The demon feast

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Demons eat very bizarre things that Dipper can't stand to look at let alone eat! Dipper is 20 Bill is very old demon.

Nightmare realm

Dipper stares disgusted at the scenery before her... Multiple demons eating the buffet of the finest food in all the nightmare
Realm which is was she was told till she saw it. The demons all ate monstrously like their starving.

"Uh Bill?" Dipper said quietly brushing off some off the food that got on her.

"HURRY OR YOU WON'T GET ANY!" Bill yelled making the wind blow at Dipper then resumed eating.

"I see you got your table manners on earth." Dipper muttered deadpanned.

"Dude! I tried to grab something that looked like chicken but then that demon almost ate me!" Soos says panicked "Also I wet myself." He added ashamed.

"Your not the only one." Wendy said backing away from the table shyly.

"How can i drink this punch if I can't even pick it up?" Mabel asked trying to lift a giant goblet.

Horns blow

"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here today to announce my brothers engagement so he may return to our world and rule it with his queen." Will announced getting roars of applause.

"Thank you brother." Bill said standing up takes Dipper's hand gently "Mason Pines or Dipper is from earth so when we marry my honor shall be restored and I'll take my rightful place on the throne." He said then gave Dipper's cheek a peck.

"Uh I think I'm gonna barf." Dipper gagged from the demon food smell and throw up in a nearby bucket.

"Uh waiter I won't have what she's having." Mabel quipped making everyone laugh.

"Seriously though is there any real food we can have?" Wendy asked but no one answered making her huff.

"Uh did that eye just blink at me?" Soos questioned pointing at an eyeball which in that moment rolled away "Uh?" He looked away uncertain to what to do.

Dressing room

"Bill I love you and all but that feast made me sick." Dipper said while brushing her hair.

"Don't worry Pinetree from now on I'll serve human food in our feasts." Bill said and went to kiss his soon to be wife.

"Nope not till you brush your teeth mister." Dipper said arms crossed making Bill sigh and walk away to do that.

Bill + Dipper = 💜💜💜Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu