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So since a lot of people say that my writing looks as if the characters are yelling and it confuses them because of the capital letters I've decided to write "normal" I guess.
Alison's POV
"Emily, wake up" I say to my wife who's asleep in my arms.
She caught a twenty four hour flu but I made sure to get her all better.
"How's your soup?" I ask Emily as she sits on the bed eating the soup with a grimace on her face.
"Disgusting" Emily says back. "Ali you know I hate chicken noodle soup, I can't eat this" she whines.
"Yeah well I'm sorry to tell you sweetie but you have no choice but to eat it" I inform her.
"Ughhh" she huffs and pouts.
Laughing at the hold your nose while you eat chicken noodle soup technique that she's using Emily looks up at me and rolls her eyes.
"Okay drink this tea to wash it down" I add. "And if you're all better at the end of the night I'll reward you for being such a good girl" I quietly husk into her ear.
"But I'm being a good girl now" Emily smiles. "See I already downed this despicable soup that you call food" she adds. "Why can't I get my reward now?"
Throwing my head back in laughter I give her a quick peck to the forehead.
"Because I'm making meatball subs for the kids right now" I tell her getting up walking out of the room.
"C'mon Ali can I have a sub too?" She whines again.
"No eat your soup" I laugh running down the stairs into the kitchen.
~End Of Flashback~
"Mmm" Emily groans turning away from me.
"C'mon sleepyhead" I quip slapping her butt. "Lets see if you're feeling better today" I add placing my hand on her forehead.
"Y'know instead of using your mommy thermometer" she starts by pointing to my hand on her head. "You could just use the actual thermometer in the bathroom cabinet" she adds followed by some coughs.
"Your fever went away" I tell Emily removing my hand from her head moving it down to her chest. " You still have some mucus clogging though, Get some more sleep and I'm gonna drop the kids off at school" I add.
"Okay" Emily coughs closing her eyes again.
Since Courtney already left with Bentley this morning she left her car and someone has to drive the kids to school.
Emily's sick and we're the only ones besides Courtney that can drive in this house so that leaves me to do it.
"Mama is mommy feeling better?" Grace questions from the backseat of the car.
She doesn't admit it but Emily is definitely her favorite out of the two of us.
"She's almost better but not quite there yet baby" I let her know as I pull into the driveway of their school.
"Mama you forgot our lunches" Dylan tells me from the passenger seat.
"Shit" I lowly hiss so they won't hear.
"I heard that mama you have to put two dollars in the swear jar" Corey speaks up.
"Yeah yeah Cor I know" I sigh. "Here look just take ten dollars each" I say giving them all lunch money as they hop out of the car.
Watching them run off I look into my rear view mirror seeing Lily still trying to get out of her car seat.
"Bye Mama" Lily waves once she frees herself from the seatbelt.
"Wait Lily c'mere" I tell her getting out of the car.
With her thumb in her mouth Lily walks back over to me as cars behind me honk their horns.
"WAIT A MINUTE IM TALKING TO MY DAUGHTER!" I shout at them turning back around to Lily. "Baby I want you to take your thumb out of your mouth today and try to talk to people, okay? I ask her while gently pulling her thumb out.
"But I don't like the kids in my class" Lily informs me.
"I know baby but how would you know if you never give them a try? You might just meet a friend" I say. "You have to talk to someone else besides Grace" I add causing her to pout her lip out.
Standing there still Lily begins to cry putting her thumb back in her mouth.
She's always been the quiet and shy one out of all of our kids but she should really start making friends.
"Lilly" I whisper lifting her head up to look at me. "Please" I ask causing her to nod her head.
"Okay" she says as I wipe her tears and give her a hug.
"Okay" I say back. " Go ahead I'll see you after school, I love you" I add as she runs into the building.
Getting in the car I drive back home to take care of Emily.
Courtney's POV
It's been three weeks since Amy's funeral and everyone went back to not caring.
People didn't even notice that she was gone, that's how much they ignored her presence.
Walking into school with the girls, Max and Bentley we all walk the halls to get to our lockers.
"You okay?" Max asks looking over at me while he holds my hand.
"Yeah I'm fine" I lie putting on a fake smile as he kisses my neck.
Truth is I'm still pissed about that text message i saw on Amy's phone.
"How about we go mini golfing after school" my boyfriend suggests. "I can pick you up from dance and then we'll head to the course, get some ice cream and funnel cake and play a few rounds" he adds. "Just me and you" Max smiles.
Max really is an amazing guy and by now I think it's safe to say that I kinda love him.
I just don't know how to tell him.
"Yeah that sounds fun" I smile back cupping his face bringing him in for a kiss.
"Get a room" Brooke says causing us all to laugh, even Hannah.
After the bell ringing we all separate to go to our own classes.
Since I have class by myself I begin to walk the other way.
"Hey Court" Hannah calls out down the hall making me turn around. " Walk me to the bathroom" she nods her head in that direction.
Following her we both go into the bathroom as she stands in the mirror checking her makeup.
"Getting cute for someone?" I ask through my laughter.
"No" Hannah starts. "No one in this school likes me like that" she adds.
Even though I know that she didn't mean it in that way I still feel slightly guilty.
"Do you really think I'm cute though?" My best friend asks.
"Yeah" I say without hesitation.
"No I'm not" Hannah denies it.
"Hannah you're freaking gorgeous" I declare making her look up at me in the mirror as we smile at each other.

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now