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My collage ☝🏽😁
Courtney's POV

"You do realize that I can drive?" My mom questions me sitting in the passenger seat. "Need I remind you that I've been driving you around since before you could walk, let alone drive" she adds.

"And need I remind you that you're seven months pregnant?" I ask giving her a look now that we're stopped at a red light. "Mama said that you need to relax and you're carrying my baby brother so I kinda need you to listen to her" I say.

"I am listening to her" mom tells me.

"So be quiet and let me drive" I say with a smirk. "Besides, you just said that you've been driving me around my whole life" I add in. "Now it's time for me to drive you" I say making her smile.

"Fine but once he pops out it's changing diapers for you and driving for me" she replies.

"Diapers are fine with me"I respond. "I'll need all the practice since I'm gonna be changing yours and mamas diapers soon" I joke making her pinch my arm and twist the skin. "Ouchh mom" I wince in pain.

"That's for calling us old" she scolds making me laugh as I park in the lot at school.

Exiting the car I walk over to my moms side to open the door for her.

"Meet me here after school" I tell her as she struggles to get out of the car. "And don't be late" I mock what she and mama say to us kids on a daily basis.

Today The elementary school went on a field trip so Mama couldn't be here to drive mom since she and Brian are chaperones for the kids.

Mama says that mom shouldn't be working and should be at home getting rest before baby Nathan comes but mom refuses to sit still all day.

She's a little hard headed.

"That's not nice" I laugh as my mom flicks me off while walking away.

"LOVE YOU!" She shouts now that she's farther in the distance.

"LOVE YOU TOO!" I return the gesture before walking to my first period class.

Finally getting there I walk into the room but the woman hands me a paper.

"What's this?" I ask her looking down at the sheet.

"It's your new roster" she tells me. "Classes have been changed by the school district and you're now in introduction to music for your first period class" she gives me a smile as I give her a confused face.

"But I don't want music" I tell her. "Can you do this?" I ask.

"I can and I did; move along now" the woman declares lightly pushing me out into the hall shutting the door in my face.

Huffing out loud I look down at my new schedule seeing that I'm now in room 260.

"Are you Mister Egan?" I ask the man once I'm in the right class.

"You must be Courtney" he says flashing me his gorgeous smile.

"You must be Courtney" he says flashing me his gorgeous smile

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Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now