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Dipper wants to learn magic and the best place to do so is with Bill! If he even exist. Dipper is 13 bill is unknown.

The magical forest

- In the depths of the forest lies an old wizard with great magic far greater than any other making him the ultimate spellcaster in the land some say he tricked father time and gained eternal youth for he is the great and fearless Bill Cipher!

"Pft what a load that's got to fake right sis?" Mabel said raising her hand for a high five after reading the chapter "Sis?" She asked noticing Dipper is gone and left a note.

- Dear Mabel
Fiction or not I'm going on an epic quest to find Bill Cipher and become his apprentice if I don't find him I'll be looking for what's inside myself.
- Love Dipper

"Well looks like I'm walking home." Mabel muttered walking out the forest not before kicking the book she read "Your the reason I don't read!" She told the book.

Days later further in the forest

"If my calculations are correct by following the stars his secret fortress should be right here!" Dipper said to herself quickly mustering up all the magic she could and made a door appear so she then knocked on it.

"Yes how may I help you?" Bill asked clearly just waking up.

"Sir I'm Dipper could you do me the honors of teaching me in the ways of magic?" Dipper asked eyes sparkling.

"Yeah sure kid? I mean could you do this?" Bill asked teleporting himself behind her "Boo!" He said making he scream.

"No! That's incredible!" Dipper said excited "What else can you do?" She asked and was amazed seeing him conjure up flames and various other objects. "Well I could make your door appear that's something." Dipper said proud

"Honestly i opened the door to water my plants. I'll tell you what bring me that apple on that tree over here with only magic." Bill asked and Dipper nods.

"Okay." Dipper agreed taking out her wand making it glow as she concentrated making the apple slowly come over to her.

"Congrats kid you did it!" Bill slapped her back making her laugh awkwardly "Now come in we can make you a room to best suit your personality."

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