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"Shh, Shh, Shhh baby we're home now it's okay" Hannah quietly shushed her daughter as she rolled the stroller in through the front door. "MISSES DEE?!" She called out to see if the woman was home but got no response. "I guess it's just you and me tonight, Hope" she sighed before lifting the Now ten month old baby out of her stroller. "It's okay baby, it's okay" she kissed Hope's head as she cradled her up the stairs into their room. "Don't cry" Hannah added in just before hearing her phone ring in the distance. "Shit" the teen hissed placing her daughter down in her crib and rushing over to the phone. "Hello?" Hannah answered the call. The person didn't respond right away.

"What are you doing?" The person asked without a proper introduction. At first the voice sound familiar but Hannah couldn't put a name on it.

"Who is this?" She questioned while trying to listen and put a name on the voice.

"Who do you think it is?" They replied right away. Hannah could tell that the person was smiling on the other end by the tone of their voice; and at that moment she knew exactly who it was.

"How'd you get my number?" Hannah continued with the questions.

When she met Dani at The Rear Window Brew she could tell that she was into her. From the way she flirted with her, to the way she protected her from Ethan. It was all obvious, and honestly she was becoming a bit too stalker-ish for Hannah's liking but Dani's need for her made her blush.

"A friend" Dani answered with falseness tinting in her voice. "You sound happy to hear me."

Her wise remarks made Hannah roll her eyes. Though she thought Dani's interest in her was cute she still didn't like the thought of her contact information being passed around to people she didn't know.

"What friend? And yeah, you're right I'm ecstatic" Hannah sarcastically said back making Dani laugh.

"I don't give up my sources" she said. "But what are you doing?"

It wasn't long before the sound of an automatic click followed by the sound of the dial tone recording rang through Dani's ear. She liked Hannah but she didn't like to be hung up on. After exiting her car Dani looked up at the bedroom with the light shining through the window. Now passing the rose bush and walking up the four steps connected to the porch Dani made a fist and pressed her knuckles to the door.

"You've got to be kidding me" Hannah huffed out. "Mommy's coming right back" she told Hope and sprinted down the staircase to the door. "Left your keys aga...what the hell are you doing here?" She asked as Dani casually leaned against the doorframe.

"Can I come in?"

"Why not? you're already at my doorstep" Hannah mumbled in a snotty tone as Hope's cries resonated down the stairs and across the room. "I'll be back I have to get her to bed or she'll cry for hours tomorrow when she wakes up" she declared preceding her departure.

Rosewood was a small town, there was usually a main topic that went around daily and spread like wildfire. Dani didn't exactly reside there but since switching from North Bergen High over to Rosewood High she heard the whispers and saw the stares. Did you hear about Hannah? Did you see what the youngest Santos girl wore today? I'd disown her too if I was her mother, not to mention she has a baby. I heard she doesn't even take care of the poor child; Jessica DiLaurentis babysits all the time. She follows right after her sister and I don't want either of those little whores near my boys or girls. I hear her baby's dad beat her because he found out that she and Courtney fucked in the bathroom after third period. But didn't she like sleep with Courtney's boyfriend? Can you say orgy? The list could go on and on; however there was only one thing on that list that Dani was certain wasn't true. Hannah took care of her daughter and from what she's seen firsthand she was damn good at it.

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now