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"In Four Hundred feet turn left. Turn left" the gps directed. "Turn left."
"Em, it's really not that hard just turn left like it told you to do" Alison muttered. Emily chose to ignore her snarky comments but by the time the car reached the next street light Alison was mumbling another snide remark.
"So are you going to tell me what it is that I did?" Emily asked. "Or are you going to keep hurling obiter dictums at me until you feel like stopping?"
"Okay, No ones hurling . . . obiter dictums at you" Alison mocked Emily.
"Clearly you don't know what obiter dictums are—"
"I'm an English teacher Emily, I think I know what it means," Alison snarled and folded her arms. She turned her head to look out at the dark road and bright yellow street signs that they continued to pass by. "So what?" She asked this time gaining Emily's attention again. "You're just going to flirt with Julia every time she comes around now?"
Emily laughed and shook her head a bit while keeping her eyes on the road. "I should've known that this was about Julia."
Alison's tone quickly changed. "Yeah, you should've," "And you should just be with someone else if you don't want to deal with me and my cancer."
Emily pulled the car over to the shoulder of the road and stopped the engine. She didn't know what to say to Alison. She thought that maybe she'd never know what to say because she'd never quite understand what it was that Alison was going through. But that wasn't going to stop her from telling her how she felt.
"Alison, say what you have to say and get it out now," Emily said, "Because after this I'm done,"
"I'm done with letting you try to push me away because you think that you're going to die . . . Even if the treatment doesn't work and you do die I'll still be here. You'll still be the only person in the entire universe that I want and love, Alison so stop fighting me. I don't want Julia, I don't want Brittany, Paige or Maya, Alison I want you," Emily snapped. "Do you have anything else to say?"
"We have to get Court—"
"She's with Hannah and as long as I've known her she's never taken her eyes off of Courtney, so she's fine for now. Do you have anything else to say?" Emily asked.
"No." She said shaking her head, staring at Emily like her head was spinning.
Emily leaned over to quickly peck her lips and smiled, "Good." She slowly pulled out into the road and began to drive again. "I'm going to kill Courtney."

"Yeah, you're Cierra, right?" Hannah asked, still turning her head to see exactly how far Courtney had gotten. She could still see her stumbling through the crowd, which was a good thing. But she had no time for small talk. All Hannah wanted to do was get Courtney to her parents safely and leave the party.
"Does Dani know about what you and your friends do at sleepovers?" Cierra asked. "Courtney's her name, right?"
"That's neither yours or Dani's business, Excuse me," Hannah said in attempt to walk around her but Cierra simply stood in her way. "Move." She hissed.
She stepped out of her way as a grim smile crossed her face.

"Thank you

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"Thank you." Hannah said and left the restroom to chase after Courtney.
"Courtney! Court!"
"What's going on?" Brooke asked.
"Thank goodness you guys are still here," Hannah responded with a sigh of relief. "Courtney's drunk and I've—"
"Why do you love everyone that's bad for you?" Courtney asked.
Her words began to slur from the one too many shots that she had taken. Most of them were hiccups because she could barely hold her liquor, but they were still translatable and they stung just as bad.
"I've been here for you from the start and you still picked someone that treated you like nothing," Courtney said. "Ethan beat you Hannah—"
"Alright Court that's enough" Ailyn attempted to stop her ranting but Courtney refused.
"No, don't touch me," She told them. "He beat you and he raped you and you still loved him; you loved—"
"Wait, What?" Sofia asked this time. "What are you talking about? Hannah wasn't raped" she added.
"Fuck" Isabella murmured.
"How do you think she ended up with . . . Hope?" Courtney hiccuped.
"Hannah, what is she talking about? Did he?" Ailyn asked.
Hannah turned her head to scowl at her drunk friend. "Alison's on her way, can you just make sure that she gets home?"
"Hannah, Wait!" Isabella tried to stop her but she had already walked off into the crowd.
"My moms are coming?" Courtney asked before puking out what was left of the 8 shots that she drank earlier in the night.

Corey lounged on the sofa while she played games on her tablet. Every once in a while she glanced over at Dylan and Ms. Julia going over Dylan's work. It was funny to see her brother; the same brother that whined about not needing a paraprofessional sucking up to Ms. Julia for brownie points. Whenever she said bad things about herself Dylan was right there to tell her otherwise. It was funny but also despicable at the same time. He said things like, I don't think you're a cluts Julia or You're so smart Julia. If it wasn't obvious what her brother was doing to anyone else, it was obvious to her. Corey laughed a tiny bit until she heard an almost silent knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" Grace yelled out.
"No, you're too little," Corey told her.
"But I'm only two years younger than you, and mama said that I could answer the door while she's here," Her little sister explained to her.
"Do you see mama?" Corey asked Grace. "But if you want to open the door at night to a pedophile and get snatched that's okay," she said.
"Uhh I just remembered that I have to pee."
"That's what I thought."
To her surprise when she opened the door it was Charlie.
"Chuck? Why are you here?" She asked him.
"For our summer course assignment, remember?" Charlie questioned. "I brought fresh biscuits," he smiled and held up a container of warm Cadbury crunchy melts.
"I uh . . . I already finished it," She told him. "I got bored."
Charlie chuckled and stepped inside of the house. For a split second he stopped to take in the sight of her face. Everything about Corey was beautiful to him. Her facial features, her personality, even her wildly curly hair. Literally everything.
"So what do we do now?" Charlie asked.
Both he and Corey looked around for a minute. Though teasing Dylan would be fun, they had already both mentally agreed to leave him alone while he flirted with Julia.
"We could swim." Corey suggested and pointed out to the pool.

The two kids laughed together as they pranked called everyone in each other's contact logs

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The two kids laughed together as they pranked called everyone in each other's contact logs.
"Are you hungry?" Corey asked Charlie.
"No I'm fine," He answered. "Are you actually going to get in the pool? Or are you going to prank call people all night?" Charlie asked before he gasped. "Wait, can you not swim?"
Swimming wasn't an issue for Corey. In fact, it was embedded in her blood. If she had to rank herself, she would probably rank herself second best next to her mother. But in her defense, she was more worried about her hair getting wet than the actual swimming.
"Of course, I can swim Chuck," Corey rolled her eyes.
"So why won't you get in?" He asked her. "I could teach you if you want."
"Chuck, I can swim," Corey shot back.
"So get in." Charlie challenged her.
"No, Chuck." She said.
"Chicken." Charlie smiled her way while he treaded the water.
Corey attempted to ignore him but that only made him pull her into the pool.
"Chuck!" She screamed in anger. "Look what you did to my hair! Just get out!" She yelled again.
"I'm sorry, I was just—"
"You were just being stupid," she snapped at him. "Go home." Corey told him while she turned to walk away.
"Wait, Corey I'm really sorry," He apologized. "I don't know why I did that. You're right, I'm stupid and I'm a complete idiot, please don't make me go yet." Charlie begged her. "And . . . I know that this won't make it better but I think your hair is perfect, wet or dry." He stated. "You're always perfect, Corey even when you think you're not.
"Go home, Charlie." Corey glumly said but was quickly stopped by Charlie's lips.
"What do you think you're doing?!" Dylan shouted as he stormed out towards them.
"Shut up Corey," Her brother demanded. "What are you doing kissing my sister?" He asked and gripped Charlie by his arms.
"I said shut up!" Dylan screamed at Corey. "Get out now before I put you out" he gritted. "Go." He added as Charlie stood staring between the both of them with sad eyes.

Hi guys 👋🏽
Sorry for the wait.
Part 4 coming soon
Enjoy 😊

Live In The Now (Sequel to Let's Forget The Past)Where stories live. Discover now