Flower love

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The lovely longings gives interesting results to a certain couple. Dipper is 21 while Bill is an old demon.

Gravity falls forest

"Jeff for the last time I'm not gonna be your runner up queen!" Dipper says kicking the gnome away who hisses in return crawls into the bushes like a creep "What a creep." Dipper mutters walking away.

"Hey Pinetree!" Bill says walking up to her hands behind his back "I gotta surprise for my darling little tree!" He sang smiling.

"Hmm." Dipper hums suspicious "What are you up to?" She said hands on hips.

"Psh nothing stop finding hidden layers to my good deeds." Bill said pulling his hands from his back to show her a bouquet of purple flowers making her gasp.

"Oh Billy you shouldn't have!" Dipper gushed grabbing the flowers and smelled them "Oh they smell so good too thank you!" She went to kiss him and returns it.

When Dipper kissed Bill she suddenly had a set of love coursing through her veins and she dropped the flowers and hungrily kissed Bill with more passion. Bill asked for entrance and Dipper happily agreed parting her mouth so he can explore her mouth.

"Hey Dipper oh sorry! Didn't mean to interrupt." Soos said in the golf cart wearing his Mr.Mystery costume.

"Don't be sorry Soos the best part of having a boyfriend like Bill is I can have him whenever I want!" Dipper cooed then Bill smacked her fanny making her giggle "Oh Bill!" She said snuggling in his arms.

"Uh I'm just gonna go home and try to forget this ever happened." Soos commented driving away leaving the couple alone again.

"Oh Pinetree you smell delicious." Bill said smelling her and kissed it making her giggle again.

"Just for you my Billy Willy!" Dipper replied letting Bill kiss her neck enjoying it till her phone rang "Hold on for a second." Bill continued kissing while Dipper answered the phone.

"Dipper Bill asked me to find him some lovely longings so whatever you do don't smell them!" Ford said on the phone.

"Oh Ford Bill just.... Wait a minute lovely longings those are BILL CIPHER!" Dipper yelled the last part making Bill stop kissing her neck and awkwardly back away then ran when Dipper after chasing him.

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