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2 HOURS LATER (That Same Night)
Hannah's POV

"Mmmm" I groan out opening my eyes to see bright white lights above me.

Trying to lift my arm up to block my eyes from the beaming lights I look down once I notice the thick brown leather straps on my wrists and ankles

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Trying to lift my arm up to block my eyes from the beaming lights I look down once I notice the thick brown leather straps on my wrists and ankles.

"Courtney?" I ask trying to release my limbs from the straps but only failing. "COURTNEY!" I scream again now scared.

Done with screaming I lie back as the room door opens.

"Miss Santos, I'm Doctor Reed" a male doctor starts now that the girls and Courtney's moms stand around the bed. "Do you know why you're here?" He questions me first making me shake my head no.

"Hannah you overdosed because of the medication that you were taking" Emily tells me.

"Alprazolam" The doctor quips. "Also known by the name xanax" he states along with a sigh. "Hannah, taking medication that isn't prescribed to you is illegal as well as dangerous" Doctor Reed tells me. "Especially if you're pregnant" he adds. "But I think you knew that" the handsome silver haired man says now staring at me as if I did something wrong.

Staring at everyone surrounding me I start to catch on to what they're all thinking.

"I didn't try to kill myself" I let them know.

"We know that, Hannah" Alison comments. "But sweetie if this pregnancy wasn't what you really wanted you should've came to us instead of taking things into your own hands" she says making my eyebrows furrow.

"I didn't try to kill my baby either" I let them know.

"But when we ki.. when we were in the bathroom you said that you were taking care of it" Courtney speaks up seeming as if she's more concerned than any one else.

"You guys I took the pills because I wanted to calm down" I tell them. "I'm sixteen and I'm pregnant and yes I'm freaking out so I just needed to calm down, okay?" I ask. "I'm not suicidal and I would never do that to my baby; can you just let me out of these things?" I question them referring to the straps but they all just stand there staring at me. "LET ME OUT!" I scream causing the doctor to guide everyone out of the room. "I'm sorry" I apologize. "Courtney tell them I'm not crazy" I beg but the blonde lowers her head and leaves the room with everyone else shutting off the lights.
Alison's POV

"I feel like I haven't slept in thirty six hours" Emily complains as we sit at the back of the auditorium while the students listen to the principal talk about our schools no tolerance rules for bullying .
"If I would've known that we'd be in that hospital with Hannah for so long this morning I would've called out sick" she lets me know.

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now