizziness is probably caused by hypoglycemia." Chu Xiaoyun said, "Aunt Wang, show me the prescription prescribed by the doctor." "Oh, wait, I'll look for it."

Wang He returned to the room, After a while, he took out a note and handed it to Chu Xiaoyun, "I don't know how to read, and I don't understand what it says."

Chu Xiaoyun looked at the prescription and said, "I'll call Sanqiang back and get you some medicine."

Then he said to Su Wen who was cleaning aside: "Wenwen, we're going back."

Wang Sanqiang was also a mess. Wang He's health was not good these days, and the house was a mess. Just now when Su Wen saw Chu Xiaoyun talking to Wang Heshi, he just stayed aside and had nothing to do, so he went to help clean up.

Only then did Wang He see Su Wen sweeping the floor for him, and said apologetically, "Oh, how can I let you go to work. Put it down quickly, put it down quickly."

Su Wen put down the broom: "Aunt Wang, I will help. Don't worry about it."

When he got home, Wang Sanqiang was still supervising the work at his house. Chu Xiaoyun asked: "How is it?"

Wang Sanqiang said: "I found two people, and I can finish it today. Brother, you are back."

Chu Xiaoyun handed the prescription to Wang Sanqiang, and gave him two slings: "You go Grab the medicine for Aunt Wang, and I will watch it here now. I bought some rice noodles for the family, and remember to make rice for Aunt Wang when I go back tonight."

Wang Sanqiang looked at the money in Chu Xiaoyun's hand, a man who was quite joking just now, tears flashed in his eyes: "Brother, why did you give me money again, so much money. Oh, by the way, to buy tiles and hire someone Finally, there are sixty coins left. I only paid half of the wages of the craftsmen, and the other half after they finish their work. You will give them another twenty coins each after finishing the work." Chu Xiaoyun stuffed the money with the king

. In Sanqiang's hand: "How can I give it to you? You gave me back the money last time. Don't give me the rest of the money. Take it to Aunt Wang's medicine." Wang Sanqiang accepted the

money and wiped away his tears: "Brother, where did you get the prescription?"

Chu Xiaoyun said: "When I returned the money to the old doctor in the morning, I asked him to give Aunt Wang a consultation."

Wang Sanqiang was choked up for a moment and couldn't speak.

"Go, grab the medicine. Don't make it worse." Chu Xiaoyun said.

"Brother, I will..." Wang Sanqiang choked up and couldn't speak.

"Brother knows, you go first." Chu Xiaoyun was afraid that he would say something about going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire.

After Wang Sanqiang left, Su Wen went to the kitchen to cook, and Chu Xiaoyun used mortar and sand to build the edge of the well.

The two craftsmen who were picking tiles on the house laughed when they saw this scene. Someone smiled and said: "Hey, Chu Yan...Brother Chu, you have been in the county government, and your life has become more prosperous.

" While talking to her, "That's right. The days are always getting better and better." "

Your yard used to be dilapidated, but after cleaning it up like this, it feels different." Another person said.

"Does it look good?" Chu Xiaoyun said cheerfully, "It's my husband's credit."

"Such a good husband, no wonder you later regretted ransoming him back."

The other tile picker who didn't speak turned his elbow on the one who was speaking. The person who spoke didn't know whether Chu Xiaoyun would get angry when he mentioned that matter, so he fell silent for a while.

Chu Xiaoyun stopped what he was doing, and said solemnly: "I was wrong in the past, and it was too late to make up for it. Fortunately, it's not too late." The

two bricklayers didn't understand what Chu Xiaoyun said, but they could feel that he was not angry and still Very guilty. Smiling and comforting: "Aha, it's all over. It's all over."

Chu Xiaoyun smiled: "Yes, it's all over. Let's look forward." Then he continued with the work in hand.

When Chu Xiaoyun finished laying the edge of the well, the bricklayer also picked up the tiles. Chu Xiaoyun kept them for dinner, but the two bricklayers turned him away. Seeing that they didn't eat, Chu Xiaoyun gave them two extra coins when counting their wages.

The two bricklayers were very grateful and kept saying good things.

Chu Xiaoyun is also very happy. Since he wants to survive in this world, he hopes to gradually change the world's perception of him.

The dinner in the evening was the most satisfying meal Su Wen had in these years. After eight years, he ate rice again. Chu Xiaoyun lovingly promised: "In the future, if you want to eat rice, we can eat it."

Su Wen's whole body was radiant: "It doesn't matter what you eat or wear, as long as you can live according to your own wishes." His eyes are full of longing for the future life.

Chu Xiaoyun nodded in approval.

After dinner, Su Wen took a ruler and gestured on Chu Xiaoyun. Chu Xiaoyun asked puzzledly: "What are you doing?"

Su Wen pursed his lips and said with a smile, "I'll make clothes for you."

Chu Xiaoyun took the ruler over and made random gestures on Su Wen: "It's all said to be for you." You make clothes, don't make a mistake."

Su Wen took the ruler over again: "I bought two whole bolts of cloth. It takes so much to just make mine. We should have leftovers after each of us makes one set." Chu Xiaoyun said: "You have to

give I have to wait until yours is ready to make clothes."

Su Wen smiled: "Okay."

Chu Xiaoyun drove Su Wen to make clothes for himself, and he hummed a song to clean up the kitchen. After finishing the work, I looked up at the roof. It was so dark that I could never see the moonlight shining down. The roof is done, and the rest is to repair the walls, add furniture, strengthen the courtyard walls and gates. Originally, Chu Xiaoyun planned to repair the courtyard wall and buy bricks, and today he asked Wang Sanqiang to help him, but he remembered that he had no proper income from his job at present, so he was afraid of causing criticism and rumors for spending such a large amount of money. So I only picked up the most important things to do, and the rest were planned to wait until the yamen performed their duties.

Chu Xiaoyun tidied up the kitchen and locked the door to go back to the bedroom. Su Wen had already measured his size and cut out the pieces of clothing. Sewing has already started.

Chu Xiaoyun remembered that he didn't buy it, but Su Wen said about the thimble at home, and asked, "Did you find the thimble?"

Su Wen stopped sewing, and shook the middle finger of his right hand: "Here it is.

" Xiaoyun pulled Su Wen's hand to look at it: "Why is this different from the one sold by the store? It's still so big, it doesn't fit your hand too much." Su Wen withdrew his hand: "This is for a finger puller, not a

thimble. But it's okay Use it, let's just make do with it. Two Wen is also money, and it's not tolerated, so save a little if you can." "

What's a wrench?" Chu Xiaoyun took the wrench off Su Wen's middle finger and looked at it, although he He doesn't know metal, but just based on the tactile luster, he feels that the quality of this finger is better than the thimble sold by the previous clothing store owner.

"Why don't you even know this." Su Wen laughed at him, "It's just a kind of jewelry worn on the thumb."

"Oh, really." Chu Xiaoyun put the finger on his thumb, and found that the finger didn't fit his finger, "Did I wear this thing before? I couldn't put it on at all. And this thing wears On the thumb, it feels a bit non-mainstream."

"What does non-mainstream mean?" Su Wen asked, and then smiled, "I didn't say this thing is yours. I picked it up on the road." Chu

Xiaoyundi On the day of a court trial, although witnesses had been found, the two strong men were not brought to justice, and the county magistrate said they could not be released. Su Wen followed Wang Sanqiang home, all the way in despair. After crossing the Honghe Bridge, I stumbled over a stone embedded in the ground on the road. He, who was always gentle, couldn't help but kicked the stone, only to see a tinge of yellow in the mud beside him.

Su Wen bent down to dig out the yellow thing from the soil, and found that it was a copper wrench. The copper finger is worthless but it is also a small thing. Su Wen found it interesting, so he picked it up.

"It's not easy to explain. It's just some nonsense words I heard before. Don't worry about it." Chu Xiaoyun felt that he couldn't explain the concept of modern society to ancient times, so he simply changed the subject, "I picked it up. This thing Is it expensive?"

After all, he was a policeman in his previous life, and Chu Xiaoyun's first feeling when he saw something was to hand it over to the police uncle, he thought, if this thing is expensive, it has to be handed over to the county yamen.

"There are some expensive ones and some not so expensive ones." Su Wen replied, "This one is made of copper, and it's not worth much. The new ones are worth ten cents at most. This kind is usually worn by the uncles in the village. That kind of jade Finger pullers made are expensive, and rich families wear that kind."

"Oh." Chu Xiaoyun felt relieved, such a small amount of money is equivalent to more than ten yuan in modern times, and finding the owner is not enough to take a bus. Chu Xiaoyun returned the finger puller to Su Wen, "This is too inappropriate, let's buy a real thimble another day."

Su Wen's little head shook like a rattle: "No, it can't. It can be used."

Chu Xiaoyun couldn't help but laugh, his writing is too cute.

Chu Xiaoyun told Su Wen to go to bed earlier, not to stay up too late under the oil lamp and hurt his eyes. Su Wen asked strangely: "Husband, are you not resting?"

Chu Xiaoyun said: "Tomorrow I will go to the county government office to apply for recruitment. I will contact you tonight. I haven't moved for a long time. I'm afraid it will be too unfamiliar to go tomorrow."

Su Wen nodded: "Then you go to practice. I'll sew for a while."

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