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Dipper's car breaks down during a snowstorm so he seeks refuge in a cabin which is occupied by Bill. Dip 21 Bill 23.

Oregon during the winter midnight

"Come on you lousy storm!" Dipper yelled trying to see through her car's windshield but the storm is getting worse "Can't see a dang thing!" She grumbled squinting her eyes.

Forecast calls for snow till Sunday morning in the mean time expect 5 to 6 more inches added to an already snow packed day! Tom?

"Just great." Dipper said then her car swerved making yell some unmentionable words as she drove off the road and into a tree "Now where can I find help in the middle of nowhere?" She asked herself then took out her phone "Call Mabel." She said to the phone.

"Hello you have called the may-may and the hog but unfortunately I'm unavailable so please leave a message and I'll call back! Okay? Byeeee." Mabel's phone said.

"Okay grunkle Ford could... And.... The battery is dead and I have no charger!" Dipper mumbled then honked her horn.


"Hey!" Someone yelled and knocked on her car door making Dipper jump "Ma'am are you okay?" He asked.

"No! Can I use your phone!" Dipper asked getting out her car and noticed The guy had an axe "Are you a murderer?" She asked with caution.

"Ha! Your a riot kid the names Bill Cipher what's yours?" Bill asked cheerfully then took her hand dragging her away.

"Where we going?" Dipper asked.

"To my cabin!" Bill saw her uncertain face "I'm not gonna kill yay it's just where my phone is at!" He said "Also where I keep my deer teeth and bear claws." He added laughing.

"Your joking right?" Dipper asked struggling to walk in the deep snow and being tugged by this obnoxious man.

One hour later

Dipper and Bill are seen in his cabin near a fireplace under a fur blanket making out.

"Remind me did we end up here making out in our underwear?" Dipper asked breathing heavily.

"Just my effect on women." Bill answering huffing and running his hand through his golden locks "So you gonna call your sister or do wanna continue?" He asked licking his lips.

"Continue!" Dipper said and she locked their lips again.

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