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While the drool from her mouth slithered down her cheek Hannah quickly jumped up after hearing her alarm.

"Shit" she hissed rolling out of bed after looking at the time on her clock.

During the last two weeks of school Principal Hackett told her that she wouldn't be graduating with her class since she had missed so many days of school and missed a lot of work. She begged him and let him know that she's been busy with hope since she's a single parent but of course he didn't care. He just repeated himself while she stood in his office in distress. Lucky for her principal Martin Stilinski was a little more understanding than Principal Hackett. Lydia's known Hannah for most of her life and she knew that Hannah was a smart girl. She knew that she would quickly catch up and she knew that the teen needed a break from all of the things she's been through in the last year. Being the nice principal Lydia argued with Hackett about Hannah making him finally change his mind. He promised that he would allow her to graduate with the rest of her friends but she would have to do summer school to catch up. Hannah said yes and surprisingly she was pretty excited about it but today was the first day and she was already 20 minutes late.

With all that happened last week she had been a little down. She didn't mean to yell at Courtney or even say she hated her but she was beyond mad. She was pissed at the fact that no one's ever loved her. Hannah was tired of Kyle not Courtney; But Kyle had poked the bear and Courtney just so happened to be in the bears way that night.

"You guys the movie starts in three minutes" Ailyn told the others as they sat in the arcade area of the mall with their boyfriends.

"Ailyn, We're not gonna be late" one of Sofia's boyfriends Tyler said first. "And even if we were everyone knows the movie doesn't start instantly; they show trailers and promos for about fifteen minutes" he shrugged making her turn to look at him.

 "And even if we were everyone knows the movie doesn't start instantly; they show trailers and promos for about fifteen minutes" he shrugged making her turn to look at him

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"Whatever, I'm the birthday girl and I say let's go" Brooke responded to the boy making everyone follow her.

After giving the usher their tickets, buying snacks and finding their seats everyone in the theater was seated while watching the movie.

"Hey, So There's this place that I wanna take you to tomorrow" Mechelle whispered to Courtney.

"Mechelle, you know I hate surprises" Courtney responded.

"It's true, she does" Hannah laughed. "It's been that way since we were kids" she added in.

"Shhh" Brooke silenced them. "If you're gonna talk get the hell out" their best friend hissed causing them to giggle.

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now