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"Got everything?" Pam asked her granddaughter once the girl got back in the car.

The kids were scheduled to stay with Emily's parents for the night and that was still the plan. But Corey being the forgetful one of the DiLaurentis-Fields clan she forgot her inhaler back at home. Pam agreed to drive her back to the house to grab it but when Corey finally went back to get it she walked in to the sound of her moms fighting about something. Fighting usually meant nothing to the kid, especially since her moms fought over stupid things literally all the time; But this time it sounded different. They were louder and it sounded bad. From what Corey could see from her bedroom Emily stormed out leaving Alison Crying. She didn't say anything or even let her mom know that she was in the house. All she did was grab what she came home to get before sliding back out of the side door.

"Corey" Wayne called her name this time gaining her attention.

"Huh?" She questioned them.

"What's wrong?" Her grandfather asked her.

"Nothing, I got it" she quipped showing them her inhaler as they pulled off and she stared back at the house.

Things were a bit weird since earlier today when Mechelle first told Courtney that he loved her. He said that they could just forget about what he said and pretend that it never happened but who was he kidding? Courtney wouldn't be able to forget that if her life depended on it and neither could he.

"You passed my house" Courtney let him know but he continued to drive.

"Yeah I know" Mechelle responded. "I told you that Hannah needs someone to babysit so I'm going over there to meet her" he announced making Courtney's eyes go wide.

"Mechelle, you were there when she said that she hates me right?" The blonde asked causing her boyfriend to nod his head. "Which means she actually hates me, take me home I'm not going over there" she complained and whined.

"Courtney, Hannah doesn't hate you" he told her while taking his eyes off of the road for a split second.

"Yes, Mechelle she does Which is why I want you to take me...MECHELLE LOOK OUT!" Courtney screamed making the boy quickly look back to the road seeing a kid trying to get out of the way of the car.

He rapidly turned the steering wheel swerving the car in the other direction as the boy fell and rolled in the street while the car rolled over something making a cracking sound.

Mechelle stopped the car and hopped out to see if the kid was okay along with Courtney following behind him.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see you th...

"Fuck shit man look what you did to my board" the other long haired boy hissed.

"Look what I did? Mechelle rhetorically asked. "You were the one in the middle of the road doing skateboard tricks" he shot back.

"Mechelle, stop" Courtney scolded her boyfriend. "Are you okay?" She asked the kid. "You're not hurt are you?" She added in.

"Can you call my mom?" He asked Courtney. "I have no way to get home now since your friend broke my board and I'm having really bad pains in my neck and back" the dusty brown haired boy started whimpering.


"Just go, Mechelle you're not helping" she cut him off. "Sure, I'll call, what's your name?" She interrogated.

"Leo" the boy lied to her while still pretending to be in pain. "Ahhhhhhh" he started to scream as if he was actually hurting now rolling on the ground grabbing his back.

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now