Dinner disaster

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Dipper can't make dinner so guess who steps in... Bill! Dipper is 19 Bill is a super old demon.

Mystery shack

The shack is packed with tourists. Soos is giving tours with Melody, Mabel is on cash register and Dipper is cleaning.

"You still working Pinetree?" Bill asked walking up to his girlfriend and hugged her from behind.

"Yeah sorry Bill we got a big crowd and an one old woman is paying with pennies." Dipper said deadpanned at the end seeing an old woman with nothing but pennies.

"Dipper save me!" Mabel whisper screamed hearing complaints from people in line.

"Bill do me a favor and cook dinner for us." Dipper says returning to her cleaning.

"Okay just say the word and I'll magic-y up some grub!" Bill announced but immediately got a glare from Dipper.

"Bill last time you 'magic-y' up some grub it was actual grubs! And before that you magic-y up some burgers and they tasted like dirt!" Dipper ranted pointing at Bill "So don't I repeat don't make food from thin air use actual food and the actual kitchen to make said food!" She stopped panting.

"Is aunt flow visiting?" Bill asked getting a smack upside the head "Okay! Okay! I'll cook dinner jeez." He walked out the tourist trap to the kitchen.

one hour later

"Okay I could literally eat a horse right now." Soos say getting a giggle from Melody as they sat down in the kitchen.

"Yeah me too where's dinner?" Mabel asked looking around.

"Sweetie where's dinner!" Dipper called out and Bill teleported next to her covered in food making everyone laugh in their hands as the demon glared at them all.

"I ordered pizza." Bill said handing Dipper the pizza box and stormed out the room.

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